“Good morning, handsome. What or who are you thinking of? You look so sexy wearing nothing but this smile, and I’m tempted to do things to you, but I have to think about those two poor hungry souls living in this house, who can’t cook anything for dear life. Time to feed Rowan and Dunbar.” Purring sweetly in Fabian’s ear, Lance peppered a few butterfly kisses along the man’s jawline, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

“Those two are like that because they have a Grumpa who spoils them rotten and loves them to pieces. And speaking of hunger, I’m starving too. I could eat a horse in one go. I guess it’s from the excitement about the great news from Fergus’s lawyers.” Fabian stepped into the bathroom, joining Lance in the shower.

Twenty minutes later, showered, dried and changed into day clothes, the two husbands went upstairs where they were greeted by a very revolted Rowan. “I can’t believe you people. Poor Dunbar is starving to death while the two of you are taking your sweet time, doing... I don’t want to know what, but you obviously aren’t thinking about him.”

“I’m not hungry, he is.” The young man gestured with his head in the blond, long-haired teen’s direction and was met with a murderous glare. “He stayed up all night again, working in the lab, trying to fix I don’t know what trial errors.” Dunbar cast a worried look in Rowan’s direction. “His ass is becoming so skinny, soon Riley won’t find it attractive anymore.”

“Stop working so much and sleep more. I don’t want you to die from exhaustion. It will be a great loss for the medical researchers’ community.” Lance was facing the stove, so no one could see his expression, but his voice was soft, tinged with concern and something more that warmed Rowan’s heart.

“Sorry if we made you wait, boys. Fergus’s lawyers called in the dead of the night, bringing great news. Apparently, he has a son of whose existence was their best kept secret for the last seventeen years.” Fabian’s voice was half-apologetic, half-joyful as he looked around the room.

“Wow, this is the news of the century! Wait until Ardan finds out. He’s going to be on cloud nine!” Dunbar’s enthusiasm was a pleasant surprise for everyone in the room, given the young man’s usually quiet, reserved nature.

Fabian’s phone beeped, a smile of satisfaction appearing on his lips when he read the message. “The two respectable gentlemen, namely Fergus’s lawyers, kindly offered us Trevellyan Holding’s jet for our trip to and from England. We’ll take off first thing in the morning, so I better go and tell Ardan to get ready.”

“Of course, you do. Dunbar also has to get there but breakfast comes first.” Lance turned around, a soft smile on his tempting lips. “Eggs and sausages, the resident scientist’s favorites.”

One hour later, Fabian was in front of Ardan’s and Alasdair’s house, emotions storming underneath the calm and composed attitude he usually harbored. In the two weeks that had passed since Fergus had gone missing, The Base’s boss smiled from time to time, but his look remained clouded with sadness and guilt.

Fabian missed seeing how Ardan’s eyes lightened to the point of incandescence. He wanted the pain gone from the younger man’s low, gentle voice. He hoped the news about his nephew’s existence and the trip to England would bring the one he saw as a son back to his old self. Inhaling sharply, Fabian rang the door.

“Good morning, Mister Bloom. My Ardan is in the kitchen; it’s his turn to do the dishes.” Alasdair’s cute grin brought a smile on the older man’s face. “Dunbar, man, get inside. The two little bundles of mischief are wide awake and asking for you.”

“Good morning to you too.” Fabian hugged the redhead, who wholeheartedly reciprocated. “I take it your husband is in good mood, and this makes me very happy. I will be taking him away from you for a couple of days; he’s coming with me to England.” As he spoke, the man stepped into the house and was heading to the kitchen when a fresh-looking Ardan greeted him.

“Hello, there. I see you finally discovered where I live! It’s good to have you as guest, too, not only as a collaborator at The Base.” The dirty-blond man threw himself in Fabian’s arms, letting out a soft sigh of contentment.

“Hello, kid. You look very good this morning, and I have some great news for you. Fergus has a son, and the two of us are going to England to bring him home.”


