Page 18 of He Sees You

He’s stretched out on my bed, lying on his side, about a foot separating him from where I was sprawled out on my back, fast asleep. The cop’s propped up on one elbow, turned so he can see me slumber, and I don’t know what freaks me out more: that he somehow followed me to my apartment building, figured outwhich apartment on the sixth floor was mine, and broke in to join me in my bed this Christmas Eve… or that he did all of that while wearing a Santa suit.

No Santa hat. No boots. No beard, either. It doesn’t matter about the details, or if I can pick out the colors on his clothing in the shadows of my room. His suit is distinctive, down to the fluffy white cuffs and the dark belt around his waist.

Holy shit. Itisa Santa suit.

But not my stalker. Not my secret Santa. Hecan’tbe. This man is acop—but that doesn’t change the fact that his lips curve into a wicked grin as he watches me scoot so frantically away from him, I nearly end up sliding across the sheets. I hit the headboard before I land on my ass on the floor, then gape down at him.

His grin widens. “Merry Christmas, precious.”

“Officer Coleman? What are you…Howdid you… No. You have to get out. Now!”

He tuts. “Dove, Dove, Dove… don’t tell me you forgot already.” He pushes himself up, sitting in the middle of my bed in agoddamnSanta suit. “Call me Derek.”

“Get the fuck out of my apartment,Derek!”

“And waste the opportunity I’ve been given? No. I don’t think so.”

“Opportunity?” I gasp out. “What opportunity?”

Officer Coleman—Derekinches closer to me. “Do you know how many nights I’ve stretched out on your bed just like that, watching you sleep, wishing you’d open your eyes and notice me there? I always had to leave before you did, but tonight… I thought I’d have to wait until Christmas Day for you to see me the way that I see you, precious. But this is my very own Christmas miracle because here I am. No more hiding. No more watching. No more”—our thighs touch—“secrets.”



No.No. It can’t be…


How many nights I’ve stretched out on your bed just like that…

“Are you…” My voice catches. I swallow roughly. “What do you mean? You’ve never been here before.”

Even as I say that, I get a whiff of something so familiar, my stomach tightens.

That cologne. I know that cologne.

I’ve smelled it in my apartment way too many times before, and if he’s been in my personal space like he claimed, that would explain it.

But why?—

“How did you like my presents, Dove?”

It takes me a second to catch up to the way he changed the subject. “Your presents?”


Christmas presents.



No. I’m sorry, but no fucking way. It… it can’t be. Of all the men I’d ever suspected could be the Santa stalking me, itneveroccurred to me that it was Officer Coleman. Why would it? Even after what happened tonight…

“I don’t understand.” The words slip out, shaky and unsure. “I just… I don’t get it.”

“Don’t you?” He gestures at his suit. “I didn’t think I could make it any more obvious. You have to know who I am.”