Page 73 of Mine

“Can we stay here for a while?” Phoebe asked.

“We can do whatever you would like to.”

Phoebe sighed. “You’re going to spoil me. Consider this your only warning.” A teasing laugh escaped her, and Quentin chuckled.

“A warning?” he said. “Like the one I gave you back at Barneys to which you ignored?”

Phoebe turned her face into Quentin’s chest and giggled. “I couldn’t help myself,” she said. “Your kiss is absolutely incredible.” Phoebe pulled her face from his chest and turned up her chin to look at him.

Gazing back with a dark penetrating stare, Quentin responded, “I could’ve very well pulled you to the nearest dressing room and taken advantage of you. Then what?”

Heat simmered straight to Phoebe’s nipples and her areolas tightened into nubs. “We would’ve gotten caught,” she said. “There’s nothing you could’ve done to keep me quiet.”

“And yet you didn’t heed to my warning.”

“I took a gamble,” she said with a shrug.

“Hmm,” he said, “I guess it’s a good thing I keep my iron clad strength on reserve then.”

Phoebe giggled again and buried her head back into his chest. They stood there on the bridge for another hour before she turned and leaned against the railing tossing the key overboard. Phoebe sighed, contented and Quentin pulled her in placing a kiss on her forehead. Deciding they could leave, Phoebe grabbed Quentin’s hand and they strolled back to the limo with their fingers linked. But as they got closer, Phoebe sauntered out to take a glance at the other side. When a tickle of chills cruised up her fingers, she turned back sharply and was caught up in the undertow of his gaze. His fingers continued to dance against hers and more chills fled Phoebe’s skin. She stepped back to him and tightened their connection just as they’d made it to the limo.

The drive across town was euphorically silent with Quentin pondering on the plans he’d made for tonight and Phoebe thinking of her own. When Quentin had mentioned a masquerade ball earlier, Phoebe had been excited thinking about the intrigue in attending an event like that to bring in the new year. However, while at Barneys, a naughty thought had crossed her mind and no matter how hard she tried, Phoebe couldn’t shake it. They pulled up to the Shangri-La Hotel, and left the comfort of the limo for the now chilly temperatures that surrounded the city. After the sunset, Paris’ temperature had dropped, making for a cool night on the town.

Again, Phoebe and Quentin linked fingers as they made it to the elevators that took them to their suite. After Quentin opened the door, Phoebe took a step inside when he tugged her hand, causing her to glance back.

“I was thinking,” he began, “there’s something I need to put last-minute touches on for our New Year celebration, which means I need to leave you alone for just a minute.” He pulled her soft hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

“A minute as in sixty seconds?”

Quentin chuckled. “Okay, an hour,” he said.

“Aww,” she groaned, and it tugged Quentin’s heart that she’d rather be beside him.

“I promise not to take too long,” he said.

Phoebe glanced at her watch. “It’s nine-thirty. You’re not going off to spend the New Year with your French girlfriend, are you?”

At Quentin’s frown, Phoebe laughed. “I’m just kidding,” she said, placing a hand against his face. “You know I would never believe that.”

Quentin wished he could agree with her, but unfortunately, he could only play it by ear. “Don’t play with me, girl,” he said.

“Hurry back,” she said.

They leaned in at the same time and kissed quickly. Quentin left the hotel within three minutes of their departure as the elevator stopped to pick up other occupants. The surprise he had for Phoebe had been something he’d always wanted to do for her, and this was the perfect time for it. He rode back the way they’d came with thoughts of loving her forever and the purchase he’d made at the mall balancing on his mind.