Page 10 of Angels of the Night


“Look at you, the embodiment of perfection, making love to you is a wonderful thing, I discover something fascinating every time: a new thing you like, a new position, a new spot on your body to caress, kiss, worship...” Llewellyn smiled down at the man in his arms, tracing the contour of his face with the pad of his index finger.

“One day, you'll wake up from this dream and look at me, realizing I'm not the perfect partner you want. You'll start wondering what you saw in me until that moment, and will either dump or hurt me. Let me go now, before it's too late, before I fall in love with you and give you my heart. Please, Llewellyn!”

The slightly older man saw the fear and sadness in his eyes but didn't stop from mapping his lean, muscular, lightly tanned body. “You know it's not true. I'll love you to the end of time, my sweet, vulnerable Zev, and I promise to keep you safe from harm. Five or six more years, and we can retire with enough money to live comfortably for the rest of our days.”

“I...I don't need many things to be happy, just a house, a barn where I can set my workshop, a dog, a cat, and a kid or two. Yes, I want to adopt once this madness is over, to give a chance to some poor souls, who were abandoned and neglected. I'll do that, with or without a partner by my side.” Zev's voice, hesitant at the beginning, became firmer by the end.

“Your dreams are also mine, especially the part about adopting a child or two, or more, why not? It would be like Alvin didn't die. My brother's spirit will continue to live through our children because they will be ours in every sense of the word.” Llewellyn smiled, kissing Zev on the forehead and eyes. “I like this dream of yours, and I want to be part of it.”

“I don't want you to wake up one day and decide you don't want me and the kids anymore. I could handle it, but not them. I know from firsthand experience how parents' divorce affects children, who are either asked whom are they loyal to or are simply thrown away from the respective parent's life.” Zev stared blankly ahead, his eyes filled with sorrow and pain.

“You don't have to worry about this happening to us. I'm not that type of guy. I promise to respect, cherish and protect you and our little family until my last breath. I fell for you, hopelessly and forever. I love you, Zev Abramsky.”

A bitter smile formed on Zachary's lipswhen he remembered all those honey-coated but oh-so-lying words flowing from Llewellyn Saint-James's traitorous lips. In his naivety, Zev trusted those words, and two innocent men paid for it, one with his life, the other one with his physical integrity and career.

Heartbroken, frightened with his soul shattered into a million pieces, the shell of a shadow, with no one to turn to, Zev disappeared from the face of the Earth, replaced by Zachary, the hermit who detested people and their deceiving ways. Over the almost seven years since the terrible events that changed the course of his life forever, the only person whom he tolerated and who knew of his existence was his father.

The fact that, of all people, the first person who abandoned him as a child was the only one who stayed by his side in the darkest hour, was another cruel irony of the Fates. His father bathed, fed, and helped Zev get dressed, even carried him to the bathroom when he needed to get there. And, when the young man chose to go by another name, he wholeheartedly approved and supported him.

Under the new identity and with a substantial financial support from his father, Zachary bought the secluded property and left his painful past behind, settling into a quiet, solitary life. The man enjoyed the solitude and the sense of safety following the same routine offered, or at least he thought he did, until Caleb came into his life, turned it upside down and made him question some of his choices.

The young man, so mature in some ways and so incredibly innocent in others, with his magnificent turquoise eyes, managed to break through the thick wall Zachary surrounded his broken heart with. Caleb's vulnerable state awakened the protector in his rescuer, making Zachary want to hug him and never let him go.

The young man's story, with the older boyfriend who flirted his way into that pure, love-thirsty heart, only to cruelly ignore him once he won his affection had a lot of similarities with Zev's story, and Zachary didn't want to see history repeating itself. Besides, he was honest to himself and admitted he missed everything Caleb's staying with him brought into his life.

The whispered greeting in the morning and grateful smile at the sight of the table set for breakfast, the light blush coloring his cheeks every time he was complimented were only some of the things Zachary got used to having in his life. The man also missed the pleasure of cooking, the quiet evenings, the interest and curiosity sparking in Caleb's eyes when he mentioned his passion for engines.

For the first time in almost seven years, Zachary felt that he could trust someone utterly, completely, like never before. He could allow someone to see into his damaged beyond repair soul and maybe let himself be healed by the other one's affection and deep understanding. No, they could heal each other because, although he didn't show it, Caleb's heart was as hurt as Zachary's.

He could be the one that slender, blond man needed, the one who could offer him stability and affection. In the silence of his house, Zachary decided to go and live among people, following the rules of the community Caleb belonged to. After all, Llewellyn Saint-James wasn't going to be anywhere near him to crush his heart again. With this thought in mind and a barely there smile on his seductive lips, the man started packing a suitcase.


