“That’s true,” Phoebe responded to Jordan, “but I can at least take time to eat, can’t I?” she glanced to her brother who didn’t return her eye contact.
“As you’ve pointed out, dear sister, you are old enough to make your own decisions.”
They all knew this conversation was not about Phoebe eating, and she decided to let go of the charade and move on.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” she turned to walk toward the door but stopped to gaze back at Quentin. “I’ll see you in a minute?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.
She offered him a brief smile then left the room, closing the door behind her.
“Are we done here?” Jordan said, continuing to give Quentin no eye contact.
“In regard to the statement you made before Phoebe entered, is that all you’re worried about, me boning your sister?”
Jordan’s jaw tightened, and finally he leveled a hostile glare at Quentin. “Nice conversation you had with my brothers last night. I heard all about it when Jonathon called my phone raging at your audacity.”
Quentin decided to shift gears also. “Nah, I think all of you are hypocrites. And you know what they say about hypocrites, they’re the worst kind of people. They preach one thing while doing the total opposite.” Jordan went to respond when Quentin pressed forward. “Imagine my surprise when my brothers from the same cloth decided to shame me for doing the exact same thing they’ve done.” Quentin tisked, “Shame,” he said.
“Are you saying you’ve found the woman you will marry? Are you saying, Quentin Davidson, that Phoebe’s the love of your life and you plan to make her your wife? Because if you are, that’s a whole different scenario. Don’t get it twisted. None of us would be mad because of that. We would most likely welcome it. But let’s be honest here. You…” Jordan shook his head, “are not there, and you know it.”
“Says you?” Quentin said.
“Says Cindy, your assistant that you’re still boning. Or am I wrong? Did you fire her, or is she still on your payroll and your dick?”
Quentin gritted his teeth while Jordan waited for a response.
“Nothing?” Jordan exclaimed. “What about the woman you were having a cup of coffee with in the middle of the day when you got hit by a car?”
Jordan placed his hand to his ear as if to say, “I can’t hear you.”
“Nothing there either, huh?” he continued. “How do you think Phoebe will feel when she knows you’re still carrying around a torch for your assistant and possibly grooming other women while she’s dating you?”
Quentin brooded while listening to Jordan’s accusations.
“Ah,” Jordan said. “More silence.” He shook his head and took his focus back to his papers. “If there’s nothing else, I have work that needs my attention.”
Quentin watched Jordan for the better part of a minute, answering the questions Jordan asked in his own thoughts. It was pointless for him to tell Jordan he and Cindy weren’t a thing, and he had no plans to play around with her or anybody else while he and Phoebe were an item. Jordan wouldn’t believe him unless he fired Cindy, and it was something Quentin wasn’t entirely ready to do.
Quentin made his move toward the door and opened it. On the other side, Delilah Crenshaw, a first-year associate beamed at the sight of his magnificent splendor.
“Hi, Quentin Davidson, right?”
“I’m the one,” he said.
“Wow, it’s amazing to see you in person.”
“Yeah, I seem to run into famous faces often now that I work here,” she gushed. “I could stand to lose a little weight myself, do you have any pointers, or perhaps a class?” She lowered her eyes seductively, purposefully pushing out her breasts.
“Get with my assistant, and we’ll go over your needs in detail,” he said.
Delilah gushed. “Sure thing,” she said.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Quentin step to the side and held the door open for her to enter. “Oh, yes,” she said as if forgetting she was at Jordan’s office for a reason. She rushed inside but not without pushing her breasts up against him. It was blatant flirtation as the doors opening offered plenty of space for her to enter without touching an inch of him.
Quentin didn’t bother to glance back at Jordan because he was sure there was a glare targeted in his direction. He couldn’t help being an absolute chick magnet. It was in his DNA, and he’d perfected the art of a simple seduction that made women fawn over him at the drop of a dime.