“I don’t see why not,” Donald said, “You’ll be with Mr. Rose here, and we all trust Mr. Rose.”
Desiree looked to me with hopeful eyes. “Do you mind if I speak to you for a minute?”
Casey reached for Antonio. “Come, give Ms. Stevens and Mr. Rose some privacy.”
They all shuffled off, and Desiree pulled me outside.
“I’m so sorry. I know we’re not here for this and I understand if you can’t obligate to this.” She glanced at the closed door then back to me. “I don’t know why, but I feel responsible for this kiddo. I need to do this, you understand, don’t you? If his parents are still in the hospital when our stay in Dubai is over, I can take a commercial flight back; it’s totally okay.”
How many times can we say, we met a beautiful person whose kind on the inside and out? Desiree could’ve peeled Antonio off her, ate her meal, and left this place without another thought. But she was willing to put everything to the side for the sake of caring for a child who she’d only known five minutes.
“I would never think of leaving you behind. If Donald says it’s fine, then he means it, and I couldn’t turn down that kid if I wanted to. Nor you.” I pulled her in for a hug; affection restrictions be damned.
“Julian, I don’t want to delay your business or travels, I know you’re an important man. I don’t mind taking a commercial flight home. I’d feel awful if you missed anything because of me.”
“If this is your attempt to get rid of me, you might as well give it up. Haven’t you realized by now, that I always want to be with you.”
Desiree’s arms tightened around my waist, and I kissed her on her temple. “Come on, let’s eat.”