“I second that. You stepped up and helped Ardan a lot by taking the weight of dealing with the bureaucrats of all kinds off his shoulders. You have no idea how much seeing you there, answering the calls and emails, so calm and composed, meant to me.” Dehaan smiled, kissing Fergus’s temple.
“Well, it’s about time to leave the prison cell I willingly let myself get locked into and start doing something with my life. Besides, I love my job, if I can call it that, it keeps me busy, so I don’t have a lot of time to think about... other things.” At that point, the man’s voice broke down, and he fell silent.
“You know both of us are here if you or Everly want to talk. What are these things that weigh on your mind, taking its peace?” Xavier’s raspy voice was a balm soothing Fergus’s aching soul.
“I’m going to file for divorce, and although we have a very clear prenuptual agreement, Blair will fight to the bitter end for a chunk of my estate. I even considered giving him a substantial compensation, but it won’t be enough. He will go to great extents to have his way and that includes a tour of the tabloids, offering them details of our private life. He has videos showing me taking everything he threw at me and pretending to enjoy it to make him happy.”
“Son of a...” Xavier and Fergus gasped in shock as Dehaan let out a long, elaborate curse. “Is there no way you can stop the sick fuck from ruining your life? I don’t know, using something against him, or just threatening to do so? Something, anything?”
Fergus shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh. “Blair is not afraid of anything and won’t give up because he has the upper hand and knows it well. Besides, I don’t want to give him everything on a silver platter, especially now that I have Nico to pass everything to.” The expression of bitterness on the man’s face softened when he mentioned his son’s name.
“Do you have any idea where the bastard keeps all the compromising materials? As you know, most of the Steel Riders’ members are Army or marine corps veterans, specialized in quick interventions.” A grin appeared on Xavier’s face as he ran his palm up and down Fergus’s torso, making him shiver with pleasure.
“If I were him, I would take those videos wherever I’d go to have quick access to them, should the necessity arise.” Dehaan paused a little, looking at his boyfriend. “How about forming a team to keep him under close observation? He’s not familiar with the city, and there only so many places he could go to and people he could meet.”
“What a brilliant idea, my love!” Xavier extended a hand over Fergus, caressing Dehaan on the cheek. “We could talk to Mister Bloom. I heard his husband was a secret agent of some sorts, maybe he could help us with some sophisticated surveillance equipment to plant at the bastard’s place, maybe we get something on him, too.”
“I... I never thought about that, although I should have. I doubt Mister Hansen is still in touch with his former colleagues, but Saint, one of my younger brother Caleb’s partners, is still an active MI5 agent. He could help us with this and a lot more if I ask him to.” Fergus’s eyes were no longer dull, the spark of hope brought by his lovers’ words making them shine brightly in the dark.
“Oh, wow. That’s the perfect way of annihilating the fucker! If we could prove he’s involved in bigger, meaner business, like espionage or the like, he is terminated! Boys, let the fun begin!”
A satisfied smile on his face, Xavier started to lightly kiss Fergus on the neck, eliciting sweet, quiet moans from the man’s seductive lips. Meanwhile, Dehaan’s mouth roamed all over his chest, setting his skin on fire. Wrapping an arm around his young lover’s neck, Fergus pulled Dehaan into a slow, sensual kiss, Xavier joining them a few seconds later.
The souls and minds of the three men melded, becoming one as they were getting high on each other, drinking their partners dry and letting themselves consumed by those who loved them above anything. Breaking the kiss, they initiated a heated, intense make out session that brought them to the heights of the purest form of pleasure.
Half an hour later, Dehaan’s and Xavier’s protective arms wrapped around him, Fergus fell asleep, a serene smile on his face. He loved two men who respected, treasured, and above all, loved him back. Loved both of them back.
“Hi, Dad. Sorry about the messy hair. It’s the price I have to pay for being so popular among the little ones at The Base. Most of them come from abusive homes, and they are starved of food, and especially of affection, but I love to spend time with them, so...” Nico smiled shyly, pointing to his ruffled hair and stained shirt.
