The question didn’t really need an answer since Jordan had no intentions of letting her go. That snapped Selena right out of her coma.

“He’s not my date,” she said hurriedly.

Jordan peered at her. “No?”

Denzel decided this was the time for him to speak up. “Na’ll, she wasn’t, but she’s about to be.”

Jordan arched a menacing brow over at Denzel. The threatening look made Selena shudder, and suddenly she was afraid for Denzel’s safety.

“I don’t think I was addressing you, young man.” Jordan’s gaze glowered at Denzel. “Didn’t your father teach you never to speak when grown folks are talking?”

Oh shit.

Selena turned quickly toward Denzel and shook her head, giving him fair warning not to proceed down this path. If Jordan was anything like his brothers, a brawl would most certainly leave Denzel in the hospital and Jordan fighting off a lawsuit. Selena didn’t want to cause that kind of disarray; the media would have a field day. Besides that, she would feel horrible. Without giving Denzel a chance to heed her caution, Selena gripped Jordan’s hand and pulled him off the dance floor to the farthest corner of the room.

As she pulled him over, Jordan watched the bounce of her bodacious bottom and curve of her winding hips. He pulled his lips between his teeth and blew out a simmering breath.

When he’d gotten the call from his brother Jonathon that Selena and Octavia were going out for drinks, Jordan took the opportunity to meet up with her, wanting to be near Selena again. He’d been stuck on conference calls and in meetings all day. After the hellish night Phoebe had, she too was bound to the office trying to clear out cases that were in desperate need of closing. But Jordan missed Selena, and he noticed that with each new day, his craving for her increased. It was interestingly insane and jubilantly welcomed at the same time.

Last night when he left her house, he could sense an attitude waving off her. The problem with Selena was she didn’t want to discuss things with him, and Jordan wasn’t a man to force anything on anyone. That didn’t stop him from wishing like hell she would confide in him. But Jordan had reminded himself that when Selena was ready, she would.

Turning on her heels, Selena smiled up at him, and the hijacking of his heartbeat was titillating to say the least.

“He wasn’t my date,” Selena reiterated. “I came here with Octavia, and he asked me to dance.”

Jordan ran his tongue across his pearly white teeth and sucked air through them as his eyes covered her again. Selena shivered and slipped closer to him, sealing their bodies so tightly together she felt the beginning of a solid hard-on pushing against her belly. Oh fuck.

“Don’t do that again,” Jordan’s dark voice beat.

Selena arched a brow and folded her arms, removing their closeness by just an inch as she stepped back into a hip. “Do what exactly,” she challenged.

Jordan knew he was on a slippery slope, but he didn’t care one iota.

“I thought we had a thing going here, Selena.” Her name off his tongue melted her flesh, but she held firm.

“Me, too,” she said.

“Then why does Bozo the Clown think you’re single?”

Selena blinked rapidly; her mind in a swirl trying to make sure they didn’t officially claim each other. When she found no such conversation, she replied, “I wasn’t aware that I’m not. We’re dating. People date multiple people all the time.”

“Is that what you want?”

Hell no. “It’s whatever.” Selena shrugged.

Jordan cocked his head to the side and peered at her. “It’s whatever?”

Selena backtracked. “I mean, I’m having a good time getting to know you, Jordan, but I don’t plan to be exclusive to you if you’re going to see other people.”

Jordan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his smooth brown lips hovering just over Selena’s. Her mouth parted on a soft gasp as Jordan rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.

“But I’m not seeing anyone else, gorgeous. It’s just you.”

Selena’s heart swelled, and her throat clogged. A waitress passed them, and Selena quickly reached out.

“Yes, ma’am,” the waitress said, turning back to Selena.

“Can I have a Between the Sheets cocktail, please? And a glass of Brandy for my guy here.”