“Yes. Even with the mountain of evidence crushing him, the goddamn monster can still get away. Some of the fucking perverts who used those innocent children to satisfy their depraved sexual fantasies are powerful, wealthy, and influential, and will intervene in his favor.” Ardan paused, his turquoise eyes piercing Ian’s soul. “Are you ready for the shit storm that will come? Can you handle the pressure those fuckers are going to put on you?”
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for the past thirty years. That’s a bloody long time I’ve spent sharpening my knife and waiting for the perfect moment to take down the child sex trafficking hydra once and for all. I’m doing this for Sinclair and all those anonymous victims who couldn’t cope with the abuse and chose to take their own life.”
The expression of devastation on Ian’s face shook Ardan to the core, his heart aching at the sight. The Base’s boss was one of the few people in the special prosecutor’s entourage familiar with the story of Sinclair, a teen gay boy whose heartless parents tried to pimp out to rich, depraved bastards. He ran away from home before they could put their intentions into practice but committed suicide the next day by jumping off a bridge. Ardan suspected the poor boy was Ian himself, but didn’t dare to ask him. Now, looking at the man’s slightly shaky hands, his suspicions were confirmed once more.
Ardan couldn’t stand to see the special prosecutor in that state, so he started to tell him about how Paisley and Axel, after hugging their older brothers and covering their faces with sticky kisses, started to boss them around. His voice, hesitant at first, became livelier as the story advanced, and soon a pale smile appeared on Ian’s face.
Relieved to see the special prosecutor back to his usual self, Ardan spent a few more minutes in the man’s company, then the two of them parted ways with a warm, energetic handshake. Someone is in for a big surprise,Ardan thought a few minutes later, after getting into his car. He took out his phone, dialed Fergus’s number, a big smile brightening his face when his brother answered, and they began to talk.
“G’morning everyone.” Rowan stepped into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep off his eyes. “The greatest cluster of small asses I’ve seen in a good while,” he commented in an affectionate voice, looking at the Crazy Bunch grouped around the table. “It’s a good feeling, although it will be less food left for me.”
“I don’t think so, smartass.” Dunbar left the toaster under Elaine’s supervision and went to Rowan, softly hugging him. “When the bunch of tiny assess are here, Grumpa and Granddad cook for a whole army, so there is enough food for everyone.” The young man pointed to Fabian and Lance, who were busy at the stove.
“Speaking of…everyone, where is Nico?” Elaine asked with a tinge of worry. “I’m here for almost half an hour and I haven’t seen him.” She looked around with concern.
“He was getting dressed, when his phone buzzed. It was Uncle Fergus, so I left, didn’t want to eavesdrop,” Gavin, who shared the room with his cousin, answered, rolling his eyes at Whitey, who pouted. “Here he is.” Dunstan’s son pointed at the kitchen’s large window to Nico, who was coming from the guest house.
“Hello, everyone,” Fergus’s son said cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. “Good morning, Granddad, Grumpa, the food smells divine.” He kissed the two men on the cheeks, earning bright, affectionate smiles from them.
“Thank you, dear boy.” Fabian kissed the boy on the forehead, smiling paternally. “Is it only me, or you do sound very happy today?”
“Dad called me about half an hour ago, and told me Uncle Ardan spoke to him yesterday evening and gave him some great news.” Nico inhaled sharply and put a hand over his heart. “The special prosecutor Saint-Clair authorized a private meeting between me and Seamus, two days before Valentine’s Day.”
A choir of dreamy sighs followed Nico’s announcement. “Isn’t it romantic?” Tarrin turned to Ira. “Pater thought Nico would feel lonely on that day, so special for those who are in love, and arranged this. Just when I thought I couldn’t love him more…”
“You are right.” Gavin approved with a nod and a smile. “Uncle Ardan is just the best, and special prosecutor Saint-Clair is a cool guy, too.”
Whitey shrugged, slowly shaking his head, a mischievous look in his sapphire eyes. “Nico is going to jail,” he chanted. “Well, you will become a jailbird, or rather a jailbait. Anyway, I’m not envious on your position…um…situation. One more meeting like this one, and you will be considered a regular; a repeat offender.”
“Oh, c’mon, can’t you stop being an ass, just this time? Nico hasn’t seen Seamus in almost six months, and you are ruining his special moment. Man, I can’t believe you.” Lochlin facepalmed himself, but couldn’t keep a straight face for long, as everyone in the kitchen burst in a wild fit of laughter at Whitey’s words.
Fabian and Lance, who also had the time of their life, finished cooking and brought the delicious food to the table, greeted by the bunch of kids and young men with enthusiastic interjections. Plates were filled, and to the cooks’ delight, everyone started to dig into the food like there was no tomorrow.
Not even hunger could stop Whitey from making lighthearted fun of Nico’s visit to prison to see his fiancé Seamus. On the most serious tone, the platinum-blond boy gave Fergus’s son advice on what to do and what to avoid while in jail. To the assistant’s amusement, he even made a list with things he claimed Nico should take with him, in case the visit was extended.
Everyone shook their heads, grinned, and laughed, the subject of the discussion included. Instead of being irritated by Whitey’s jokes, the blond boy asked him to continue, the result being a savory moment of stand-up comedy, or rather “sit down comedy,” as Emery called his stepbrother’s artistic production.
The food dwindled down and, one by one, the kids softly rubbed their full bellies, moaning in appreciation and thanking Lance, Fabian, and Dunbar for another delicious breakfast. Like they did every time, the boys took it upon themselves to clean the table and wash the dishes. After giving their Granddad and Grumpa a warm hug, they left the house and climbed in their cars, heading to their respective homes.
“It’s quiet again,” Fabian softly sighed a few minutes later, plopping down on a kitchen chair. “This was a very good and happy morning, with all the jokes and laughter. Someone from the outside would be very surprised to find out about the hardships these kids had to overcome only a few days ago.”
“They are all survivors, even Jeroen, or better said, especially him. I bet his jokes and antics kept the boys from going crazy out there.” Lance gave his husband an affectionate look. “You raised that one well.”
“Thank you, my love.” The compliment made Fabian blush. “I can’t tell you how happy I am Whitey turned out the way he did; I was way too strict with the poor boy when he was just a small child. Sometimes I wish…”
“Don’t do that to yourself, husband.” Lance gently put a finger on the other man’s full lips. “You did what was necessary to give that little boy a safe, if not happy, childhood far away from the monster who almost destroyed yours and Daniel’s lives.”
“Speaking of happy, what about throwing a party on the boys’ safe comeback? Valentine’s Day would be a perfect moment for a joyous reunion, don’t you think? The mansion is spacious enough to accommodate all the guests,” Fabian continued. “Of course, there is also the Remembrance Hall at The Base, but I don’t think the younger generation relate to it like they do to our home.”
“Kind, loving, generous, always putting the others first; this is the man I came to respect, fell in love with, and finally married. I’m the luckiest bastard who ever lived.” Lance helped Fabian to his feet, held him close, and kissed him passionately.
The other man responded with the same fierceness, the kiss becoming a wild fire that consumed the husbands. “We will need help, you know,” Fabian said when the two of them broke the kiss. “Do you think Elaine and Dunbar are trustworthy enough to…”
“Those two make the best accomplices,” Lance cut his husband short, grinning. He stared for a moment in his soulmate’s sapphire eyes, then let out a short, happy laugh. “Party time,” he said, inviting Fabian to dance to the music of their hearts.