“I mean, yeah, but I’m sure they wanted to know if they were having more than one baby.”

“It doesn’t surprise me. The Roses have twins and triplets in their family. And did you see the size of Samiyah’s belly? I’m telling you, there was a time or two when I wondered if she was carrying twins.”

Octavia agreed. “Me, too.”

The waitress came back with their drinks stacked on a tray that she effortlessly balanced in the palm of her hand. With a twist, Dee-Dee lowered the tray and with her free hand handed the drinks over.

“Two Between the Sheets cocktails,” she announced.

Octavia and Selena brightened at the light-colored alcoholic beverages.

“These look great,” Octavia said.

“Yes, and that was quick,” Selena added.

“Remember that when you leave your tip tonight,” Dee-Dee suggested, and the girls laughed.

“We will!” Octavia shouted.

Dee-Dee winked. “Do you need anything else? They’re cooking wings in the back. Here’s the menu.” Dee-Dee grabbed a folded black patent slip that sat in the middle of the table.

“Give us a minute to look it over,” Octavia said.

“Sure thing, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Dee-Dee left the table again, and Octavia flipped through the menu.

“Are you hungry?”

“Not really,” Selena responded, glancing around the place.

The jazz band had been replaced with a DJ. When Beyoncé crooned through the speakers, Selena moved to the beat, picking up her drink to take a sip.

“Good evening, ladies.”

Octavia and Selena glanced to their side to find a tall caramel brother with a close-cropped haircut, light brown eyes, and a full beard staring back at them.

Damn, he’s fine, Selena thought. He reminded her of Luke Steele, one of Jordan’s fraternity brothers, but she was sure this guy wasn’t Luke. Their visitor smiled over at her and winked. “I’m Denzel,” he said. “I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. My friend and I want to know if you ladies would like some company tonight.”

Octavia and Selena glanced at a table a few rows over to Denzel’s friend. He was another caramel brother with braids on his scalp, a thick nose, and a crescent smile on his face. He lifted his drink in salute, and the girls waved back. Denzel’s friend was cute, but Denzel was the better looking of the two. Selena cleared her throat, but Octavia responded before she could.

“I don’t think my husband would appreciate you fellas keeping us company. And her boyfriend probably wouldn’t either.”

Selena whipped her head around to Octavia.

“Oh, forgive me,” Denzel said. “The gorgeous ones are always taken.”

“You’ll have to excuse my friend,” Selena said. “She’s a little confused. I actually don’t have a boyfriend.”

This time Octavia turned to glare at Selena. A satisfactory smile gleamed from Denzel.

“In that case, do you mind if I have this dance?”

Selena rose from her seat and accepted his proffered hand. “Not at all.”

Selena didn’t bother glancing back at Octavia as Denzel walked her around the table to the dance floor.