“It sounds like a good plan, except for one thing: what are we going to do about Paisley and Axel? They will want to see their papa in the morning and...”
“I know. Those two are the center of Ardan’s world, the reason his eyes shine so bright. We’re already taking care of it. Lance called Elijah, and he is on the way here, bringing your children. We arranged a nursery room for them. Rowan and Dunbar happily volunteered to babysit them tomorrow, while you and your husband spend some alone time. Ardan needs you more than ever before.”
Fabian’s care for his husband’s wellbeing, the man’s low voice and the affection in his eyes made a powerful impression on Alasdair. “It seems you have thought about everything. Thank you very much for doing this. I promise I won’t act foolishly, but you will also have to promise me that Godfrey MacNamara won’t get away with hurting my Ardan the way he did.”
“Everyone in this house will turn their phones off all day tomorrow. You should message the director of the Institute and ask for a day off. Explain the situation to him. Brennan, Saint, Zachary and Caleb can run The Base by themselves for a day. I’ll go there, too, in the afternoon to keep an eye on things. I’m doing this for Ardan, who is the most extraordinary man I’ve ever met, for you, who love him so much, and for all the thirteen-year-old children praying to be rescued from the hands of their abusers.”
Fabian gestured for Alasdair to follow him down the hall to the room where Lance was watching over a sleeping but agitated Ardan. Thrashing his head on the pillow, the man mumbled unintelligible words in a pleading voice, a lone tear rolling from time to time on his pale cheek. Rage stormed inside the redhead at the sight, but he remembered Lance’s words from earlier and, after a colossal effort, managed to calm down.
Inhaling sharply, Alasdair lightly touched Ardan’s hand, making him flinch and let out a long, loud sigh. A few moments after, he stopped thrashing his head and gradually his breath evened. Turning to Lance and Fabian, who witnessed the scene with concerned, pained expressions, the redhead assured them with a nod that everything was under control, so they left the room.
Alasdair stripped, then, stepping into the bathroom, took a quick shower, hoping that the scent of his freshly washed skin and hair would help Ardan relax even more and have a good night’s sleep. Thoroughly dried, the redhead climbed into bed, next to his beloved, pulling the covers over their naked bodies. Remembering Fabian’s advice, he messaged his uncle Rayne and asked for a week off, invoking family-related issues.
The answer came instantly and, as expected, was a positive one. An unread message appeared in his inbox, but he didn’t bother to check it. Whatever it is, I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow evening, the redhead thought, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, turning the phone off and putting it on the nightstand.
Head propped in one hand, Alasdair wanted to lightly caress Ardan’s face when he noticed the bruise and scratches on the man’s jaw. Closing his eyes, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist until the knuckles turned white, rage boiling into the pit of his stomach. Eventually, the redhead calmed down and, protectively wrapping an arm around his husband’s waist, drifted asleep.
Next morning, Alasdair was the first to wake up and was pleasantly surprised to discover Ardan’s face was serene and relaxed, not even the slightest trace of discomfort or pain contorting and altering it. After a couple of minutes of breathing in the minty scent coming from his husband, the man woke up, eyes wide in surprise.
“Good morning, man with stunning eyes and hot body! I couldn’t resist without you, so here I am, ready to claim what’s mine.” Alasdair grinned cutely, caressing his husband’s torso with barely there touches, careful not to hurt him.
“Tell me those words, Spitfire. I need to hear your sweet voice saying them. Hold me tight and talk to me, tell me the magic words, the source of my strength.” There was something savage in the way Ardan stared at the redhead, the intensity and fire in his voice sending chills down the younger man’s spine.
“I love you with everything I have. You are my beginning and my end. There is no other in the whole world like you, and I’ll be damned if I ever let you go. Look at you, so perfect in every way, a work of art with the purest, most luminous soul. Who in their right mind would abandon you? Not this man here, love. You’re mine forever.” Alasdair said the last part in a low growl, doing things to certain parts of Ardan’s body.
“I need you, my beautiful, brilliant Spitfire. You are everything to me, my safe harbour, my rock, the ray of light that brightens the cloudiest sky. But if I ever make you unhappy, if the burden becomes too heavy to carry... walk away. I don’t want you to stay and be sucked into the tornado. I want you to survive, no matter what. I need you badly, desperately, but I also want to keep you alive, so if I ever...”
