Page 46 of Mine

“Was that a yes?” he asked, leaning into her. His dreads fell forward as he sank his forehead into hers, bringing them nose to nose.

“Yes, Quentin, I’ll be your lady love.” She blushed at the same time he cradled her head and sank his heated mouth to her lips. His smooches were so delicious as if he perfected the French kiss. A soft tongue invaded her mouth, and they were wrapped in a shield of hotness.

She loved the tender yet fierce way his tongue explored her mouth. Delicate, but hungrily greedy. Everything about his presence, the soft yet hard angles of his face. The sweet yet tangy aroma of his dreads as they playfully tapped the side of her cheeks while Phoebe and Quentin exchanged tongues. A lining fire sailed over her breasts, drawing her nipples into hard beads. Her breath quickened, and just like that, Phoebe was ready to skip out on the day and spend it with Quentin.

As the thought became a seed that took root and began to sprout, Quentin pulled his mouth away from hers, his breath labored and gaze simmering.

“I better let you go, or you’ll never make it to the firm.”

Phoebe licked her lips, needing to taste his mouth before responding to him.

“Never let me go,” she said. “And you’re right, I almost left Jordan to tinker with that case himself.”

Quentin put prayer hands together. “I’m already on his shit list. Let’s not do anything else to further piss him off.”

“I’ll talk to him,” Phoebe promised. “He’s more reasonable then Jonathon.”

“Don’t do that either. It’s my problem. I’ll handle it.”

“How, when he won’t even talk to you?”

“He can’t avoid me at Rose and Garnet LLC.”

Phoebe smiled softly, but it didn’t highlight her eyes like usual.

“Hey,” he said, reaching out to caress her face. “It’s not your fault, so turn this frown into a smile. He glanced down at his Rolex. “Call me the minute you become free.”

“I will,” she said.

He kissed her again and stepped away, walking backward with his gaze still touching her. She blew him a kiss, and he winked in turn then pivoted to return to his Mustang. Phoebe punched in her code, and the door buzz then unlocked. She strolled inside and turned to peek back out the door just as Quentin’s car eased off down the street.

“Long night?”

“How long have you been standing there?” Phoebe asked Eden, keeping her eyes on Quentin’s disappearing vehicle.

“Long enough to know you’d rather be with Quentin then going to the firm to help Jordan with that case.”

“It’s not like he needs me anyway,” Phoebe retorted, still in the mood to talk herself out of it. “He’s brilliant, he has the capabilities to do it himself.”

Eden chuckled, then paused taking a closer look at Phoebe’s demeanor. “Oooh,” she sang.

Finally, Phoebe gave her sister attention. “What?”

“You did it, didn’t you?”

“Really, you go straight to that, asking if I gave it up?”

“That’s where you’re mistaken. I don’t think I need an answer because it’s written all over your face.”

Phoebe’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“Girl, I have never seen a glow like that. You all shining and shit. Oh my God, Phoebe…” she half cried, half celebrated.

“Sssh.” Phoebe grabbed Eden’s arm and led her to the bank of elevators. Pressing the button firmly, Phoebe shushed her sister again until the metal doors open, and they were safely inside alone.

Eden’s jaw parted.

“Close your mouth before something flies inside,” Phoebe said.