She’s quiet. “I’m happier since we broke up than I have been in six years. I’d say that’s a pretty good reason not to get back together.”
“You’re happy?”
“I miss you, but I don’t miss him. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m me. Or, I’m at least who I’m supposed to be.”
“Good.” I mean, what else can I say?
She plays with her hair between her fingers for a second. “So, since you got all miffy because I didn’t tell you about the non-event with your brother, I guess I should let you know I ran into one of his scummy Ivy League friends a few days ago. Oh shit, I told him Adam would have to do something big to win me back. Yeah, okay. Now everything makes sense.”
A million alarm bells go off in my head and I start glancing around the room for my suitcase. “I’m coming home.”
“Why? I’m fine. And you still have two days left at your convention. Stay, have fun.”
“I don’t like the idea of Adam’s friends hanging around you.”
Waverly blushes and shakes her head. “I’m fine and totally safe. I’m staying at Alana’s place and,” she lowers her voice to a whisper and says, “I think she might be an assassin. But it’s super cute that you’re worried.”
“Of course I’m worried. Jesus, who wouldn’t be worried about you?”
“Adam, apparently,” she mumbles. “Hey, there’s a three hour time difference and I’m kinda exhausted.”
I nod. “Yeah, triple check you locked the doors and sleep well. Text me when you wake up.”
“Miss you,” she says way too fast.
“Miss you, too.” But she’s already hung up.
I walk back to the bed and flop down. Grabbing one of the hotel pillows, I throw it over my head and scream. Why is the tiny woman causing me so much fucking stress? And why do I miss her as much as I do.
There’s a knock at my door and I hear men jump to their feet. “Oh, my food is here,” Carlos says.
“You ordered food?” Giovanni asks incredulously.
Carlos answers, “I didn’t know how long it was going to take for him to get back from the convention.”
Andery asks, “Did you order enough for all of us?”
“Do you think I’m some sort of a monster?” Carlos retorts.
What has my life turned into?
The pillow is ripped from my face and Mr. Mcleod reminds me, “You never said what your intentions are with my daughter.”
I groan. “I don’t know. Everything is still new, and clearly we need to work on our communication skills. Because if things didn’t get all fucked up five years ago, I probably would’ve been proposing instead of Adam.”
The room stills.
Cracking my eyes open, three of the men are huddled over a bag of food, frozen in place, eyes wide, staring at me.
Mr. Mcleod remains unmoved, his face unreadable. “And what makes you say that?”
I shrug, it seems obvious. “She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved.”
There’s a squeak from one of the men, and the Italian uncle starts hitting the Russian, all three have smiles of various degrees. Duncan McCleod crosses the room and snatches the bag out of the man’s hand and offers it to me. “Have some dinner.”
Giovanni digs his fork into his fried rice, his brows furrowed as he reads something on his cellphone. “Duncan, your math isn’t mathing. Amanda Chase’s digital scavenger hunt thing was eight years ago, so Shae would’ve been three years old.”
The men pause mid-bite. Carlos smirks. “Areyouan Amanda Chase fan?”