“No,” she smiled, “I don’t. Thank you, Quentin.”
She stood and leaned over the table as he met her halfway for a delectable kiss. “Mmmm,” she moaned just as Quentin’s dick lurched in his pants. He grabbed her jaw and swallowed her tongue as a sting of energy shot to his groin. When their mouths departed, it was with sheer strength from Quentin. But Phoebe didn’t move, holding her balance in place as she continued to lean across the table. “I want more,” she practically panted.
Quentin gave her a quick kiss and moved away, settling back in his seat. Phoebe quirked up an eye at him. “If I give you more, a simple kiss would never do. More for me is…” he took a wicked eye over her statuesque frame then moved back to her lush lips. “More…” he cruised.
Phoebe shivered at his implication and slowly sat back in her seat. She wanted more of Quentin for sure, but she was well aware if they started now, they’d most likely never leave the room.
“There’s somewhere I want to take you.”
This raised another arched brow from Phoebe, and her smile was belated. “Where?” she asked like a kid on Christmas.
“When we’re done with lunch,” he promised.
Phoebe sat back, fond and excited about whatever Quentin had in store. Deciding to make a move, they prayed over their dish and ate in silence while taking in the beautiful views of the Eiffel Tower and its surroundings.
“You really couldn’t have picked a more perfect location to see this tower,” Phoebe said, dabbing the corners of her mouth.
“Hmm,” Quentin nodded also emptying his plate. “I hoped you would love to be this close.”
“I do,” she said.
The two words cuddled around Quentin’s heart and sank into his bloodstream, causing him to shift in his seat from the sincerity and affection behind them. It was a simple response but held much more meaning to Quentin. He gazed sharply at Phoebe, imagining her wrapped like a present just for him in a bridal gown that hugged her beautiful body. His thoughts ventured further into their honeymoon night where he would take his time with her only to fuck her brains out later. His dick moved again, and it further warmed his blood. He’d saw it all like it was a premonition of his future, and yet there were still a few things he needed to clear up before he could move close to taking a humungous step such as that.
“This was good,” Phoebe said with a yawn leaving her mouth.
“You ready for a nap?” Quentin said, implying something other than sleep.
Phoebe’s musical laugh sent a population of chills settling over his skin. It was amazing how she not only turned him on but did strange things to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
Phoebe heard his implication. “First,” she said, “I want to see this thing you want me to see, then we shop, then maybe we…” she shrugged with a giggle on her lips.
Quentin leaned in and swiped his mouth with his tongue. “Later, I was thinking maybe we could bring in the new year at this masquerade ball.”
Phoebe perked up. “That sounds like tons of fun,” she said.
“Would you like that?”
“Yeah, let’s do it, baby.”