Chapter Five
Selena rubbed her wrists and let out a slow exhale. Today had been a long one. Going to the bridal shop was supposed to be a highlight, but turned into a semi-nightmare with her, Phoebe, and Eden being thrown in jail. How in the world would she explain it to her parents when the news was broadcast on a bulletin board in the next coming days?
“I’ll take care of it.”
The nocturnal sound of his baritone voice pulled Selena from her woes. She glanced over at Jordan, taking in his profile in the dimness of the night. Reaching over the console, Jordan took a soothing hand up her shoulder as his fingertips skipped lightly up to her chin. With a slight tug, Jordan’s hand lingered there, and Selena closed her eyes and exhaled at the simple caress of his touch.
“I know you have connections,” Selena began, “but I’d rather not get you involved. I’d hate for people to think you called in favors to get me off just because we’re dating. That could ruin your reputation, and I couldn’t live with myself if that happened.”
A smile tugged at the corners of his solidly designed jawline.
“I wouldn’t do anything that was unethical, so that’s something you don’t have to worry about,” he said, not trusting his own words at the moment. With the way he was feeling about Selena as of late, it was possible he would do just about anything for her. “However,” he continued, “I didn’t misrepresent the information given to the chief today. Those assholes manhandled you and my sisters. And somebody’s got to pay for that.”
A small semblance of a smile trailed across Selena’s lips. “You’re too sweet to me,” she said.
Jordan held her stare. “And just think, this is my softer side,” he said.
Selena peered at him. “Are you saying you have a harder side?”
The direction of the conversation switched altogether. “There’s definitely a harder side.”
A flurry of heat saturated Selena’s body, and she tried not to squirm where she sat, but it was useless. It was time. Their flirty phone conversations had been one thing. Their New Year’s Eve celebration had been another, but the dates they’d endured had taken Selena on an entirely different roller coaster. And now she wanted him, physically. So, what was he waiting for? Why hadn’t he propositioned her?
A ringtone sounded, cutting through their moment. Selena’s gaze drove down his toned form, landing in his lap where his phone illuminated from an incoming call. Madison. This felt like the millionth time Selena had seen that name pop up on his phone within the period they’d known each other. Jordan had never elaborated on his ties with Madison, but Claudia told Selena one day while they were having brunch.
“How are things with you and Jordan?” Claudia had asked.
Selena’s smile was forthright, shining like the rays of sunlight. “You say that as if there’s such a thing as me and Jordan,” Selena responded.
Claudia pursed her lips and dipped her head. “Are you really trying to be coy because I know better.”
Selena’s smile widened. “You know I’m just playing with you, girl.” She sighed. “Jordan is sweet to me. Last night, he took me to the opera.”
Claudia’s eyes stretched in surprise. “How was it?”
Selena’s smile faltered. “Boring as hell.”
The women laughed.
“He knew I was bored, too, when I started joking, crossing my eyes, and sticking my tongue out at him. He was kind enough to joke back by pretending he was sleep, slumping against my shoulder.”
The girls laughed some more.
“Well, at least he’s got a sense of humor.”
Selena nodded. “True that.”
“So how long did you guys torture yourselves?”
“Thirty minutes tops, then he had mercy on me, and we left and went to the Velvet Café.”
“Oooh, the new jazz club downtown? I’ve wanted to go there since they opened. How was it?”
“We danced, drank champagne, and I almost jumped his sexy bones on the dance floor.”
“Sounds like a perfect time.”
“It was until his cell phone rang and some woman named Madison called.” Selena grumbled. “I’ve seen Jordan answer his phone in my presence plenty of times, but whenever this girl calls, he always sends it straight to voicemail.”