The reporter seemed flabbergasted, so she fired off another question. “Can you expand on that response, Mr. Rose?”
“The proof is in the recording,” he stated plainly.
“What about the woman in your life,” another reporter shouted. This piqued not only Jordan’s interest but also Selena’s as she stood off to the side watching him as her long black strands of hair whipped in a current of wind. At Jordan’s lifted brow, the reporter expounded, “Are you the same way with her, quiet and thoughtful?”
A simmering charismatic smile trudged across his face, and again, he quoted a famous author.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
The reporter seemed flustered as her cheeks reddened, and a blush fell over her. “So, who’s the lucky lady?” She went on to ask.
Jordan winked and sauntered off. Selena was completely taken by him. Since then, they’d developed a close friendship and gone on a few dates. On New Year’s Eve, while Selena was pondering what she should do for the night, Jordan called her up and asked if she’d mind spending her new year with him. Selena jumped at the chance, but in the moment, she played a little hard to get. She couldn’t let Jordan know just how into him she was for fear of seeming desperate. So, Selena played it off as if her entire evening was planned down to the T.
It had only taken two words from Jordan to change her mind.
“Pretty please.”
All of Selena’s pretending took a nosedive, and she acquiesced faster than she had a chance to carry on with her shenanigans. Jordan took her to Sydney, Australia, where they brought the New Year in on a cruise in the frosty temperatures of the night. Since then, Jordan and Selena dated on a regular basis. Selena had even confided in him about a book of poems she’d written in college that ended up destroyed after she graduated. That was a milestone for Selena because she only mentioned her poems to her close friend Octavia Davenport once—when Octavia entered her office and caught her doodling on paper.
When Selena revealed the leather-bound jacket, Jordan asked her why she kept it hidden instead of publishing her words.
“My aim was never to publish,” she had replied, shrugging. “I guess these words were mostly for me, you know? Something I needed to get out of my system. Besides, then it would be open to opinions, and let’s face it, I’d have a major attitude if I didn’t get glowing reviews.”
Selena placed her hands on her childbearing hips and popped her full lips, adding a neck roll for emphasis.
Jordan chuckled and nodded in understanding.
“Sometimes, things are better left in private so you can enjoy them immensely without the sake of interference,” he added, staring her down with his intense probing gaze.
Selena found a double meaning in his words, even as he’d leaned into her and gotten closer, causing traumatic jumping jacks to skitter across her chest.
“That’s true.” Selena’s voice became breathless. “However, there was that article in my college campus newsletter where I took a chance and printed the words.”
Jordan’s gaze had become even more piercing as if it turned him on to hear it. “Congratulations. That took courage. So how did it get destroyed?” his deep voice thundered.
Selena tried not to shudder, but an uncontrollable shiver fell over her skin anyway.
“Um…” Selena tried to clear her thoughts and find her words. “During the move from college, the company I hired to get my things back safely did just the opposite.” Selena remembered the condition of her journal. She remembered running her hand over the leather then flipped the journal open to reveal a book full of ruined dried up pages as if the book had been dropped in a bucket of water. She shrugged. “Oh well.”
Their rapport had been nothing but pleasant, and although they dated regularly, neither Jordan nor Selena gave their relationship a formal title.
Selena was the happily ever after type of woman. She believed in love everlasting without a shadow of a doubt. At least she did until news broke that her parents were getting a divorce. It had come just days before Christmas, and Selena initially didn’t believe it. Couples had disagreements sometimes, and although Selena never saw her parents go so far as to mention divorce, still, she didn’t want to believe them. Selena tossed those divorce “rumors” to the back of her mind and figured when they got over the spell they were going through, they’d be back to loving each other again. Nevertheless, in the back of Selena’s mind, there was a small fear that if they didn’t, life as she knew it would be devastatingly different.
Growing up in the house with her parents came with fond childhood memories that Selena cherished with her heart and soul. Her upbringing was one of happiness, and each of her parents played a significant role in the person Selena was today. She’d seen them in love, happy, and strong for one another in times of despair. They were her quintessential role models for as long as Selena could remember. The possibility of them divorcing, even as an adult, tore her apart and rushed wave upon wave of depression over her. For now, Selena would hold on to hope because it was the only thing she had left to grasp.
The owner of the bridal shower approached. “Is this the one,” she asked.
Phoebe did a little tap dance and squealed again. Samiyah stood and waddled over to her sister-in-law. Samiyah looked like she could use some help. She’d been pregnant forever, and Selena didn’t know a stomach could stretch so wide.
“I’m happy for you, Phoebe,” Samiyah said, tossing an arm around the gushing bride-to-be. “I would love to stay and celebrate with you, but I’m not feeling so good. This baby is kicking my ass. I need to lie down.”
Selena stood. “I can take you home.”
“Thank you, girl,” Samiyah said.
The women crowded around Samiyah and hugged her.
“You didn’t have to come out, honey,” Phoebe said, and they all agreed.