Chapter Twenty-One
It was after 2 p.m. when Phoebe managed to pull herself from the comfortable duvet covers. Until around 10 a.m., she’d been able to lay under Quentin’s warm body, and it had been the absolute best sleep she’d had in her life. Phoebe was sure it had something to do with the exuberant amount of times they made love and the excessive foreplay they’d gotten into throughout the night. She smiled softly now as she blew on a hot cup of cappuccino while sitting in the back seat of their chauffeured car.
Phoebe had made sure to apologize to Quentin for ruining whatever plans he had for them going into the new year. But he’d side-eyed her and assured Phoebe that her plans were better than his on any day. She already knew that, but she laughed anyway and was happy he’d received her interruption with pleasure. However, being the lover of all things gifts, she’d decided she still wanted to know but instead of telling her, Quentin determined that it was still possible to give her a part of the surprise he had for her the night before. When the metal door opened, Quentin strolled out and buttoned his coat. His long legs brought him to her door in just a few strides.
Phoebe sipped her cappuccino as he pulled her door open. Bending down, he said, “Are you ready?”
Phoebe smiled delightedly. “Yes.” She took another sip of her caffeine then sat the cup in a holder.
With his hand held out, Quentin stepped back and helped Phoebe to her feet. He pulled her in and linked their arms together then strolled inside the building. Phoebe leaned slightly against him with a bluster of nervousness swirling inside her belly. A look at her blushing face and Quentin knew she was excited beyond measure. Always happy to receive a surprise.
The corridor they strolled down was brick layered, and it held the foundation of an ol’ school poetry club or concert hall. Black marble tile outlined the flooring, and a waft of sweet incense sat in the air. They turned a corner and stopped in front of an open door.
Quentin tapped lightly on the solid frame, and a voice quickly ushered them inside.
“Come on in, please,” a lady called.
Phoebe peered around the corner as they stepped inside the room.
“Good evening,” the woman approached. “You must be Phoebe.” She held her hand out, and Phoebe’s eyes lurched.
“Oh my God, Geri Halliwell!” Phoebe shrieked, tossing her arms out and pulling Geri Halliwell in for a hug.
Geri laughed and held Phoebe’s back as Phoebe stood star-struck and unable to hold in her excitement. Standing off to the side, Quentin watched Phoebe as she bubbled over and spoke enthusiastically to the fifth member of the Spice Girls’ original group. When Phoebe had thought the moment couldn’t get any better, the other original four members walked into the dressing room with smiles as they welcomed her to France and thanked her for being a long-time fan.
Quentin loved Phoebe’s beautiful smile, and his heart thumped as he continued to gaze on. Nothing in his life had ever felt so paramount than the weight of loving Phoebe and holding on to her forever. His mind shifted, and he thought back to his last conversation with Jordan.
“Are you saying you’ve found the woman you will marry? Are you saying, Quentin Davidson, that Phoebe’s the love of your life, and you plan to make her your wife? Because if you are, that’s a whole different scenario. Don’t get it twisted. None of us would be mad because of that. We would most likely welcome it. But let’s be honest here. You are not there, and you know it.”
Quentin’s mind shuffled. With the odds stacked against him, anyone else would set out to prove Jordan and his brothers wrong. But Quentin didn’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone other than Phoebe. And she had told him that she trusted him already. Knowing this settled his spirit and warmed his soul. It was a good thing, too, especially when thoughts of a lifetime were relentless as of late. What he would give to see Phoebe light up every time he produced a surprise, or see her eyes glaze over anytime they released together.
He’d been more reckless than ever before, sexing her down with no protection and no fucks given. His blood boiled, and his nerves jumped as excitement of a real future with her took hold of him. Where there was no pretending to just be friends, or playing the role of big brother, little sister, but just uninhibited love, emotion, and need as they sailed this road of life together. Eternally. A swelling in his chest locked him down, and for the reminder of the day, Quentin had found himself lost in space.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Phoebe asked later as they sat across from each other in an French restaurant.
Quentin cleared his throat. “Everything’s fine,” he said. “What was your question?”
Phoebe frowned slightly. “Are you sure? You would tell me if anything was wrong, right?”
Quentin reached across the table and covered her hand with his own. “I promise you, everything is fine. I haven’t lied to you before. I won’t start now.”
Phoebe combed her eyes over him and decided he was telling the truth. “I wish we could stay in Paris a little while longer. It’s been so blissful here.”
Quentin agreed with a nod. “It’s been the best trip I’ve taken,” he said.
Phoebe smiled coyly. “Me, too.”
Their eyes met and held, and they exhaled simultaneously.
“Look on the bright side, we can come back as soon as your caseload decreases. My schedule is pretty flexible.”
“Ha, if only,” she said. “As you know Rose and Garnett LLC is the highest rated and most sought-after firm. Our client list is large enough to share with independent firms across the nation and still we would have to refer some to others.”
“That’s a good problem to have.”
Phoebe grinned. “Yeah.”
Something in her voice caught him. “You love your career, this I know for sure. So what’s up, sweetheart?”