“Hey, little brother. Are you out for a walk? I'm happy to see you active and in a good shape, but you should've put a coat on. The air is getting chilly in the evening.” Ardan offered Caleb a smile, gently running his hand on the young man's back.

“Well, look at you, the very definition of elegance and distinction, all dressed up, rings, wristwatch and everything else. What's the happy occasion?” The younger man swept his gaze over his brother, expressing his admiration with a low, long whistle.

“I've decided to take my husband out of a date, show him off and make everyone envy my luck. Isn't he the most handsome man in the world? Also, the most loving, tender, supportive, understanding husband and father.” Alasdair came from behind Ardan, his voice thick with emotion.

“I have to confess, I was always a little envious on your relationship. Maybe because I wanted it for myself, but it wasn't meant to be.” Caleb let out a small, soft sigh, looking lost and vulnerable all of a sudden.

“If you are talking about Saint, he is not the only one to blame. I am also responsible that things didn't work between the two of you. Maybe if I hadn’t spoken to him a year ago, when I noticed he was interested in you...” Ardan's soft voice had a tinge of regret in it, his turquoise eyes shadowed with a thin veil of sadness.

“Building a relationship requires a lot of effort, mutual trust, respect, and a lot of patience. To my eternal shame, I was the greatest asshole of all times, calling your brother horrible names and talking a lot of nonsense. Fortunately, in his great wisdom, my Ardan gave me all the time and space I needed to know him better.” Alasdair's dark-green eyes spoke volumes as he wrapped his husband in an adoration-filled look.

“You are two of the wisest, most understanding and supportive people I know, and having you in my life is a privilege I'm grateful for. Thank you for all the kind words. I'm definitely feeling better now. Go and have some fun. I want all the juicy details first thing in the morning.” Caleb smirked in the two men's direction, earning himself a mockingly threatening glare from his brother-in-law.

After Ardan and Alasdair left, the young man spent some more time outside, enjoying the quiet atmosphere and fresh air. He was about to head to Erling's house, located inside The Base's perimeter, when the beep of his phone made him stop and check the inbox. The new messagewas from Zachary, and it contained several pictures of his bike.

Caleb's jaw dropped to the ground as he stared in awe at the two-wheeled vehicle in the images. The young man could barely recognize the bike under all the additions the skilled mechanic installed on it. A long text listing all the modifications and what each of them served for accompanied the photos, most of the explanations written in a comical language, meant to bring a smile on Caleb's lips.

As introvert and lonely as Zachary was, he never failed when it came to making his unexpected guest smile. Even after he left, the youngest of the MacNamara brothers got positive, encouraging and hilarious messages from the one who took care of him for almost two weeks. Every time, he answered back with equally long and funny messages.

“Hey, man, where have you been? We've been looking for you all over the place!” A worried Erling, accompanied by Avery, the other member of their trio, approached Caleb, coming from the guards' headquarter. “Put this on. Your poor little ass must be freezing.”

“Thank you.” With a little bow, Caleb took the coat his friend was offering, putting it on. “Actually, my poor little ass, as you so nicely put it, was almost frozen. To answer your question, I was heading your place when Ardan ran into me. He and Alasdair were going out on a date, and before that, they offered me some words of wisdom on relationships. Then, I had to check a message, and...”

“Whoa, the guy is really talented. Look what he managed to do to that bike of yours! Don't get me wrong, it was great before, but now it's magnificent, a real work of art! Look at the suspension, and the direction control, not to get the idea.” Avery grinned apologetically to his friends, none of them sharing his enthusiasm for mechanics. “Caleb, dude, the guy is definitely a keeper.”

“Come on, man. We had this talk five minutes ago. Don't give him any ideas, poor little fellow has a shitty hand as it is with Saint away and ignoring him. He doesn't need other complications in his life.” Erling's eyes were filled with compassion and understanding as he carefully examined Caleb.

“You know, guys, I didn't realize until a few seconds ago, but Ardan's and Alasdair's advice can also be applied to my relationship with Zachary. I loved Saint from the bottom of my heart, I still do, but he left without a word, and I have no news of him for almost three weeks. I don't know what to think anymore. Zachary, on the other hand, is sweet, caring, understanding, very present in my life, and I miss him a lot.”

“You won't miss me from now on because I'm here, and I plan to make this place my home.”

Caleb threw himself into the arms of the man who appeared from the dark, carrying a huge suitcase in each hand. “Thank you,” he murmured, inhaling the familiar scent.