Page 38 of Angels of the Night

However, he had the certitude that, in spite of the obstacles the three of them will still have to surpass, Caleb and his men will have a beautiful life together. The love between them was strong and very present, tangible almost, comparable with what he and his beautiful Spitfire had, Ardan thought, his signature shy smile playing on his lips.

From his brother's happiness, the man's mind wandered to another subject he constantly pushed aside, but which claimed his attention more and more over the past few days: the changes that occurred in Fabian Bloom's behaviour and attitude. For the thousandth time, Ardan played the conversation from the casino in his mind, but, no matter how hard he tried, The Base's boss couldn't detect a single fake note in his speech or moves.

Everything about Fabian was natural and unforced as if the side he showed there, in the Starlight's main office, was his true personality all along. At a certain point, when the man pleaded Blair Greenwood's husband's cause, his voice sounded genuinely concerned, and Ardan didn't know what to believe anymore. His brother's request, however, helped him to sort the things out and to decide on the path to follow.

A soft knock on the door brought The Base's boss back to the present. “Come on in, it's open as always. What did you forget this time?” The smile on Ardan's face faded away when he saw his guest. “Sorry, I thought it was Caleb. He has the habit of forgetting things and...anyway, come inside.”

“Thank you for the kind invitation. I came to congratulate your younger brother on his engagement if it could be called like that. Honestly, I don't see why not as the relationships featuring multiple partners are also a celebration of love. I witnessed it with my brother Sebastian and his three men.” Fabian's voice had a melancholic note, even more noticeable when he mentioned the name of his younger brother.

“I thank you on his behalf, he would be happy to know you dropped by. I've heard Zachary's father will check out of the hospital soon. Will you please send him my best regards?” Ardan gradually relaxed, the smile reappearing on his face. “Rowan will come back to New York, too. Will you continue to take care of him?”

“Yes, I'd love to. I missed the kid a great deal and realized how empty my life is without him...and Lance. I also had many other revelations I should have had years ago, but...” Fabian stopped, hanging his head low.

“I will never forgive you for all the horrible things you did in the past, for how you treated your family and poor Quinlan, your own flesh and blood. However, lately, you’ve helped us a lot, and I thank you for that. You’re welcome here anytime, as long as your intentions are friendly; otherwise...” Ardan stopped, his turquoise eyes burning with the intensity of a wild fire.

“I know. You will come after me, and you'll be merciless when you get me. I'll be your most loyal ally, you have my word.” Fabian extended his hand, waiting for the other one to react.

“We have a deal.” Ardan gave his guest's hand an energetic shake. “Here's for a durable alliance.”