Page 107 of Sinclair Duet

“Yes, sir.”

I climbed into the seat at Ella’s side. “Just get us to the hotel.”

The slamming of the car door cut off the sounds of the night. Sirens in the distance disappeared. The faint sounds of birds and insects were gone.

“You’re not doing a good job of keeping our marriage secret,” Ella said with a tired grin.

I scoffed. “Secret-keeping gets lower on my priority list the more tired and pissed off I get.”

She reached over and laid her hand on mine. “Are you suggesting I use this time to learn all your dark secrets?”

As the driver took his seat behind the steering wheel, I turned my left hand so we were palm to palm. Lowering my voice, I whispered, “Dark secrets can wait. Ask me what I want to do to you when we get to the suite.”

Ella pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Some ice for your hand, a cool shower, and sleep.”

My eyebrows moved up and down. “I’m liking the shower idea.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

I lowered my voice to a deep growl. “You’re mine now, Mrs. Sinclair. I don’t plan on letting you forget.”

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I found Johnathon’s number and hit call.

“It’s too early,” Ella protested.

Johnathon answered before the second ring. “Mr. Sinclair.” His voice was as clear as it would be in the middle of the day.

My gaze met Ella’s. My next phrase was more for her than Johnathon. “Sorry about your sleep. I have a list of things I need done before sunrise.”

“What do you need?”

Once I hung up the phone, I met Ella’s judging stare.

“You never called me in the middle of the night like that. He needs a raise.”

“I never called you because in the middle of the night you were at my side…next to me, beneath me, over me…And for the record, he’s well compensated.”

“I’m not even going to start on salary inequality.”

“Good,” I replied. “I’ll text Mom and tell her about the security, and then it’s the two of us in the hotel.”

“I’m exhausted.”

I lifted her hand and brought her knuckles to my lips. “Our wedding deserves more than a quick fuck in a public bathroom.”

“It’s not legal until we sign the license.”

“More days to celebrate.”


Looking down at my left hand, I spun the gold band beneath my knuckle as Damien unlocked the door to our suite.


It seemed inconceivable that two weeks ago, I was living my best single life and keeping the memories of Damien at bay. My heart accelerated, beating faster as he opened the door and pushed our luggage inside.

He flashed a tired grin my direction. “I should carry you over the threshold, Mrs. Sinclair.”