“If you want us to talk about strange things,” Tarrin started, wanting to change the subject, “I’ll tell you what’s strange: Pater and Spitfire going to a party. How many parties did they go to since I’ve been at The Base? None! And now, all of a sudden…”
“Now, that you mentioned it.” Gavin frowned. “I’ve heard mom mentioning something yesterday at dinner about a party she and dad were going to this evening. Man, these two are anything that partiers.” The boy shook his head in disbelief, the others imitating him.
“I think the expression Ira used to describe Dunbar’s behavior, twilight zone, fits this situation like a glove,” Thorvald philosophically said. “Anyway, we’ll find out what it’s all about soon enough, and I bet it won’t be as exciting and mysterious as we think.”
All the boys nodded in approval, and they spent the rest of the ride in comfortable silence, leaning on their boyfriends, best friends or brothers. They were home, among their people, who kept them safe and made them feel loved, and that was what mattered the most. Some of those people would welcome the boys to the mansion and would feed them, before or after explaining their strange actions over the past few days.
The van passed the gates of the mansion, and, when Digger, the driver, parked in the driveway, the passengers let out loud gasps, their eyes widening in surprise. Thousands of little white lights decorated the branches of the trees flanking the edifice, making it look even more gracious and beautiful, bestowing a festive air.
Coming down from the powerful impression the lights produced, the boys noticed that, on the inside, the mansion was completely dark, quite unusual at that hour of the evening. The discovery made them a little uneasy, agitated even. Gavin, Lorcan, Thorvald, and Ira took the lead as the other boys grouped in a tight formation behind them.
Dunstan’s son was the first to cautiously step inside the mansion, followed by Ira and all the others. Once he adjusted his sight to the darkness, Gavin slowly advanced to the light switch, but a couple of seconds before touching it, light filled the room and, for the second time in less than half an hour, the boys in the Crazy Bunch gasped loud.
This time, the surprise was ignited by the sight of their parents, uncles, and grandfathers, grouped in the middle of the room, clapping their hands and yellingsurprise. Radiant smiles on their faces, they opened their arms, and the boys threw themselves into their embraces, overjoyed by the pleasant surprise.
The first wave of emotions passed, and the kids looked around the living room, staring in awe at all the cute, Valentine’s Day-themed decorations. The heart-shaped balloons written with their names, and, where it was the case, the names of their boyfriends were the stars of the show, the adults earning themselves another round of hugs from the kids.
“You are all a bunch of sly foxes.” Tarrin jabbed his finger at Fabian, who smiled affectionately. “We were really, really worried, especially about the no sleepover’s part.” He flashed a cute grin to the one he considered his grandfather.
“Please, dear boy, forgive this old man, but there was no other way to keep things secret,” Fabian gently spoke, his deep-blue eyes shining like sapphires.
“My little friend here is right,” Whitey said on a solemn tone, in stark contrast with his bubbly personality. “The sleepovers here are the best, because the breakfasts Uncle Lance and his assistants prepare are the tastiest on the planet.”
“The innocent has spoken.” Lance caressed Whitey’s platinum-blond strands, flashing a triumphant grin to Vincent, who rolled his eyes. “You are such a nice boy, Whitey, thank you for the kind words. Cooking for all of you is not only a pleasure, but also an honor.”
“All this talk about food made me hungry, so please, is there anyone here who could feed me something delicious, anything?” Lochlin opened his mouth wide, pointing to it in a comic gesture that made everyone laugh. “I think my boyfriend here is famished, too.” The blond sneaked an arm around Lazarus, who put the head on his shoulder.
“Yes, please, Grumpa, Granddad, feed that poor hungry boy and his hungry friends. I’m your friend, right?” Rowan came next to Lochlin, wrapping an arm around his neck.
“Do any of you guys know who this one is? I didn’t think so.” Tarquin’s son grinned, after the boys in the Crazy Bunch shook their heads. “However, I’m feeling generous today, so I’m not opposing you joining us. The invitation extends to you, too.” He pointed to his fathers and all the other adults, who burst into a healthy fit of laughter.
“Over here, boys.” Vincent pointed to the spacious dining room. “Gazpacho, chicken with rice and lemon sauce, roast with baked potatoes and veggies on the side, ravioli—eat to your heart’s content.”
“This is not all,” Lance said, as the group of hungry boys moved into the dining room and sat around the table, already salivating. “There’s also beetroot soup, fish meatballs, lamb chops with spinach, the fish dish you love so much…”
“Beetroot soup!” Ira exclaimed, licking his lips. “That’s the yummiest, most delicious thing I ever ate, and I can’t believe you cooked it. I love you, Grumpa, you are just the best. And the fish dish…mmm,” the boy let out a soft moan, rubbing his belly.
“Sorry, my friend, I have to contradict you on this,” Julien, the shiest of Tarquin’s triplets, started, “but nothing compares to Uncle Vincent’s gazpacho, it is the most delicious soup ever. You’ll become addicted from the first spoonful, trust me.”
Once the huge bowls and plates were brought to the table, everyone, adults and kids, attacked the mouthwatering dishes, and, after a few short minutes, the boys’ and their parents’ soft moans of appreciation and words of praise filled the room. Unlike the adults, the boys were unaware that they were the jury of a cooking contest and that their praises were a source of satisfaction or disappointment for Lance and Vincent.
They are eating, praised be all gods, dead, alive, and unborn,Fabian sighed in relief, his gaze resting lovingly on the group of boys who were stuffing their cute faces with food like there was no tomorrow. After the Crazy Bunch came back from the island of horrors, the man and his husband were afraid they wouldn’t eat, but fortunately it wasn’t the case.
Every time the boys had sleepovers at the mansion, the breakfasts was cheerful gatherings, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. More important, they scarfed down the food like they hadn’t eaten in ages, much to their honorary grandfathers’ delight. The compliments that followed after every meal came as a confirmation that the Crazy Bunch really enjoyed the food, they didn’t eat out of obligation.
At that point, Fabian shifted his attention to the adults, who had the same healthy appetite as their sons and nephews, emptying the content of the bowls, trays and big plates on which the food was brought to the table.This is going to be a very tight competition,the man thought, amused at the tense, but also hopeful expressions on Lance and Vincent’s faces.
“That’s it, people, I’m full,” Rowan announced, rubbing his flat belly, to everyone’s amusement. “Thank you, Grumpa, for this feast, you are the best cook in the world.”
“Truer words were never spoke.” Ira nodded in approval. “The fish was heavenly, not to mention the beetroot soup.” The boy gave Lance an affectionate, filial smile.
“Sorry, guys, but nothing compares with Uncle Vincent’s chicken with lemon sauce and rice. It is the dish supreme; I can’t get enough of it.” Lochlin licked his lips. “My boyfriend is here to confirm, and his opinion is completely unbiased.” The blond pointed to his boyfriend.
“This time I can’t agree with you, baby.” Lazarus smiled apologetically. “The fish meatballs are something extra-super-special, and the lamb chops with all the veggies and butter-soft baked potatoes…yum.” The black-haired boy licked his fingers one by one.
“Team Uncle Vincent here.” Whitey raised his hand, grinning. “Everything you cooked was super-tasty and extra-delicious, thank you very much.” He dipped the head in the man’s direction. “Uncle Lance’s fish meatballs were to die for, too.”
“And just like that, this one made sure he won’t be banned from any of his two uncles’ tables,” Gavin said in an amused voice. “A very clever move, if you ask me.”