“Hush, my Ardan. We are eternal, built to last forever. If you ever fall, I will help you rise again, stronger than before, better in every way. We are going to raise Paisley and Axel together. They will learn what love is by having our example within their view, day after day, year after year. We will live to see our great-grandchildren, and we’ll spoil them rotten. Speaking of, it’s time to get dressed. The little ones will soon come for their morning visit.”
Alasdair planted a light, chaste kiss on the corner of Ardan’s mouth, careful not to touch the bruised area, then burrowed his head into the crook of his husband’s neck, breathing him in. The redhead’s heart bled and ached seeing how badly Godfrey had damaged Ardan’s spirit and confidence, reducing him to a lost, confused and hurt child, clinging to those around him, afraid he would be abandoned.
It will never happen, not while I’m alive,Alasdair thought, his eyes darkening and narrowing dangerously. I’ll take down all those who would dare to think they can harm the man I love, one by one.Raising his head, the redhead met Ardan’s turquoise eyes, which were filled with incandescent light again, the small smile playing on his lips. The image made his heart jump with joy, all the anger, sadness and worries fleeing, at least for the moment.
Alasdair would had lazed in bed a little longer, wrapped in the heat radiating from Ardan’s body, but it was getting late by their standards, and he didn’t want to delay the morning meeting with the toddlers anymore. The redhead whispered some sweet words in his husband’s ear, then left the comfort and warmth of the bed, hopping into the jeans, shirt and hoodie Elijah brought him from home the evening before, when he’d brought Paisley and Axel.
Then, with the same care he would have shown when dressing the toddlers, Alasdair helped Ardan into clothes that had come from Fergus’s wardrobe. Although they had about the same tastes in clothes and colours, there were some notable differences between the brothers’ styles. Unlike his brother, who preferred a more youngish, somewhat vulnerable look, Ardan went for clothes that underlined his masculinity.
Fully dressed, the husbands waited to hear the pitty-pat sound of Paisley’s and Axel’s feet on the hall’s tiled floor and their happy giggles filling the air. A few more minutes passed, but the little ones and whoever was accompanying them didn’t appear. A very worried and agitated Ardan headed to the door, intending to go out and check the situation himself when a discreet knock stopped him in his track.
“You can come in, we’re fully clothed.” Alasdair spoke in a calm voice, contrasting with the emotions storming inside him.
“Good morning. I hope both of you had a good night’s rest.” Fabian stepped inside, examining Ardan with attention and curiosity. Pleased by what he saw, the host gave the younger man a warm, affectionate smile. “You look way better than yesterday, and I’m very happy to see that. Breakfast is served, gentlemen.”
“Thank you, but we’ll wait until Paisley and Axel wake up so we can spend some time with them before breakfast. It’s our morning ritual, and we wouldn’t want to change it.” Ardan smiled, his eyes bright.
“Well, it appears your son and daughter had other ideas. They found Dunbar very interesting and stuck to him like the stamp to a letter. It was getting late, so Lance prepared breakfast, and the children are now being fed by their new favorite person. I don’t know understand very well how toddlers work, but those two are a cute pair if I can say so.”
“Thank you very much for taking care of them and for everything else. Yesterday, you were... I don’t know what I would have done without you. I couldn’t let my Spitfire see me in that state. I’m grateful you are part of my life.” Eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and filial affection, Ardan threw himself in Fabian’s arms.
“I thank you for showing me kindness and trust, and I promise to never leave your side. I’ll do everything in my power to protect all of you and The Base until my last breath.” Fabian gestured to Alasdair, who joined his husband, then hugged both men to his chest, happy tears streaming down his cheeks.
“What in the name of Hercules are you doing, Dehaan Verhoeven? Why didn’t you answer the phone or open the door? You worried me sick!” The long-haired, tall, well-built man peeked inside the apartment through the cracked door. “Are you going to let me in or what?”
“Someone is very short-tempered today. Come in before you encourage everyone in the building out of their houses. Half of my neighbours are curious, the other half are jumpy.” The occupant of the apartment, a man in his mid-twenties with short auburn hair and ice-blue eyes dragged the unexpected visitor inside the apartment.
“Don’t give this shit to me, Dehaan. I’ve known you for eight years. I can feel when something is wrong, and you’ve been acting weird during the last couple of days. You only do that when... Oh, by all the universal goodness. I’m such an insensitive asshole! Sorry, I didn’t realize that it was today, can you forgive me?” The visitor put his strong arms around the host’s slender frame, pulling him into a tight hug.