Page 35 of Mine

They all agreed.

“Well, not everybody,” Jonathon offered.

Quentin took another swig of his beer. “How’s that?”

“You still seem to be going strong, carrying the little black book to the grave.”

They all snickered, some bending over with laughter.

“Yeah, you would think so, huh?” Quentin retorted. “I’ve had a little time to do some reflecting myself.”

Their comical faces all slowly but surely one by one faded.

“You’re talking about Cindy, right? You’re finally making an honest woman out of her,” Jonathon cracked.

The guys all chuckled.

“Nah man. Cindy and I aren’t a thing.”

“Since when?” Josiah asked.

“Since now.”

They all laughed again.

“So, who’s the unlucky woman?” Jaden said.

“Why y’all on me like that?”

The men continued to laugh.

“Oh, I get it.” Quentin snapped his finger. “You guys can change and get married, but I can’t, right?”

The guys’ laughter simmered down.

“Naw, man, we’re just messing with you,” Jonathon said. “We’re all human. I know we’ve all had our fair share of fun.”

They all agreed.

“But every last one of us found our bride. If you’ve found someone whom you can’t live without, I will respect you for taking her off the market. I did.” Jonathon wiggled his brows. “You just have to remember, marriage is forever, and it’s brand new. It’s not something you can prepare for because it’s a different stage of life. But it’s beautiful, I’ll tell you that.”

“Here, here,” Jonas said, lifting his scotch in the air.

Quentin was feeling better about his revelation. If Jonathon truly felt that way, then Quentin’s next words should bond them even closer instead of pulling them apart.

“You all feel the same way?” Quentin asked, glancing from one to the other. They all nodded and continued to sip their drinks. “You have no idea how big of a weight you just took off my shoulders.”

They looked at him questionably.

“What’s up, man?” It was Jonathon who asked.

“I’m taking Phoebe out on a date,” Quentin said. He took down the rest of his Corona as he watched the words process through them.

Jonathon blinked, then shook his head with one quick swipe. “I’m sorry,” he grinned, “sounded like you said you’re taking Phoebe, our baby sister, out on a date.” Jonathon’s laser beam focus shot a glare toward Quentin.

At the same time, the door chimed, and Phoebe, Eden, and Jasmine sauntered through the opening. Quentin’s focus left the men and joined Phoebe’s. She smiled softly, but his stern gaze told her something was off.

Noticing Quentin’s trajectory, Jonathon followed his gaze to Phoebe. With a hard-angled glare, he turned back to Quentin and watched them for a split moment before he struck out in Quentin’s direction.