Me: You didn’t answer the question.
Waverly: It’s been a rough day, but I’m spending the next few nights at a friend’s house.
My shoulders sink into my chair as I finally relax. She’s safe. I don’t know why I was worried she was in danger. Maybe because I almost crushed her with my car. I’ve never seen her that lost before.
A bad day is an understatement.
Me: Let me know if you need anything.
Waverly: Will do.
I toss my phone on the desk and start working on a few outlines for upcoming clients. Questioning the historical accuracy of the armor on a Viking warrior I’m shading, I snap a picture and send it to Waverly.
Me: Is this right?
I don’t need her. I could google it myself.
Waverly: The helmet is wrong.
She sends me a picture of the correct helmet from a museum in Norway. Hmm.
Me: Thanks.
Waverly: No prob, bob.
I erase that last fifteen minutes of work and try again. Hmm, like erasing the last five years and getting a second chance.
My phone chimes
Waverly: Hey, have you seen Tucker and Dale Versus Evil?
Me: It’s a top 10 movie for me, why?
Waverly: I was watching it but we got interrupted, and now I have all this anxiety about it.
Oh, she’s asking if they survive.
Me: The ending is very satisfying.
Waverly: Wanna finish it together some time?
Me: Absolutely.
I’m about to pick up my pencil and start working again, when my phone buzzes. I grab it again, and the smile I didn’t realize was there falls slightly. The message is from Adam.
Adam: I need you.
He drops a pin on his location.
It’s the same shitty bar I went to with Darren and Kyle. Ugh. The bottoms of my shoes are already sticking to the floor just thinking about it.
Adam: plz
Hmm, he’s never said please to me. Against all better judgment, I grab my keys and head out.
As soon as I walk in, my annoyance and disdain for humanity spikes. It’s crowded and loud with a mix of old timers in the corner, a bachelorette party squealing by the pool table, and a bunch of bros cheering on a football game.
At the bar, Adam sits alone, hunched over. “Hey.”I slide one ass cheek onto the stool next to him. I don’t want to commit to a double cheek sit. When Adam’s involved, I always have an escape plan.