Selena had put her writing tools away to focus on a degree that would offer her financial freedom, which is why she was now a successful financial advisor. Playing with words, regardless of how deep-rooted they flowed, didn’t pay the bills at the end of the day. But just as Octavia went to speak, a deep voice thundered through the mic.
“This is dedicated to someone… who is as candied on the inside as she is on the out.” Selena whipped around to stare at him in awe. Jordan paused. “I call it à la mode.”The mellow tune of a saxophone filled the room as Jordan took his eyes over the sea of people then back to rest on Selena. He hadn’t even spoken a word yet, and already her heartbeat accelerated double time as he cleared his throat. The audience tuned in becoming deathly silent.
“A temptress in your own right
Unforgettable; a saccharine delight
Coated with a fragrance that hypnotizes me
Only, to keep me up at midnight
Images of you replay through my mind
Soft, warm, divine…
The absence of your presence has me lost in a rhyme
Wanting, needing, a lifetime
Is it possible to have someone so sublime?
Caressing my soul even at bedtime
The celestial creation of your sound, body, and mind
Keeps me locked inside your paradigm
Let’s not pretend to be just fine
Come home with me girl, let’s unwind
Because the fever that burns within me is an extension of you and everything that we must do
Shake off your doubts and fears sweetheart, it’s time you let me love you.”
The crowd snapped, and whistles scoured from women in the crowd. Spellbound, Selena couldn’t blink as she followed the motion of Jordan’s lips as he continued.
Sweet as honey
Dessert overflowed
Coffee brown sugar; à la mode.”
The crowd was buzzing, and a throbbing between Selena’s legs damn near knocked her over. He was a fan of spoken word; not only that, a nurturer of the language. Selena’s heart bumped against her breast, and she could feel her pulse quicken. As she stood there, stuck, Jordan left the stage and strolled over to her as more whistles and snaps elevated. Envious stares and whispers went throughout as every eye in the place followed his path.
When he paused in front of her, Selena could only stare at him, amazed. She should’ve known. They’d been dating for almost two months now, and his patterns had all the makings of a poet. She was in love. It was official. The feeling was so unexpected she could cry. Not from sadness, but from reserved happiness coupled by an unrestrained fear. Selena didn’t want to think about the possibilities of their failure; didn’t want to allude to the fear of loving him only to lose him. She wanted to toss those anxieties to the side and never consider them again.
“Come home with—”
“Yes,” she said quickly before he could get the words out. Selena didn’t want to think about it. There were no more calculations to be added in that moment. Jordan had finally done what she wanted, and his invitation was fully accepted.
A smile formed on his spectacular lips, and he pulled her in and kissed Selena’s mouth. A spiraling jolt cruised around them, sending shards of heat across their skin. Selena’s hands sailed up Jordan’s arms and sank into his neck. She gripped him and kissed him hungrily, and Jordan responded with fervor.
“You’re still on the dance floor…” a nearby voice called.
Selena smiled against his lips, and her open mouth gave Jordan an invitation to consume her further. His tongue traveled down her throat, hot, spicy, and wet. Immediately, Selena closed her mouth around his slippery soft muscle, and they both moaned together.
A throat cleared, and Selena blinked, lost in her own state of abandon. Slowly, Jordan pulled back, but his hands stayed plucked into the skin of Selena’s back.