Taking a few steps ahead, Fabian gently touched Everly’s shoulder, making him turn around and abandon his target, who continued to lie on the floor in a pathetic heap. Blinking innocently, the other side of Fergus stared into the eyes of his protector, hesitantly heading to him. Fabian opened his arms wide, welcoming Everly into his embrace.
“Son, that’s enough,” Fabian whispered in the younger man’s ear. “You are not a murderer, and you certainly don’t want the filthy blood of this twisted, perverted creature on Fergus’s hands. Unlike us, who did what had to be done to protect our loved ones, he doesn’t understand this form of retaliation.”
“But the scum deserves it. He hurt you, Ardan, Tarrin, and gods know how many other innocent, defenseless people,” Everly replied, his voice a mix of harshness and pain.
“He will pay for each and every sin he committed.” Fabian cast a hateful look in Alexander’s direction. “But not today and not by yours and Fergus’s hand. The two of you have nothing to do with this, it’s mine and Ardan’s revenge.”
“Some revenge the two of you will have,” Alexander spoke, every word accompanied by a fit of coughs. “First, you had the executioner here crush every bone in my body, making sure I won’t be able to defend myself, because you would have never had the courage to mess with the physically fit Alexander. He would have crushed you all like the cockroaches you are.”
“You are equally arrogant and stupid,” Ardan intervened in an ice-cold voice. “A few months ago, you were more than fit, and still, I beat the crap out of you, because, in your immense arrogance, you didn’t think I would dare to attack you. Today, out stupidity, you repeated the mistake, because your arrogance was so great, you refused to believe Everly would attack and hurt you.”
“You never saw me, Thaddeus, and Sebastian as brothers, so I’ll stop considering you as such,” Fabian calmly spoke. “However, Elias and Abernathy are my nephews, and will be treated accordingly if they decide to join the family. Regardless of their decision, I’ll cover all their expenses until they get a job that will allow them to financially support themselves.”
“Screw you Bloom,” Alexander spat, glaring venomously in Fabian’s direction. “I don’t care about that bloody vegetable, but my Abernathy doesn’t need your charity, you can take it and shove it up the ass.”
“Elias will make it; he has the Bloom men’s warrior spirit in him.” A small smile played on Ardan’s lips when he said the last part. “One day, those two boys will finally find out about all your horrible deeds, but it won’t be from us, I give you my word,” he continued on a solemn tone, then turned to Xavier. “Get some men and transfer this pile of shit to the cell I showed you.”
“What’s this smell?” Fergus adorably scrunched his nose, making his brother and Pater smile. “Whoa, look at this guy, he looks like two trains coming from opposite directions ran over him at the same time,” he exclaimed, eyes wide with disbelief at the sight of Alexander.
“It was only one train, named Everly.” Ardan grinned. “The poor fool messed with the wrong bulldozer,” he added, right when Xavier stepped inside, followed by six muscular guards.
“Let’s finish this dirty job here,” Fergus’s long-haired, tattooed lover said, winking in his direction. “My baby stinks and needs a bath.”
“Thank you all for keeping things running smoothly in my absence,” Ardan started, casting an affectionate look at the men gathered around the long table in the Remembrance Hall’s conference room. “If something ever happens to me, I can rest assured that The Base is in the most capable hands.”
“These poor kids and all the adults working and living within these walls are part of our family, and we do the best to protect our own,” Serge Mills, Xavier’s father and the president of Steel Raiders MC spoke in a deep, rugged voice. “Me and the boys are happy the mission was successful and all the kids are back home, unharmed.”
“Thank you, Serge, I am happy, too.” Ardan gave the massive ex-Army Sergeant a weak smile. “Had we arrived a few hours later, our sons would have been lost forever.” He swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in his throat.
“Fortunately, it wasn’t the case,” Lothier intervened, in an attempt to steer his boss clear from the dangerous path his mind started to wander. “While you and the crew were away, I took some guards and inspected the wall. The north section needs to be consolidated in places, we’ll need to call some contractors, get estimations and…”
“Bringing strangers inside The Base so soon after what happened with the kids is not the best idea, even if those strangers seem inoffensive. From what I’ve heard, this Alexander bastard has ears and eyes everywhere, and it’s better to avoid any unpleasant surprises.”
Ardan nodded in approval. “You’re right, we have to keep strangers away, at least until that monster is dead, buried and forgotten. However, it may take a while, and the wall needs to be repaired and consolidated as soon as possible, for the same reasons you mentioned earlier. Any suggestions?”
“Some of my brothers-in-arms from the gang know a thing or two about building, plastering and consolidating a wall, and they would be more than happy to help us. They teach you a lot of useful things in the Army.” The ex-sergeant grinned.
“I think it’s a great solution to our problem.” Ardan gave the president of Steel Raiders MC a look of gratitude. “Anything else we should talk about?”
“No, that would be all.” Lothier turned to his boss, then paused a little. “Actually, there would be one more thing, if you have time. There are some guards who, in spite of seeing Brennan, Zachary, and Saint yesterday, think something happened to you and those who accompanied you on the island are keeping it secret. I was wondering if you could…”
“Of course, I’ll go to the guards’ headquarters and say hello to everyone.” Ardan warmly smiled. “In fact, I intend to tour The Base, and I was counting on you to accompany me.”
Lothier gave his boss one of his rare smiles and waited for him to thank all those who took part at the meeting and shake hands with them. Once the men left the conference room, the chief of security accompanied Ardan, who inspected all the buildings on The Base’s perimeter, listening to those responsible for keeping them in a good state.
As he headed to the long, one-store building where the dining hall and the kitchen were located, the boss saw a group of kids stepping inside, and his heart jumped with joy when he recognized Lorcan, Cian, Tarrin and Ira among them.The Crazy Bunch is back to the regular program,he said to himself, smiling at the thought.Winter will be very happy; his favorite helpers are back.Ardan smiled again, imagining the joyous reunion between the head of the kitchen and the boys, who were like little brothers to him. Gesturing to Lothier, he turned around, changing the route.I can inspect the kitchen later, they only have this time of the day,he thought, the smile becoming brighter.
Meanwhile, Dunstan, Ardan’s cousin, who was in charge of supplying the kitchen, waited until him and Daniel were the only ones in the Remembrance Hall, and approached the man. Lost in his thoughts, the other didn’t notice Dunstan, who discreetly cleared his throat, making Daniel turn to him, a small, apologetic smile on his lips.
“Sorry, I was thinking about…it doesn’t matter.” He dismissively waved his hand. “Do you want to talk?” The man pulled a chair out and sat down, gesturing to Ardan’s cousin to do the same.
“Yes. It’s about…your son, Jeroen, the one the other kids call Whitey.” Dunstan hesitated a little before continuing. “How affected was he by what happened on that island? Is he…is your son well?”
“I didn’t get to talk very much to my sons yesterday, they grabbed a quick bite right after we came home, then went to bed and slept for ten hours straight. They’ll need much more sleep to recover after all the time they spent awake and alert on that goddamn island. I didn’t notice any significant change in Jeroen’s behavior, he’s the same goofy kid telling a joke every three words. Why are you asking?” Concern invaded Daniel’s sapphire eyes as he waited for the other man to talk.
“My son, Gavin. He is generous, reliable, compassionate, with the heart of a warrior, the best friend anyone could wish for. From the outside, however, he seems cold, because he doesn’t like to call or message his friends for petty conversation. He never turns his phone off, though.” Dunstan sighed heavily. “That changed drastically since he came back. In a matter of only a few hours, he sent a ton of messages to your son Jeroen.”