Me: Are you alive?
Waverly: Hey
Me: You didn’t text when you got to work.
Waverly: Oh, you were serious about that?
I stare at the phone. Is she fucking kidding me?
Me: Of course!
Waverly: I’m not used to someone caring.
I scrub my eyes with the heels of my hands. How could she think that? Two feelings erupt in me simultaneously: a deep desire to care for her and a rage toward everyone else in her life.
Me: Not any more.
How can I get her to understand why I’m doing this?
Me: But that’s one of the elements to a relationship.
Waverly: Are you kidding me? Mind blowing Big O’s, cookies, massages, cuddles, AND YOU CHECK ON MY WELL BEING!
She sends me a gif of a raging monster.
Waverly: What else have I missed out on? Are Pegasus real? Can I get a pet dinosaur?
She’s so damn cute. Where would I buy her a dinosaur?
Me: No Dinosaurs. There’s a bunch of movies about why that’s a bad idea, but I hear House Cows are an option.
Me: Sorry, even I have my limits on what I will do to keep you happy.
Waverly: Cock tease… no COW tease.
She’s funny. I forgot she was funny. How could I possibly forget? What else did I repress? Or is it her? Is she the one changing?
Me: How are you holding up?
It takes her a second to respond.
Waverly: Besides the drama of the last few days, and for a millisecond I thought I was getting a house cow, it’s been a lot.
Well at least she can laugh about it.
Waverly: What’s on your to do list for today?
Me: I’ve got three clients and bookkeeping. You?
Waverly: I’m hanging out at Mastodon, doing some research on drones for Alana.
Me: Well, don’t forget to eat and hydrate.
She sends a gif of a soldier saluting.