“You should thank your lucky stars my right hand showed up in time to spare your pathetic life. Go and never come back. Starting from now on, I have no sons left, and you are entirely responsible for the situation.” Godfrey threw the belt to the ground, turning his back on Ardan.
“Do you need help?” Connelly turned his attention to the younger man, who, gathering the remains of his strength, headed to the door. “I can give you a ride to wherever you need to be.”
“No, thank you. I can drive myself. You should stay here with your boss. He really needs someone in his corner.” A lone tear slid down Ardan’s cheek as he opened the door. “A good day, gentlemen.”
Without waiting for an answer, he stepped outside the office, going to the building’s parking lot. In the safety of his car, The Base’s boss started to shake violently, surges of pain coming in waves that hit his body again and again, wrecking it and draining the man of the last drop of energy.
Gritting his teeth, Ardan hugged himself tightly, his breath hitching as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. I can’t let the pain control me, there’s plenty of time for it later,he thought, pulling the phone out of his jacket’s pocket. With shaky hands, the man pressed the speed dial button, the call getting answered almost instantly.
“What’s wrong?” The man from the other end of the line had a worried but calm voice that soothed Ardan’s aching soul.
“Can you please come and pick me up from my father’s headquarters’ parking lot? I have a flat tire.” The answer came in the most natural voice the man in the car could muster, although he doubted his conversation partner would be fooled.
“We will be there in the shortest possible time.” The laconic answer came in the same soothing voice from earlier, making Ardan sigh in relief.
Head tilted backwards, he closed his eyes, wondering what Fabian’s reaction would be when he saw the state his father’s rage brought him to. Spitfire must not find out about this. I have to come up with a very good story; otherwise, he’ll come here, unleashing hell on everyone. In spite of the situation he ended up in, Ardan couldn’t help smiling at the thought.
He dozed off for what seemed like a couple of seconds, but it was much longer than that because when opened his eyes, he met Fabian’s warm, compassionate gaze. Without a word, he threw himself into the arms of the older man, who was sitting on the passenger seat, and started to cry loud, soul-tearing sobs, tears running down his pale cheeks.
Shocked to the core by the sight Ardan was offering, Fabian held him tight, cradling him back and forth and whispering words of reassurance in his ear. There was nothing left of the brave, strong, fearless fighter he had come to admire and respect so much. Godfrey’s madness had reduced his son to a scared, vulnerable child.
Once Ardan’s last sob died down and his tears dried, Fabian stepped out of the car and headed to his vehicle, where Lance patiently waited for his instructions. The two men spoke in low voices, nodding from time to time, then Lance took off, shortly followed by Fabian, who was driving Ardan's car. Ardan’s eyes filled with gratitude when he saw the man drive in his mansion’s direction, instead of taking him to The Base.
Lance was already there and greeted them, helping his soon-to-be-husband get the younger man out of the car, then both of them guided him to the bathroom, where the tub was filled with warm water and a mixture of herbs. Gently running a washcloth over Ardan’s back, arms and torso, Fabian washed the dried blood off him, making great efforts to keep his emotions under control.
This man shaking in the bathtub, who gave me a second chance and trusted me with his worries shouldn’t see my anger or sadness,he thought, lightly stroking Ardan’s wet strands. I have to think clearly and make the best possible decision.With that thought in mind, Fabian, helped by Lance, got the younger man out of the bathtub, dried him and dressed him for the night.
“Thank you for everything. I don’t even have words to express my gratitude.” Ardan spoke in a tired, faraway voice as Fabian pulled the covers over him.
“Shh, don’t think about it. Your body and mind need to rest so they can heal properly. We’ll speak in the morning. Sleep well.”
Smiling affectionately, Fabian brushed a rebel strand off the younger man’s forehead, then stepped out of the room. Taking the phone out his pants’ pocket, he typed a message, then hit the send button without hesitation.
For the hundredth time over the last half an hour, Fergus stared at the message, each of the letters written on the screen etched into his mind. Heart racing and breath hitching, his cheeks on fire, he was eighteen again, memories of the day he met Blair Greenwood for the first time flooding his mind. One charming smile was enough to make him surrender his heart to the older man and never ask for it back.
I miss you badly, and I really want to talk to you. Today, tomorrow, next month, whenever you have a bit of time.A dreamy sigh escaped from Fergus’s sensual lips as he read the message one more time. His husband’s words made him incredibly happy, just like when the man had asked for his hand in marriage, almost seventeen years before.
Everly stepped out of the shadow and, in his usual, calm voice, reminded Fergus about the first time the two of them met, right after the so brutally consumed wedding night. It was true, Blair had been very rough on that occasion, but it was also his fault that things went so far,Fergus replied.He should have asked his husband about his preferences in bed and should have been prepared for what was going to happen.
Blair never did anything to him without a good reason,he continued, to Everly’s utter disbelief,the punishments served him as lessons to do better, to find new, creative ways of satisfying his husband in bed. Most likely, his way of submitting wasn’t enough, and although Blair wasn’t the most patient teacher, he wasn’t the fastest learning disciple,Fergus said, ashamed of his clumsiness in bed.
Usually, Everly gave up and walked away because he couldn’t make Fergus see Greenwood’s true, perverted nature, no matter how hard he tried. That time, however, things were different as Everly had a very bad feeling about the message that had come out of the blue after more than six months of silence.
If that bastard loved or loves you so much, why did he force you to take those pills? Why did he take the joy of fatherhood away from you?Everly felt sorry for Fergus, but he had no choice, desperate situations required desperate measures.
I don’t know, and I won’t find out if I don’t talk to Blair. There are many other questions I’d like to ask him now that I have the chance. Even if my husband is the monster you claim he is, I’m going to face him like a man, instead of hiding behind my brothers and protector like a goddamn coward.Fergus’s turquoise eyes were filled with determination, making Everly take two steps back.
Alright, you win this time, too. However, before we go, you should let Alasdair know that we’re leaving, telling him the address, just in case. Am I asking too much?
Like always, Everly’s request was reasonable, Fergus admitted to himself, nodding in approval.I saw my brother-in-law leaving half an hour ago, but I’ll message him, telling him where I’m going.
However, for the first time in the almost seventeen years since Everly appeared in his life, Fergus lied to him. He waited for a moment when the other one wasn’t paying as much attention to what he was doing and changed the text of the message, informing Alasdair only that he was going to go out for a long walk, without offering other clues about his destination. It is my private life, after all, he thought, sending the text.
Then Fergus wrote another message, that time for Greenwood, letting his still-husband know they could meet in about an hour. Going to the closet, he chose a pair of navy-blue dress pants and a light-blue, buttoned-down shirt. His outfit was a clear sign that he only wanted to talk and had no interest in getting in bed with the older man.
Meanwhile, in the little, crammed office attached to the abandoned warehouse he’d chosen as location for his plan, Greenwood let out a diabolic cry of victory at the sight of the message sent by that pathetic form of life he was still married to. The prey had taken the bait earlier than expected but that didn’t change his plans at all. On the contrary, he could hardly wait to tell the worthless whining shit how much he detested him.