“Oh, yeah? Where do you think we have the address of the hotel and the number of your room from? It’s the same person who told us how the mercenaries you hired plan to attack The Base. They will be in for a big surprise when our men greet them at the points they thought would be the most vulnerable. Who’s the fool now?”

Nigel stared in disbelief at Ardan, who took two steps forward and was looking at him with those strange, turquoise eyes. “It can’t be. Flint MacAtee would never betray us. He’s as deep in this as we are. You lying, manipulative little bitch!” Tears of frustration in his eyes, the youngest of the two Warthons was about to attack Ardan when a man’s voice stopped him, making his blood freeze.

“Police, no one move! George Edmund Warthon and Nigel Adam Warthon, you are under arrest for the murder of Fernando Cortez, multiple counts of endangering a child’s life, multiple counts of child prostitution, child kidnapping and child pornography. Also, Nigel Adam Warthon, you are under arrest for raping Dehaan Verhoeven on multiple occasions and for ordering the assassination of Dunbar Verhoeven. You have the right to remain silent...”

The little group of men accompanying Ardan and Fabian moved away from the door, making room for the other men in uniform who helped their colleague to handcuff the two Warthons. Thunderstruck, inert like a rag doll, George didn’t cause any trouble, but Nigel put up a short, intense fight, kicking and trying to escape the police officers’ hold.

Finally, the law enforcers subdued and handcuffed him, too, leaving the hotel apartment. Back straight, head up high, Ardan watched the whole scene a little detached as it if was from a movie. Only after the police officers left the hotel apartment, taking the Warthons with them, the realization hit him with the force of a tornado.

It was over. That organization created by the devil himself, that stole the innocence of so many children, was no more. The leaders, in their selfishness and stupidity, wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice their closest collaborators, hoping to get a less harsh sentence. The pawns won’t take the betrayal easy and would take the bosses down with them.

It was over. Over. Ardan sunk to his knees, covering his face with both hands and started to cry with loud sobs that made his whole body shake. Tears of pain and sorrow for all the young lives those monsters and their helpers took ran down the man’s cheeks, staining his shirt. However, they were also tears of joy and relief at the thought that no child would have to go through that hell.

“We won, sir. Maybe not the war, but we surely won this goddamn long and ugly battle. We did it.” Ardan raised his head, looking at Fabian who was crouched down next to him, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

“Yes, kid. We finally brought them down. Monsters will continue to lurk in the shadows, preying on the innocent, but we will be there to rescue them and help the justice get served. You are smarter, stronger, braver and tougher than any of them, and I’ll be by your side until my last breath. And don’t forget about your brothers and their life partners, who will follow you to the end of the universe and back.” Fabian smiled gently, wiping Ardan’s tears with the pads of his thumbs.

“Thank you for the constant, unwavering support. I need your wisdom more than ever before. As you know, the DCF and Social Services are always reluctant to help us, and this time won’t be different. Caleb, who is in charge of freeing the children held captive by those monsters and bringing them to The Base, estimates their number around of two hundred, maybe more.” Ardan let out a heavy sigh. “We are completely overwhelmed by the situation.”

“No, we are not. The mansion is big enough to accommodate up to fifty children. We will order mattresses, pillows, blankets and sheets, asking for them to be delivered in the shortest possible time. I’ll message Lance to order all the necessary food supplies. Helen and Dunbar will be more than happy to help him with the cooking. You can turn the Remembrance Hall into a dorm for another fifty kids.”

Fabian’s passionate voice and quick thinking brought a smile on Ardan’s face. “That’s a wonderful idea, sir! I could host in comfortable conditions another ten kids, and Caleb, Saint and Zachary, Peyton and Ezra would love to help, too.” At that point, the man paused, his turquoise eyes becoming almost incandescent. “The school, of course! We could suspend some of the classes and turn the rooms into dorms for about a week, enough to come with a more permanent solution.”

“Problem solved, kid! Come on, we both have a very busy day ahead of us. You’re needed at The Base to coordinate things there while I’m going to organize everything at the mansion. Work as hard as you can during the day, but don’t forget: the evening and night are for spending time with your kids and having a well-deserved rest in your husband’s loving arms.” Smiling tenderly, Fabian helped the younger man back to his feet.

“I will do as told, sir, but don’t forget to do the same. Mister Hansen is an extraordinary man who deserves all the love and attention, and so do you.” Ardan returned the smile, hugging tightly the one who had, over the last two years, become his advisor and one of the most trustworthy friends he had.

