Page 37 of Sinclair Duet

“Bastard,”I muttered as I hit the green icon.

“Ella,” he said as he answered. “Did you finally see the text or is Johnathon there?”


“And you are in the car?”

“No,” I said in a hushed tone. “Damien, this isn’t a business negotiation.”

“It’s multitasking. Here is what I’d like you to do to prepare for our meeting.”

“Prepare? I’m ready to walk out the door.”

“Where are you? Is Johnathon in the room?”

Duchess rubbed her forehead against my hip as I scanned my bedroom. Instead of telling him where I was, I simply said, “He’s downstairs.”

“Very good. While I appreciate his loyalty, no one else gets a glimpse at your beautiful pussy. Do you have any desire to continue these negotiations?”

What the actual fuck?


“Tell me and I’ll retract my offer.”

Sighing, I sat on the edge of my bed. “You’re asking me this now if I want to continue?”

Why didn’t he ask this afternoon?

I would have gladly left.

“I’m waiting,” he said, impatiently.

“Yes, Damien. I don’t want to end them.” It wasn’t the same as wanting them to continue, but it was the closest to the truth.

His smirk was audible in his tone. “As you’ll learn tonight, my offer is in good faith. To continue the negotiations, I’m asking you to do something in good faith.”

“Shit, Damien. What?”

“Remove your panties.”

My heart rate intensified. “What the hell?”

His laugh rumbled through the phone. “I’ll see you soon. I’ve already ordered a bottle of your favorite wine. And if you don’t think I’ll confirm your good-faith effort, you’re mistaken.”

My teeth ached from the pressure. “I’m not doing this.”

“Will you be the one to call Ms. Barns and inform her that the deal is off, or would you like me to speak to her?”

I looked again toward my closed door and lowered my voice. “This is illegal.”

“I’d never force you, Ella. Oh, and now because I hear your arousal, I also want you to bring the panties you’re wearing. I can only imagine how wet they are.”

Before I could reply, the call ended.

“Damn you,” I growled as I tossed the phone onto the bed. Duchess’s green eyes were wide, looking at me. “He’s an ass.”

She lifted her chin, obviously a sign she agreed with my statement.