“Tomorrow, I’d like to take you out. What does your schedule look like?”

Selena thought about the date. It was Valentine’s Day. A blushing smile curved her lips. “The usual. Working, then home. But the real question is, what does your schedule look like?”

“Honestly, I have a full day ahead of me. But, I’m canceling it all to spend the day with you.”

Selena’s eyes lurched. “Can you do that,” she asked, surprised.

A grin stretched across his luscious lips.

“Of course. I own the joint.”

Selena giggled and took a sip of her cocktail. “I see, Mr. CEO,” she said, batting her eyes.

“And don’t you forget it, girl.”

Jordan took back the rest of his Brandy.

“More?” Selena asked.

“More of you.”

The beat changed from the soft jazz melody to a reggae beat. Jordan sat his glass on the bar’s counter and grabbed Selena’s hand, pulling her enticingly away from the corner. Selena took a final sip of her cocktail then sat it next to his abandoned glass as she allowed him to coach her to the dance floor. When they arrived, Jordan grabbed her other hand and slipped Selena’s arms around his shoulders before taking her whole around the waist.

Selena’s body trembled with a vibration that shook her nerves and tingled her spine as Jordan’s masculine hands sailed down her back, and hips, covering Selena’s body like a multilayered cloak. Selena began to move, chasing the beat of the Jamaican sound. Her hips rotated side to side, and Jordan stuck with her groove, following every sway of her soft twists. Holding Selena close, Jordan sank his nose back against the crook of her neck, causing Selena’s eyes to falter.

Damn, she wanted this man bad; in her bed, in her life, in every aspect of her existence. Her mind slipped to her parents, and she cringed. Her thoughts jumbled, playing back and forth; telling her it was possible to love someone for a lifetime while denying it in the same thought. It had become Selena’s vice, and a part of her wondered if it was fair to continue moving forward knowing there was a possibility of their demise.

Fact was, Selena didn’t want to spend her life with a man to only separate years later. The one thing she couldn’t get back was time. So should she spend that hoping they could fall in love and stay in that place? Or was she so naïve that even this dance was a figment of her imagination? Selena’s thoughts tossed and swayed. Jordan twirled her and pulled her back into his front. The connection of her ass to his pelvis sent a shockwave through them both in a downpour of heat that surged through their bodies.

Selena shut her eyes and let out a soft breath. This man was so hypnotically intoxicating it should be a sin. And if for whatever reason it was, it was the sweetest sin she’d ever endured in all her life. Jordan’s hands rested against her hips as they grooved together. His magnificent lips skipped down her neck and sank into her flesh. Selena yelped when his sharp teeth pricked her skin. It sent a tunnel of heat traveling through her that covered her nipples and caused a sudden drip to coax from her pussy into the seat of her panties.

She panted. Actually, huffed and puffed as if she’d been taken on a ride so riveting it made her dizzy. If he could do that from a mere dance, Selena could only imagine what he could do between the sheets. That made her nerves spiral with excitement and anticipation.

The song changed, and Selena twirled back around to face him.

“Look what you did…” he said, glancing down at his jeans.

Selena didn’t need to look to know. She’d felt that monster poking at her backside throughout that dance. Selena sucked her teeth.

“This we can fix,” she said suggestively.

Jordan’s gaze receded into a nocturnal shade.

“I hope you two don’t mind if I interrupt for a second,” Octavia said, coming to stand by their side.

They heard her, but neither of them moved their eyes away as they continued to mull over Selena’s insinuation.

“Wassup?” Jordan said.

“I need to corner my girl for a minute,” Octavia replied. “I promise to bring her back before you can blink.”

It was then that Selena glanced at her friend. Octavia’s lips were pursed with an eyebrow raised. Just then, Jonathon slapped Jordan on the back then tossed an arm around his neck.

“Take a walk with me, brother,” he said.

It was like taking candy from a baby, trying to pull the pair apart as neither of them wanted to leave each other’s side.

“I’ll be back,” Jordan said, reaching out to tweak her chin.

Selena blushed and nodded silently, unable to find words that would compete with the fluttering conundrum in her chest. Jonathon pulled Jordan away, and Octavia stepped in front of Selena with her arms crossed, breaking through Selena’s fog.

“Sooo,” Octavia drawled, “what was that you were saying about being single?”