Page 9 of Mine

Chapter Four

Chicago, IL

Cook County Department of Corrections

“We were hired by your brother DeAngelo to help you. I know there aren’t many people you trust, but you should trust us.”

“How do you know who I trust?” the inmate said.

“Your brother gave me an overview. Let me ask you a question. Do you trust DeAngelo?” Phoebe asked.

“He’s about the only one, I trust.”

“That in itself should let you know you can trust us also. Now the fact remains, Melissa if you don’t give me an alibi, the prosecutor will nail you for this crime. They’re trying to give you sixty years.”

Melissa’s eyes stretched. “Damn, I didn’t kill nobody!”

“The sad truth is even some killers don’t get sixty years. But they’re trying to throw the book at you because you wouldn’t cooperate with them. They assumed you would have an appointed attorney instead of a team of lawyers that were going to look after you.”

Melissa rubbed her chin. “Look after me, huh.” Her eyes floated from Phoebe to Jordan, Sylvester Crosby, and Samantha Blake.

They all stood behind Phoebe, who sat in a chair across the table from Melissa Weatherby, a woman indicted on charges of hiding a known terrorist.

“It wasn’t even like what they’re making it out to be,” Melissa said. “What would you have done? He’s my father. I didn’t know he was wanted on suspicion of helping ISIS or anyone else.”

“That may be true, but none of that matters in a court of law. We need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you had no clue he was in anything. And the day he set that bomb off on the New York subway, we need to know you weren’t there helping him. Because he was living with you and left a trail of evidence in your home that he was creating bombs.”

“The house was in my name.” She sighed. “I didn’t even live there, I…”

Phoebe waited for her to finish. When Melissa didn’t, Phoebe pushed her.

“You… what?”

“I live with my wife,” she said.

They all waited for her to finish as Melissa gauged them for a reaction.

“Okay, what’s your wife’s name?”

“Tammy, but this investigation is in the news, so bringing her in as my alibi would put her in the spotlight, right?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Phoebe responded.

Melissa shook her head. “I can’t do that to her. We have kids. I’ve already lost my job and my name. No one will ever hire me or her if she’s brought into this.”

Phoebe nodded. “I understand, but just so we’re clear if you don’t have an alibi, it’s going to be ten times harder for us to prove your innocence, and the possibility that you could do hard time is real.”

Melissa thought over what Phoebe said.

“How much?” she asked.

Phoebe glanced up at Jordan then back to Melissa. “Excuse me?”

“How much is my brother paying you?”

“Ms. Crosby, we only discuss our fees with the person who hires us.”

“That just means you cost a whole helluva lot,” Melissa confirmed. “I’ve seen you on the news. You and him more than anyone at your firm,” she said, speaking in reference to Jordan. “I know you’re the best. So do what my brother hired you to do and get me out of here.”