Later that evening, in his Spitfire’s arms, head on the redhead’s chest, listening to the beating of his heart, Ardan cried again. The man purged his soul of all the hate, resentment, fear and mercilessness he accumulated over the long years of fight against the child trafficking ring and those behind it.

Then, he offered himself to the one who, more than ten years before, saw deep into his soul and found him worthy of love. Just as the tears he spilled restored the innocence of Ardan’s soul, Alasdair’s touches and kisses purified his body. The endless adoration and love in his husband’s emerald-green eyes filled the older man’s heart with immense gratitude, making it soar.

They made slow, sweet love, losing themselves in the other one’s eyes, looking at the reflection of their own souls. The words they whispered to each other were tender and passionate, coming straight from the heart, a sincere expression of the feelings they had for each other. With each thrust and heated caress, Ardan and Alasdair got one step closer to their personal nirvana.

With an almost savage cry of victory, the redhead shot his load deep inside his husband, who splashed their abdomens and torsos with his release. Slowly coming down from the post-orgasm bliss, the two men smiled at each other, their eyes speaking volumes, although their lips didn’t move.

Brushing a dirty-blond strand that partially covered Ardan’s eyes, Alasdair kissed the damp forehead of the one who gave him everything. The man who lay on the bed, looking at him like a devout would look to the deity he worshipped, was his hero. His heart and soul. His Ardan.


Fergus sighed in contentment, eyes closed, and took a deep inhale, his nostrils flaring in delight at the sweet scent released by the essential oil he’d poured into the tub. The three little candles the man placed on the sink also filled the atmosphere with a delicate floral perfume like the one in a garden during the late spring when all the flowers were in bloom.

A house with a large yard and a big garden where he could plant all kind of flowers, especially roses and tulips—that was Fergus’s dream home, and he’d already started to search for it. Xavier, who spent a lot of time outdoors, would be thrilled to live there and help with the gardening. Fergus smiled, remembering how he witnessed his boyfriend helping his mother on numerous occasions during his stay at the Mills’ residence.

Having no reasons to hide behind the walls and locked doors of the apartment, Dehaan would also love to live in a house surrounded by shrubs, bushes, trees and flowers. Nature with its beauty and splendour was the best medicine for the soul, second only to the company of the loved ones. That was a lesson Fergus learned firsthand, and it was his turn to teach others.

The water in the tub became lukewarm, making the man get out with a sigh of regret. As he dried himself, the man studied his reflection in the mirror, pleased with what he saw. His slim frame and Everly’s well defined muscles discreetly flexing under the smooth, flawless skin were a perfect combination.

Fergus smiled at the image in the mirror, one of a man who knew what it was like to be the object of others’ affection and who reciprocated with the same intensity. Over the last few months, he also learned to love his body, face, smile, voice and every other part of him Xavier and Dehaan praised, kissed and touched.

A weak noise coming from the entryway made Fergus flinch for a moment because his boyfriends were out of the city and messaged him earlier that they were going to come home late that night. At that point, the man smiled, remembering that he’d invited Nico and his friends Tobias and Jeroen to come and watch a movie together.Maybe the boys decided to show up early,Fergus smiled at the thought.

He and his boyfriends gave Nico a spare key so the kid could come to the apartment whenever he wanted. Usually, he called, announcing his visit a few hours in advance, but that time was not the case as his father was alone. Most likely, the three boys had already made themselves comfortable, so Fergus continued to dress without hurrying up.

However, as he stepped out of the bedroom, heading to the living room, the man sensed something wasn’t right. Nico and his friends were three chatterboxes, the sound of their happy voices and carefree laughter filling the apartment, much to Fergus’s, Xavier’s and Dehaan’s delight. That time, however, a heavy, uncomfortable silence took over the place, like a bad omen, making Nico’s father frown.

“Judging by the look on your ugly face, husband dearest, you are not very happy to see me, and this makes me feel offended. I missed you very much, but you’ve been avoiding me. Why is that, may I ask?” A cruel, evil rictus appeared on Greenwood’s face as he sat on the couch between Nico and Tobias, wrapping his arms around the boys’ shoulders.

“Sorry, Dad. He made me let him in. He must have followed us here.” Nico raised his head, giving Fergus a piercing look. “Don’t worry, both of us are alright.” The kid’s voice was somehow relaxed, almost indifferent, as he lowered his head, staring at the decorative cushions spread on the couch. “I think the man only wants to talk to you, so please listen to what he has to say.”