Page 29 of He Sees You

Even with her side hustle, she obviously couldn’t justify the cost of the upgrade when her camera was still in working order—but I could.

Despite that, I’m not even a little surprised when the first words out of her mouth are: “This model is, like, four grand.”

“Little over five,” I admit. “I got you the kit that comes with it for an up-charge. It’s at my place. When you stay over with me, you can have it. Or I can bring it back with me if you’d prefer I’d stay here instead. I’m easy. I’ll stay wherever so long as it’s with you.”

Again, she completely blows past any reference to our future together. I’ll give her grace because this has got to be a lot for her, but that doesn’t change a damn thing.

This woman is mine, and she’s going to see further proof of that in a second.

Before I can tell her to turn the camera on, she meets my gaze. “You’re a cop. You can afford this?” She narrows her eyes on me. “You come from money, Derek?”

I snort. “Fuck, no. My dad was a drunk and my mom stayed at home with me. She couldn’t work.” And by the time she had the chance, she was too sick to get a job so I started supporting us at sixteen. “There was never money in the Coleman house.”

Which is precisely why I was easy pickings for the Devil of Springfield, but since working for him these past few months meant I could afford to have a sex toy made from a cast of mycockandbuy this expensive camera for my Dove, that’s fine with me.

My only regret is that my mom didn’t live long enough to know that Dove exists. I’m sure she would have loved her if only because I do.

Dove doesn’t believe me. That sucks, but it is what it is. She’ll learn, and she’s going to get her first lesson now.

“I hope you don’t mind, but before I wrapped it, I tried it out myself.”

“What? You did? Why?”

“You’ll see.” I nod at her. “Go on. Check the card. I saved all my pictures there.”

As she starts going through the functions, figuring out how different her new model is from her old one, she mutters under her breath, “I swear to God, if this is filled with dick pics, I don’t care if you spent five grand or how you had five grand to blow on a camera for a stranger in the first place… I’ll smash it. I swear I will.”

My Dove is getting some of her nerve back. That excites me more than it should. I never want her to be afraid of me. I’ll use my badge and my position against her if I have to, but once she realizes I’m putty in her fucking hand, she’ll be able to control me by my cock.

And I am looking forward to it.

“No dick pics,” I promise, though I have half a mind to point out that she can barely keep her eyes off of my erection as it is. “Now, I’m not the photographer of this couple, and it took me way too long to figure out how to use this sucker when I’m used to my phone, but I hope I did you justice anyway.”

“Me? What do you mean—oh.”

‘Oh’ is probably right. And though they may not be dick pics, I wouldn’t blame Dove for smashing the camera anyway when confronted with the depths of my obsession for her.

Hey. At least she can’t deny it now… not when there are more than five hundred pictures I took of her stored on the memory card.

At first glimpse, it looks like each one could be a copy of the one before it, but there are just enough small details separating them to make it obvious they were all taken at different times. The way her hair spills on the pillow. The different pajamas she was wearing—or not wearing. The blankets changing, and the sheets.

But the one thing that is consistent?

Is the subject.

Her head swivels around, those pretty brown eyes having the same blank look as they did earlier. Part fear, part plotting, part disbelief…

She asked me how long I’ve been sneaking into her apartment. I don’t think she believed me when I admitted it’s been months.

She sure as hell does now.

Just in case, though, I make it very clear as I tell her, “You don’t seem to understand just how fucking serious I am when I tell you that you’ve been mine since the day we met.”

Wordlessly, she scrolls through the pictures. Every single one of them shows Dove in her bed, her expression peaceful, her eyes closed…

“He sees you when you’re sleeping,” she mutters.

Ah. That’s my girl. She gets it.