Jasmine glanced down at Eden’s plate. “How, you didn’t eat anything.”
Phoebe chuckled, and Eden rolled her eyes. “Anyway,” Eden said, “does Jonathon know?”
Now it was Phoebe’s time to roll her eyes. “Just Jonathon?”
“Well, I mean, the others, too, but especially Jonathon.”
Phoebe sighed; she was becoming annoyed again. “I don’t think he knows yet. Quentin wants to talk to him before we…”
“Start getting it on,” Jasmine stated with a wiggle of her brows.
Eden burst out laughing and Phoebe glared. “I’m sorry,” Eden said, “it was funny. It’s what we all want to know anyway.”
“Well why didn’t you just ask instead of pretending like you’re interested in the whole ordeal?”
“No, no,” Eden waved with a hand. “We’re interested in that, too, but very much so, in the other thing.” Eden’s smile held.
At Phoebe’s unsure look, Eden called out to her. “Phoebe?”
“I’m not so sure that’s up for debate.”
Jasmine and Eden glanced at each other. “Why?” Jasmine asked.
Phoebe recounted their events in Nicaragua and the way Quentin had paused when he’d found out that she was a virgin.
“So you’re saying he has a problem with you never giving it up before?” Eden questioned.
“I still can’t believe you haven’t given that poonanny up,” Jasmine said with a twist of her lips.
Both Phoebe and Eden turned to her with a neck roll. “Excuse you,” Eden said, “we all agreed not to have sex until it was with the man we would marry,” Eden said. “Just because you broke down and got loose as a goose, don’t talk down on us.”
“Loose as a goose!” Jasmine said, with her mouth hanging open.
Phoebe laughed and pointed at Jasmine with a wagging finger. “Loose as a goose,” she sang with her laughter tilting over.
“I am not loose as a goose for your information! I’ve only been with three guys.”
“Yeah, yeah, but who’s counting, right?” Eden murmured.
“Whatever,” Jasmine said. “This one over here isn’t marrying Quentin, but she was spread eagle about to get her some goodness.”
Phoebe’s laughter died down, then she shrugged as her sisters brought their attention back to her. “I’m ready, you know,” Phoebe said.
The table became quiet, and the server approached with Phoebe’s and Jasmine’s meals and martinis.
“Thanks,” Phoebe chimed.
“You’re very welcome. Is there anything else I can get any of you?”
“No, we’re good,” Eden said as she continued to take in what Phoebe had just said.
“I’ll be back to check on you in a minute.” The server sashayed away with a spring in her step.
“You’re really ready?” Eden asked.
“Aren’t you?” Phoebe retorted.
Eden shrugged. “How do you really know when the person is deserving? I sure as hell have no intentions of having just a sexual relationship with anyone. I want the whole package. Married, kids, white picket fence.” Eden paused. “Well, maybe a light gray looking fence, white is so cliché.”