“Are you alright, sir? You’re very pale and look like you could use some rest. I don’t need you here for now, please go home and take care of yourself. I’m sure Mister Hansen would agree with me.” The younger man spoke in his usual soft voice, concern mixing with innocence and affection in his expressive, turquoise eyes.
“I’m alright, kid, don’t worry. I just... I was thinking about you and this place, about everything you’ve achieved. The Base and everything else you created is built to last. Nothing and no one can destroy it, no matter how hard they try. You’re a hell of a fighter, kid, one who vanquishes his enemies every time. I’m immensely proud of you!” Fabian’s voice was sincere, affectionate and thick with emotion.
“Thank you, sir! I needed to hear those words that reminded me of the reason I started all this.” Ardan paused a little, making a semi-circular gesture, his eyes filled with pride and gratitude. “Thank you for helping me to keep the spark of hope alive and for taking care of my poor brother Fergus when no one else did.”
Ardan put his head on Fabian’s shoulder and closed his eyes, letting himself be wrapped in the other man’s warm, protective arms that offered him a sense of safety he only usually found in his Spitfire’s embrace. He let out a soft sigh of contentment as Fabian’s fingers tentatively caressed his dirty-blond strands.
“I’ll go home and rest for a bit, and so should you. We need all the energy and strength we can get our hands on.” Fabian spoke in a whispered voice, and Ardan nodded in approval, hugging him tightly.But first, I’m going to make sure you and your brothers are out of harm’s way,he thought, heading to the administrative building’s exit.
“One Fabian Bloom is here to see you, boss. Should I send him in? The man is quite insistent. He won’t take no for an answer.” The young man cast a fearful glance in Godfrey MacNamara’s direction, wishing he wasn’t so close to the man, famous for having a short-fused temper.
“Tell him to go screw himself. I already told all of you submoronic creatures I’m not in the mood to see anyone. How dare he to come here demanding to see me?”
“I think you should meet him, Godfrey. We can’t afford to make Fabian Bloom our enemy. The man has a lot of influence and...”
“Wecan’t afford? Since when are you the boss of this organization? I don’t remember appointing you as my successor or something along the lines. You are breathing the same air as me only because I tolerate your presence, disgusting faggot!” Godfrey cut short Connelly, his second-in-command, his voice venomous and eyes filled with contempt.
“Young man, can you please pretend this discussion never happened? Please, get out and wait for ten minutes, then come back, bringing Mister Bloom with you. The boss is having a bad day like all of us have at a certain point.” Connelly smiled to the young man, who disappeared from sight.
“I’m not seeing anyone, and that’s it! And next time you defy my authority, I’ll blow your fucking brains out!” Godfrey gritted his teeth, balling his hands into fists.
“Did it ever occur to you that I don’t give a damn if I live or die? That I only stayed around because Harrison made me promise I will look after you?” Connelly’s voice was flat, his eyes empty. “I’ll go get Fabian Bloom, and you’ll listen to what he has to say.”
“Hello, Mister Connelly, nice to meet you, although I can’t tell the same thing about your boss. Anyway, I’m not here to exchange pleasantries, so I’ll be very short. Godfrey MacNamara, starting from today, the sons you threw away, who you only saw as a means to get your hands on their mothers’ money, are mine, and I’ll destroy whoever tries to harm them. Consider yourself warned.”
“I hated every minute of their existence, but there was no other way to get what I wanted. None of them live up to my expectations. They are nothing but some snotty kids with foolish ideas, a constant source of trouble and worry for me. And that defiant, rebellious wolf in sheep’s clothing called Ardan is the greatest disappointment of my life.” Godfrey’s mouth contorted in an ugly, hateful rictus when he mentioned his eldest son’s name.
“Yes, because you thought that his marriage into the Stark family and the important position he had in the Dragons’ House would bring you in control of the Scottish Mafia. To your great frustration, your son had other dreams and aspirations, plus he brought Brennan back into the family. You didn’t think he would survive the hell you’ve created specially for him, but just like Ardan, Fergus and even young Caleb, that kid is a hell of a fighter.”
The voice Fabian used when he spoke about Godfrey’s sons was warm, filled with a mix of pride and affection, was the voice of a father talking about his children. Connelly looked into the unexpected visitor’s sapphire-blue eyes and he saw the fierce protectiveness in them.The man would set the whole city on fire and would go to war with the devil himself if anything happened to those boys,he thought.
The man standing in the middle of Godfrey’s office, confronting him, was doing what I should have done a long time ago,Connelly continued his train of thoughts, lowering his head in shame. Instead of focusing on finding the twins and keeping them and Brennan safe, he let their conniving father shatter the bond he and other two men, his soulmates, shared, enslaving him with the promise of a love that was only in his imagination.
From across the desk, Godfrey MacNamara also studied Fabian. The man’s facial expression, his body posture and dangerously narrowed dark, deep blue eyes, combined with his words from earlier, indicated him as a formidable opponent. A very difficult if not impossible one to defeat. Godfrey decided that, at least for the moment, it was better to abandon his plans, and wait until the honeymoon phase between his sons and Fabian Bloom was over.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to interfere in those spoiled, rebellious brats’ lives anymore. They are no longer my sons, so don’t present any interest for me. However, I also have to warn you about one thing: if I ever see one of them at my doorstep, complaining and whining...”
“It won’t be the case. I’ll make sure all of them have all the attention, support and affection you deprived them of. I’ll go now and never come back but before that...” Fabian turned to Connelly, pulling a little envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket. “Oliver, this is for you, from Jonathan.”
“How did you...is Jon still alive? How did the two of you meet? He must hate me very much and most likely blames me for everything, which is not far from the truth.” Sadness, regret and a tinge of melancholy mixed in the man’s voice, his gaze lowered.
“There was this note addressed to me, it said he hoped to be reunited with Harrison when the time comes, and that they will wait for you. That is all I know.”
Slightly bowing his head in Connelly’s direction but completely ignoring Godfrey, Fabian headed to the door. Once out of the building, he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with fresh air, freed of the heavy, uncomfortable atmosphere inside that office and of Godfrey MacNamara’s malevolent presence.
Getting behind the wheel, Fabian smiled, thinking of what, or better said who, was waiting for him at the other side of the city: his husband, his protegees, his kids. Plus a world to built and a lot of children to rescue and take care of. It was his life, and he wouldn’t change it for all the riches in the universe.
“Can you explain what the hell this is? Does Seamus know about the rough treatment these brutes subjected me to, his own flesh and blood?” Flint tried to escape from the three guards’ firm hold to no avail.
“Sit down and stop fighting; otherwise, I’ll have to order them to tie you up. In case you haven’t realized yet, they are only loyal to your older brother... and to me. If you promise me to stay still and have a normal conversation, they will leave us alone. As you know, my time is limited, so I need an answer now.” Flannagan gave Flint a tired, bored look.
“Do I really have a choice?” The young man huffed, annoyed, but failed to impress his brother’s right hand. “I’ll behave. Now, can you tell them to leave... please?”
Flannagan nodded curtly to the three guards, who stepped out of the small, dark room, leaving him in Flint’s company. “Foolish boy! How could you get into this mess, without thinking about the consequences? Do you know what your greed is about to do to all of us? Or how your poor brother is going to suffer when he’ll find out you are behind all this? Not to mention that you start poisoning me a year ago... or is it longer?”