Now it’s my heart that lodges in my throat as he pulls open a drawer.
Is he searching for my Eclipse stash? I hid it, but not very well, and if he’s looking to do a drug bust, I’m the perfect target.
But though he pushes aside the gift bag stuffed with countless baggies, each holding the tell-tale white powder in them, he keeps groping around in my drawer until he makes a soft sound in the back of his throat.
I hear it, but it’s quickly drowned out by the tinkling of bells as he pulls the red sex toy out of my drawer.
Ihave a split second to experience pure embarrassment that he’s holding my new dildo, followed by a moment of relief that I’d sanitized it before I put it away, until I have to admit that the only way he’d know I had that in there was if hewassomehow watching me after I made it back to the apartment.
Because he was, wasn’t he? He was telling the truth about that, too.
What else is he being honest about?
Derek shakes the toy, the silver bells ringing in harmony as he gives me a heated look.
“You fucked this. Don’t deny it,” he says the second my lips part. “I saw you do it. I jerked off as I watched you. Seeing those tits of yours bounce, hearing your soft moans as you worked this toy inside of you… I had this replica of my very own dick made for you, Dove, as a Christmas gift. But you need the real thing. Let me give it to you.”
Well. There we are. Confirmation that he not only watched me fuck myself on camera, but that the crazy copmasturbatedalong with me. He’s also the one who gave me the toy because heismy secret Santa.
And now he wants to fuck me for real.
I shake my head again.
He drops the dildo back into my drawer. “You need it. You needme.”
“I don’t?—”
“You didn't get off, Dove. You ran out to be such a bad girl, you left before you finished. Maybe that’s because you knew you were waiting for your cop. Well, here I am, precious. And I’m ready to take what you offered me.”
What? “Offered you? I didn’t offer you anything!”
“No?” He raises his eyebrows as he stalks back toward the bed. “You offered to give me head or pussy out in the alley.”
“Yes, but?—”
“I took a kiss instead. I know. Dove, Dove, my precious Dove… you didn’t think I would fuck you for the first time in a seedy alleyway where anyone could hear you scream for me, did you? I could wait. I have patience. But even that has its limits. I wanted to wait until the new year to ask you out. I had a plan. But my mentor was right. You gave me the opportunity, and I’m going to take it. I’m going to takeyou. You’re going to let me, too, or else I might have to pull out my cuffs—and, I have to tell you, they’re not as fun when they’re put on behind you.”
It takes a second for me to understand what he means. When I do, I’m not sure if I’m glad he’s giving me a clear choice—either jail for who knows how long or a night of sex with Officer Derek Coleman—or resentful that he supposedly watched me for months and still thinks that the only way to get me to agree to fuck him is by blackmailing me.
But since he seems to need that…
I go along with it.
“Are you telling me that, if I don’t sleep with you now, you’re charging me for dealing?”
He pretends to think it over for a moment as he joins me back on the mattress, going on the other side of me as if that part of the bed belongs to him. “Yes. You got it.”
“Do you think anyone will care?” I ask him. “I hate to point it out, but I technically work for a Dragonfly. If you arrest me, you’d have to arrest half of Springfield for breaking the law under one of the gangs.”
Himself included, I’d bet.
Derek nods in agreement. “That’s true. But since I don’t want to fuck any of them, I couldn’t care less. I want to fuck you, Dove. I want to make you mine the same way that I’ve been yours from the first moment I saw you.”