But luck was never Everly’s friend, or Fergus’s for that matter. The men of their dreams loved each other, and it was time for them to go home and leave Dehaan and Xavier to live their love story. If only they knew where their home was, Fergus huffed frustrated, shifting in bed again. After a while, exhausted, he finally fell asleep.

The man woke up early in the morning, completely refreshed, although he’d only slept a couple of hours. Hopping under the shower, he leaned against the wall, eyes closed, images of the dreams he’d had the night before playing in his mind as the droplets of warm water flown down on his lean body in small rivulets.

A weak but bright smile appeared on Fergus’s beautiful face because the dreams showed him surrounded by four giggling toddlers, all wanting a piece of him. There was also a red-haired man grinning happily and two teenage boys, who encouraged the toddlers’ antics, often taking part in their games.

Back in the room, Fergus started to wonder if the dream wasn’t in fact a memory trying to come back from where he pushed it when repressing everything that reminded him of the brutal assault Everly fell victim to. Raising his head, the man frowned, as an unexplainable urge to go outside took over him.Definitely, today is going to be a remarkable day, that will decide my fate, one way or another,he thought, leaving the room and heading to the kitchen.

Xavier and Dehaan were wide awake, too, but they lazed in bed a little more, tenderly kissing each other and delicately caressing one another’s naked forms. From the day they had come back to the Mills family home as a couple, the moments of peace they spent enjoying each other’s company became the two men’s favorite part of the day.

“Are you ready for the big day? I bet you will make quite an impression on those guys with these alpha male vibes you’re emanating.” Dehaan purred seductively and ran a finger down his lover’s torso, stopping just above his navel.

“Baby, you are killing me. No more games like this, or we’ll never make it on time to the negotiations, and the only impression I’ll make will be a bad one. All jokes aside, I have to confess I’m a little intimidated. We are talking about The Base’s leader’s advisor here; the man is a living legend.” Xavier rolled on one side, facing his boyfriend who offered him a love-filled, radiant smile.

“And so are you, my love. When you walk in the room behind the bar, where the negotiations are being held, think about all the drug dealers you put out of business and the huge number of lives you’ve saved by doing this.” Dehaan spoke in a low but very passionate voice, planting a small kiss on the corner of Xavier’s mouth.

“That’s because you came with that genius idea of extracting the opium out of cocaine, making it non-addictive. One more reason to love you like I do, my brave, intelligent, courageous soulmate!” The other man wrapped Dehaan in his arms, pulling him closer. “Together, we are the best team ever.”

“Yes, we are. Right now, your teammate needs to be fed a consistent amount of Ma Agatha’s breakfast special; otherwise, he’ll have no energy for the... daily activities.” With a toothy grin on his face, Dehaan freed himself from Xavier’s embrace, going into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, the two stepped into the kitchen, where they were surprised to discover Fergus, who greeted them with a shy smile. “Good morning, lovebirds! How was your night? I dreamed I was back home with all the little ones gathered around me. There was also this redhead with a charming smile, and two boys in their late teens.”

“Really? That’s... I’m very happy for you. This means you can go back to your life and put... everything behind you.” Although Dehaan’s words were sincere, his voice also had a tinge of regret in it.

“With this alliance I’m sure you heard us talk about and everything that happened in between, I didn’t spend as much time with Everly, and I’m sorry I neglected him. Anyway, like Dehaan said, claiming your life back is the first and most important step on the path to emotional healing.” Xavier desperately tried to speak in a more convincing voice, but his words sounded hollow and false.

“I’m tired of being a burden to all of you. I’ve taken advantage of everyone’s kindness for way too long. Until then, I’ve decided to go out more often so you won’t be constantly reminded of my presence in this house. That is why I would like to ask you to take me with you today. Besides, I have this strange feeling that I’ll find out a clue about my identity.”

As he nodded in understanding, Dehaan noticed Fergus spoke in the flat voice he used when he wanted to keep people at distance, and it saddened the younger man. The redhead in his dream could be the one he’s married to and who must be worried sick right now. Or maybe, after not having news from him for so long, Fergus’s husband came to terms with the idea of his death, Dehaan thought.

Although he didn’t show it, Xavier was also affected by the words of the man he and his boyfriend rescued a few weeks earlier. Over the last few days, Everly had avoided him like the plague, hiding in Fergus’s shadow, always quiet and with a melancholic expression in his unusual but stunningly beautiful eyes. He tried to talk to the man a few times, demanding an explanation about his sudden change of attitude, but Everly got away every time, using one pretext or another.

The ride to the Steel Riders’ bar was an uncomfortably silent one, each man lost deep in his own thoughts. From the corner of his eye, Dehaan studied Fergus, noticing that he became more and more restless as they got closer to the destination. The man’s behaviour, so uncharacteristic to him, had a strong influence on Dehaan’s own disposition as he started to feel agitated, too.

“Here you are, just in time to greet our guests. The Base’s boss’s advisor called ten minutes ago, telling me they will be here in about half an hour. Hello, Fergus. I’m happy you decided to finally come here and get to know the guys better.” Sarge Mills smiled affectionately, patting the blond on the shoulder.

“They? I thought the advisor would come alone. Who else is accompanying him? It’s not that I don’t trust the guy, but...” Xavier cut himself short, frowning.

“I understand your concern, son. However, I can assure you there is nothing to worry about as one of the men coming with the advisor is the boss himself.” The eyes of the motor club’s president were shining with pride as he spoke in a voice thick with emotion.

“With all the agitation our guests’ arrival will cause, being in the bar by yourself is not the best idea. I suggest you stay here for a while, introduce yourself to our prospective allies, maybe they know someone from your family.” Dehaan turned to Fergus when Sarge Mills left the room, getting ready to greet Fabian and Ardan.

“Yes, it’s a great idea, as I’m very curious to meet them. Like you said, they might have some information we can use.” Fergus nodded in approval, the small smile appearing again on his sensual lips, then discreetly retired to the back of the room, taking a seat.

“This way, please. These two are my pride and joy, my son Xavier and his boyfriend, who is also very close to my heart.” Sarge stepped into the room, followed by two other men.

“Fabian Bloom, at your service, nice to meet you.” The man with sapphire-blue eyes vigorously shook Xavier’s hand, then turned to Dehaan, flinching violently when he looked at him. “You and Dunbar are the spitting image of each other. He will be beyond happy to see you after all this time.” As Fabian spoke, his eyes shone with unshed tears.

“Please excuse my lack of manners, but... are you married to a Mister Hansen? I want an honest answer, please, this is very important to me.” Dehaan spoke in a shaky voice, his eyes wide from shock.

“There is no reason to consider you impolite. I never made a secret out of my husband’s identity. Yes, his name is Lance Hansen. Can I ask you why...”

“Ardan? Brother?” An incredulous expression on his face, Fergus left his seat, heading to the two guests. “Mister Bloom? Sir?”

“Fergus, is this really you, my dear lost brother? Are you alive or did you come as a ghost to haunt me for not being able to take better care of you?” Ardan pulled his twin in a tight, almost desperate hug, touching his face with shaky hands.

“I’m alive and well, thanks to these brave souls who rescued me and nursed me back to life, showing me kindness and affection.” Fergus clung to his brother, closing his eyes and inhaling the familiar, comforting scent.

“I’m forever indebted to you for taking care of my poor twin when I couldn’t do so myself. Now it is time to take him home where he belongs.” Ardan smiled serenely, cradling Fergus back and forth.