Page 31 of Mine

Chapter Nine

Quentin strolled into the kitchen with a limp in one leg.

“You know you should really stay off your feet,” Cindy said.

“Why, because I’m a little banged up?”

“Um, yeah,” she said as a matter of fact.

“Nah, you know that’s not my style.”

“Right, because you’re inhuman.”

“Not at all. If I were, I wouldn’t need your help, now would I?”

Cindy grinned. “Point taken.”

“Thought so.”

Cindy eased around the kitchen comfortably in a pair of denim jeans that squeezed every curve in her shapely figure. The tiny tank top she wore barely covered her entire midriff while one of her spaghetti straps hung off her shoulder leisurely. Quentin had never thought for a moment that he would be considering firing her, but now that idea was a reality. Cindy had been his assistant for five years after he’d had to fire the previous one for trying to dictate his professional life after she’d gotten too comfortable in her position.

Cindy had been a breeze, and for a long time their relationship had been strictly professional. But there was that one lonely night when they were both at the office working late. She’d strolled in casually and perched her butt on his desk, giving him an all-knowing look. He should’ve let it pass, but the curiosity in him made Quentin take their professional relationship into a personal one, and they had sex not once but twice that night. That was two years ago. Within that time, their relationship had gone smoothly with neither one of them making demands or catching feelings. But still, from time to time, they would join each other for another night of boat rocking sex.

Now standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter, Quentin contemplated what he would tell her. They not only had a solid working relationship but a good friendship as well. Quentin squeezed the bottle of water and drank the rest of it. Trying to keep her around and be serious with Phoebe could be a mistake. Even though Cindy had never given Quentin a reason to believe she would grow an attitude if he became serious with someone other than her. It wasn’t like she didn’t know he slept with other women. And she had been just the same as if she didn’t care.

But it might not sit well with Phoebe. It was something he would ask. Quentin had every intention of being honest and open with Phoebe. Phoebe was who he wanted, and no one would come between that.

“What are you over there thinking?” Cindy asked.

“Wondering why you’re walking around with that lil shirt on as cold as it is outside,” he said.

Cindy smiled over at him. “It’s warm in here. I have my slippers on,” she said.

“Are you staying over?”

“Yeah, I thought you wanted me to.”

“That’s fine, just making sure.”

Cindy nodded and prepared their food.

“So, what’s up with you and Phoebe?” she asked casually.

“What do you mean?”

“She seemed a little apprehensive about me coming over today.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. It was all in the way she said, forget all about what he said, I’ll be over to help him out,” Cindy mimicked. “There was definitely something there.”

“Does that bother you?” Quentin asked.

Cindy strolled across the room with two plates in hand. She sat one in front of Quentin and shrugged.

“I just don’t want to be the butt of an unknown joke.”

Quentin gave her a straightforward gaze. “Elaborate, please.”