“Yep,” Eden added. “I heard his party this year will be on his yacht. As cold as it is.”
“The thing about that is his yacht is the size of Dad’s house. Everyone will be inside dancing, drinking, and whatever the night away until the countdown. Then you know everyone’s coming out to watch the fireworks display.”
“Mmm, I would sure like to be hugged up with someone special during that time,” Phoebe added.
“You and me both, sister,” Eden and Phoebe slapped hands, then Phoebe checked her message.
“No response yet?” Jasmine asked.
“Does your cell beep when you have an incoming message?”
“Of course, what’s your point?”
“Stop checking it every second.”
“I can’t help it, he’s usually a quick responder.”
“Unless he’s wrapped up in Octavia.”
They all nodded.
“Well, are we going to Hunter’s party?” Jasmine added.
“It’s by invitation only,” Eden said.
Phoebe reached in her purse and removed a single gold and black envelope. Eden’s and Jasmine’s surprise was apparent by their wide eyes.
“That’s not—” Jasmine started.
Phoebe nodded with a sly smile.
“Oooh,” Jasmine snatched the envelope out of Phoebe’s hand. “You’ve had this thing in your purse this whole time and hadn’t mentioned it?”
“It just came today, and we’ve had more important things to talk about,” Phoebe said.
“Speak for yourself,” Jasmine said, and they all chuckled.
Being invited to a Valentine party was like getting an invitation to meet the President. The Valentines were another one of Chicago’s wealthiest families. They moved with the richest and most elite people around the world and grew up right in the heart of the windy city.
“It has all of our names on it.” Jasmine smiled. “And it allows us to each bring a guest.”
“You think they would mind if we brought Quentin and Derek?” Eden asked.
Jasmine frowned at Eden. “You know good and well Quentin and Derek aren’t partying with Hunter Valentine.”
“What’s the history between them anyway?” Eden asked.
“It’s not really between Quentin and Derek. It’s between Hunter and Josiah. You know once one doesn’t like someone, they all don’t. It’s a code type of thing or something.”
“Then that means we can’t go!” Eden said.
“Speak for yourself,” Jasmine said again, and the ladies fell out laughing. “Hunter hasn’t done anything to me. I love my brother, and I’ll ask his forgiveness later. He can’t stay mad at me forever.”
Eden and Phoebe laughed harder.
“Y’all laughing like I’m playing. I’m not.”