Page 83 of Mine

Quentin nodded. “Okay, where are your keys?”

Cindy fished out her keys, moving her hand around inside her pockets. Quentin held out his hand, and she tossed them over.

“I’m going to meet my mechanic at the job and have him transport it to his shop,” he said. “The company card will pay for the labor, and when I get back, we should talk.”

They eyed each other for several moments before Cindy nodded.

“Okay,” she said.

Quentin tossed his Corona in the garbage and went for his coat.

“How long do you think it will take?” Cindy asked.

“Maybe an hour, no longer than two.”

“Okay,” she said, watching him slip his muscled arms into a trench coat.

It had been a long time since Cindy had those thick arms wrapped around her, and Cindy’s body shuddered just thinking of it. She watched Quentin until he disappeared and wondered if he’d also missed her. It had been a few months since they’d been intimate, and the longing she held had reached its peak. Strolling to the cheese samples sitting on the counter, Cindy picked one up and tossed it in her mouth. Since Quentin hadn’t made a move on her since he’d been playing house with Phoebe, Cindy figured it would be up to her to make the move.

Cindy thought of Phoebe for a moment. She was gorgeous, successful, and young, but there was no way she could keep up with a man like Quentin. And either way, Cindy wasn’t ready to be done with him yet. Cindy went to the cabinet and pulled out a wine glass and poured the sweet liquor halfway. She taste tested it while she pondered on what needed to be done to regain Quentin’s affections. A rueful smile crossed her lips as she sipped her wine.