“I must confess, I’m a little nervous about meeting my nephew. What if the kid rejects me from the start? What if he’s angry at Fergus for never getting in touch with him? And, above all, what if he doesn’t want to come to New York with us? How will I explain to that sweet, innocent kid that his father was married to a bastard who would kill him if he knew about his existence?” Ardan had a troubled look in his turquoise eyes, his voice filled with worry and doubt.

“Are you done, kid? First of all, your nephew knows everything about his father’s complicated situation. Mister Jonathan Hawthorne, the youngest of the family lawyers, has been explaining it to him since he was five. Secondly, the boy knows about our visit, and according to Thomas, the eldest of the Hawthorne brothers, he is quite excited about it, so stop worrying.” Fabian spoke softly, his affectionate voice a balm on the younger man’s tense nerves.

“I think this is the house. Stop the car and let’s take a closer look. The Hawthornes said the last house in the village, on the left side of the road, and according to the GPS, the next building is the dairy farm, three miles away.” A frown creased Ardan’s forehead as he compared the house across the road with the photos on the screen of his phone.

“You’re right. This is definitely it. Take a look at the stonework of the facade; it’s the same as the details in the photos. Before we get out and go there, kid, keep in mind that there’s nothing to worry about. Fergus’s son will love you from the first second, and so will his mother. You are the most caring and affectionate soul out there. One of those rare persons who radiates kindness and compassion, bringing light into the deepest darkness.”

Spoken by Fabian in the soothing voice Ardan had come to love so much, the words touched the younger man’s soul, making his eyes shine with unshed tears. “Okay, sir, if you say so, I’ll listen to you and do as told.” The smile playing on his lips also reached his eyes, making the other man happy.

“Come in. I’ve been waiting for you.” To the men’s great surprise, the door opened before they could ring or knock, and a beautiful blond woman in her mid to late thirties greeted them. “Helen Addincott, pleased to meet you.”

“Ardan MacNamara, Fergus’s twin brother, at your service. I’m honored to introduce to you my stepfather, Mister Fabian Bloom.” The man offered the host one of his radiant, heart-melting smiles.

“I’m extremely happy to finally meet you. Fergus was, and still is, very dear to my heart, and to find out a part of him will continue to live long after he is gone...” Fabian let the sentence unfinished, emotions overwhelming him.

Helen nodded, the two men’s voices and attitude warming her heart. With a large gesture, she invited the guests to follow her to the tastefully decorated living room. As they took a seat, Ardan and Fabian looked around the room, pleasantly surprised, happy even, at the sight of the multitude of framed pictures scattered everywhere.

All of them presented Fergus’s son in different stages of his life, from when he was only a few months old to his seventeenth birthday, a week before. In all of them, without exception, he had a carefree, happy expression or was grinning, amused by a silly joke or a funny situation. His mother appeared in most of the photos, also happily smiling, the connection between the two and the love they shared almost tangible.

“Nico just arrived. He was at one of the nearby farms to help a friend in need. He should have been home by now, but the situation got complicated and...” The woman was cut short by the apparition of a blond kid, whose face radiated satisfaction and happiness. “There you are! What took you so long? Our guests have already arrived.”

The boy pulled his mother in a tight, affectionate hug, then turned to the two men, eyes shining with joy. “Sorry I’m late, I thought it would be a quick thing, but...”

“There is no need to apologize for helping a friend in need. They always have to come first. I understand you better than anyone, and I’m proud and honored to call you my nephew.” Ardan left his seat, heading to the teen and wrapped him in his arms.

“You must be my uncle, the one Mister Hawthorne told me so many great things about. I have so many things to ask you about The Base and the rescue operation! I don’t know if Mom told you, but I want to become a psychologist specialized in helping abused children.” The enthusiasm in Nico’s voice made Ardan’s and Fabian’s hearts swell with pride and joy.