“You don’t have any idea how happy it makes me to hear you talking about the things you like. We should have talked more often. I’m the only one to blame we didn’t. I desperately want to be a good father for you, but I don’t know where to start.” Fergus smiled apologetically, his gaze soft and affectionate.
“But you are a good father and a very strong, affectionate man.” Nico extended his hand over the desk, lightly squeezing his parent’s hand. “My friend Tobias told me and Jeroen about his older brother Seamus, who has taken care of him since he was very little. The two of them didn’t spend a lot of time talking because his brother had three jobs, but Tobias felt his affection in every look and every kiss on his forehead. It’s the same with you and me, I guess.”
Fergus closed his eyes for a moment, the understanding and affection from his son’s innocent, turquoise eyes warming his heart. “What else do you and your friends talk about when you hang out? If I’m not too nosy, of course. It’s only that I want to catch up on things, to know you better.”
“Well, we mainly talk about our future, especially now, since Tobias follows the treatment Doctor Stark’s team developed for the condition he suffers from. As you probably know, I and Jeroen... well... have this thing for each other, and we play matchmakers for Tobias, but he is kinda picky and doesn’t like any of the guys we try to hook him up with.” Nico grinned cutely, a delicate shade of pink colouring his cheeks.
“Since we are talking about relationships, you know by now I’m involved with Dehaan and Xavier, the two men who rescued me. Of course, you know. I keep forgetting Dunbar, one of your best friends, is Dehaan’s twin. Anyway, what do you think about it? This is another conversation we should have had ages ago, but again, I was afraid to bring the subject into the discussion.” Fergus lowered his head, so his son couldn’t see the mixture of guilt and regret in his eyes.
“Indeed, Dunbar told me about you getting involved with his twin, Dehaan and Xavier, the twin’s boyfriend. He also told me about how happy Dehaan is to have the love of a man like you, who let them both into your life, trusting them with everything you have. Besides, I could see for myself how this relationship changed you for the better, chasing away the sadness from your eyes.” A sweet smile played on Nico’s lips as he reassuringly squeezed his father’s hand again.
“I feel good in their presence, safe, treasured. It’s like the... other part of my life never happened, like it was only a nightmare that vanished when I woke up. However, I’m ready to leave this relationship if it makes you unhappy in any way. I don’t want you to suffer because of my choices. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“Dad, how could your happiness hurt me? Stop worrying unnecessarily and enjoy the time together to the fullest. By the way, did the three of you ever date? And don’t tell me you are too old for that, I’m not buying it! Mister Hansen takes Mister Bloom out at least twice a month, and they are way older than the three of you.” Nico rolled his eyes and shook his head, feigning despair, much to Fergus’s amusement.
“You are right, son, but I’m totally ignorant when it comes to dating, and I’m in dire need of advice. Since you brought the subject up, some words of wisdom would be much appreciated.” Fergus grinned as his son scratched the back of his head.
However, after pausing for a moment, the teen started to offer his father advice on everything related to dating, from choosing the location to what to wear on the occasion. The amount of information Nico was offering made his father’s head spin, and the man started to take notes as he wanted to make Dehaan, Xavier and his first date a moment to remember for all the years to come.
Once his son left, getting back to his duties, Fergus started to evaluate the options he had. His first choice was a picnic, but the autumn weather was capricious, and it could ruin what he wanted to be a perfect first date. The candlelight dinner at home was out of the question, too, because Fergus’s cooking skills were nonexistent.
Besides, setting a proper romantic atmosphere with flowers and scented candles scattered everywhere required a lot of time alone. However, with Dehaan and Xavier coming and going, it was impossible for Fergus to keep everything secret. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so chose to invite them to a restaurant instead, a discreet, elegant, private place, where they could savor good food in a romantic atmosphere, enjoying each other’s company.
Fergus started to browse through several recommendation sites, and after only a few minutes, his face brightened as he found the perfect location. Knowing that Dehaan and Xavier didn’t have any plans for that evening, the man booked a table for three, the signature small, shy smile on his sensual lips.