Page 6 of Mine

Chapter Three

A celebratory dance was underway when Jonathon and Quentin made it to the other end of the beach. With a few locals and the staff from the bar, they clapped hands and circled Christopher and Norma in a dance of congratulations. Quentin went straight for the open cooler that sat tight in a chunk of sand. It was filled with ice and Corona stretched through the dense cubes.

Seeing them walk up, Jacob and Jordan offered up a Que-dog whistle.

“The dogs are here!” They shouted.

Quentin and Jonathon smirked and began to step like they did whenever someone mentioned their Omega Psi Phi fraternity. Their moves brought the attention of the locals and a few curious eyes from women lingering around. The men became louder as they shouted and moved, stomping and dipping down to show off their unique talents.

“Aww shit, don’t hurt ‘em now,” Octavia, Jonathon’s wife, shouted.

With their faces scrunched in a tight mask, Jonathon and Quentin pulled their hands to the sides of their face with their arms open in their fraternity’s signature pose.

“Aye!” Quentin shouted.

“Aye!” Jonathon followed.

Jacob moved from his seating position and stood in line with his brothers as they stomped, kicking up sand and barking out shouts. No one noticed Phoebe coming from the same direction that Jonathon and Quentin had come. They were so engrossed watching the men step that she slinked passed them and came around to find a seat next to her sister Eden.

Leaning over to her, Eden whispered, “Nice try, but I’m your twin, and I see everything.”

Phoebe shrugged. “I wouldn’t have cared if everyone else saw me, too.”

Eden’s brows bunched as she frowned at Phoebe. “Well, that’s a first.”

“How?” Phoebe said, “I’m tired of feeling like I’m sneaking around my family like I’m a child. I’m not you know. I’m a fully grown, kick-ass attorney, and I don’t need anyone in my damn business.”

“Uh, oh,” Jasmine, Phoebe’s triplet sister said, leaning. “What happened this time?”

Phoebe huffed and turned to peer at Quentin. In his thin gray T-shirt, his muscles flexed and his biceps bulged as he stepped next to her brother. Sharply, she turned her eyes away and scrambled to grab a cold Corona.

The men finished their step with a loud howl that the rest of the men imitated. Excitement and laughter bubbled around them, but Phoebe’s attitude went sour by the second. She twisted the top of the beer and took a swig, plopping back down next to her sisters.

“Whoa, whoa,” Jordan said. “There’s a minor with an alcoholic beverage, somebody call 911,” he joked, and everyone laughed but Phoebe and Quentin.

Phoebe rose to her feet and poured beer all over Jordan.

“Hey, girl, what the hell?” he shouted.

“For your information Jordan, I am not a minor, I am a grown ass woman!” she snapped. “I have a higher success rate at your law firm than any of your junior partners period! I don’t need anyone telling me what to do, looking over my damn shoulder, or telling me who to screw! Because I will do what the hell I please, and I will screw whomever the hell I want!” She tossed the bottle, and everyone in Jordan’s angle ducked.

“Phoebe!” Jordan yelled.

“Go to hell!” she said, marching off down the beach in the opposite direction.

They all stared after her with eyes wide and mouths hanging open. Jordan stood to his feet and went after her, and so did Quentin.

“Can somebody tell me what’s going on?” Christopher said.

Stalking down the beach, Phoebe’s madness was on high, even as the soft winds turned cool, making her fold her arms and shiver.

“Phoebe!” Jordan yelled as he and Quentin jogged to catch up with her.

“Leave me alone, Jordan.”

Jordan reached out to stop her angry escape. She whipped around with a glare and an icy stare that cut through him.

“I’m sorry!” Jordan said. “I was just playing with you; I didn’t think you were going to get all Zena warrior princess on me.”