“I figured you would.”
My coffee isat the perfect temperature, and a lo-fi early 2000’s pop mix plays over the café’s speakers. Perfect. I’m just about to dive into the research Penny Olympian asked me to do on the hythanatia flower. I recognize it from Alana’s phone. She’s right, it’s not rare. In fact, it can grow in lots of different environments, including low water, high heat, frigid temperatures, and floods. It’s like the outside world has very little effect on its ability to thrive. I finally get a call from Angie.
Angie: Girlllll. Are you okay?
Me: Fine, I guess.
Angie: Fine? You broke up with my brother… like out of nowhere?
Me: Well it wasn’t ‘Nowhere.’
Angie: Details. So I can figure out how I’m supposed to feel about all of this.
There’s a sense of dread building in me. How is she going to react? She’s my best friend, she should have my back, right?
Me: I haven’t been happy for a long time. There wasn’t a spark. I kept hoping I would find one, but no.
Me: I guess he lost his spark, too.
Me: Otherwise he wouldn’t have cheated on me.
Ouch, and that statement hurt. It would’ve been easy to think I’m the good guy and he’s the bad guy, but life is never that clear. Neither of us were happy, and he found comfort someplace else. I can’t even be annoyed since I’m hooking up with his brother.
Angie: Hmmm I thought it might be something like that.
Angie: Has he tried talking to you since the break up?
Me: Not really.
Alana + Gun + Forehead = Don’t Call.
Angie: I will see you at brunch. Love ya.
I reread the text three times. No ‘It’s going to be alright' or ‘He sucks.’ Well, I guess blood is thicker than water.
I go back to my research, pausing only to watch a cake decorating video that makes it seem easy. I’m starting to think I can bake Angie’s wedding cake myself… but nah. And now I’m distracted by videos of mini cows.
Me: Which animals look dignified with a top hat?
Lukas: 6 a.m. on the West Coast
Me: Fine, I will tell you the answer.
Lukas: Um, all of them?
Me: What? No.
Me: Turtles, snakes, mini cows, frogs, and golden retrievers.
Lukas: What about a T-Rex?
Me: Don’t be ridiculous. With those arms? How’s he supposed to put the hat on?
Lukas: But none of those animals have arms… I’m so confused.