Page 31 of Angels of the Night


“Hello, Phillip, buddy. Is that really you? Zev Abramsky here. You may not remember me very well, which is understandable, but we collaborated some seven years ago to a case of substance theft. I was working for the CI-fucking-A back then...” The man's voice sounded genuinely enthusiastic until he mentioned the name of the secret service.

“Zev, my friend. You don't know how happy hearing your voice made me! Rumors were you couldn't cope with what happened back then, and...” Phillip sensed the sarcasm and bitterness in the other man's voice and decided to take advantage of it. “Judging by your words, a certain institution rewarded your dedication and loyalty by discarding you like a used rag when you were no longer needed.”

“Yeah, something like that, and hearing that you started an independent, very successful business made me incredibly happy. Lately, I've thought a lot about you and how well the two of us collaborated on that bloody case that cost us so much. How about you and me meeting someplace away from curious ears and indiscreet eyes to talk about past, and possibly future?”

Zachary's voice was full of promises, making Phillip jump at the bait. “Sure, do you have something to write the directions on? You’ve made me curious, how about you come here this afternoon? I'll make sure no one interrupts our conversation.”

“Sounds perfect to me! I have to go now. There are some things I have to take care of so I can take the rest of the day off. Can't wait to meet you. I'm so glad you made it, buddy!” Ending the call, Zachary cast a triumphant look in the rescue team's direction.

“And this, gentlemen, is the right way to catch a wild beast. It won't see what hit it. If I hadn't known you were one of the good guys, I could've sworn you were the bastard's best friend.” Lance smiled, his heart filled with paternal pride.

“This is a real rescue operation, Mister Abramsky, and I intend to do everything in my power for it to be a total success. The fact I don't work for Army or CIA doesn't mean I don't have professional standards. Instead of sweet-talking me, you should think about a way to get the search team inside. It would be more...productive.” Zachary's voice was flat, but he was shooting daggers in Lance's direction.

“Of course, Sir. Thank you very much for reminding me. I already have an idea of how to smoothly get the boys inside, inspired by the approach you used earlier with that human-faced beast. I want Rowan home, too. Maybe more than anyone else in this room. The boy brightens my boss's otherwise solitary existence, and I love him for that.”

Lance's words, coming straight from his heart, tugged at the strings of all the men in the room, his son included. Zachary started to wonder if sending him to Military Academy was really his father's idea as the man's embittered ex-wife always told the then-teenager. His mother wasn't exactly the embodiment of maternal spirit, but she hadn’t left him behind, like his father did.

Zachary also remembered the surprise written on Jericho's face when he introduced his father as Berl Abramsky. The man took him aside, telling him the super-short version of Everett's kidnapping and rescue, underlying the essential role Lance played in the story. Once back home from the mission, he and his father would have a very long talk, Zachary thought, heading to the administrative building's exit.

There were still a few good hours before he needed to leave for the location of Phillip Winters's new lab, and most of the men took advantage of them by getingt some much needed rest. Zachary, Saint, Caleb and Ardan grabbed a bite, then went back to the main office to study the plan once again, searching for eventual gaps and ways to fix them. Lance joined them, invited by the boss himself, whose respect he earned back when Everett was kidnapped.

The man paid attention to every aspect of the plan, offering suggestions on how to act faster and more effective, but at the same time he studied his son from the corner of the eye. Heart filled with joy and contentment, Lance noticed the positive changes in Zachary's attitude, the bitterness almost gone, replaced by a certain softness. The man didn't have any idea about the circumstances leading to that dramatic transformation but was grateful for it.

Lance's meditation was interrupted by Alasdair, who barged into the office, ordering everyone to follow him into the kitchen, where a giant teapot was placed on one of the long tables. The redhead filled five big mugs with the amber, steamy liquid from the vessel, telling the men to drink it. Soon after, they felt the need to lay down, and woke up feeling energetic and refreshed, ready for the mission.

They took two of the large, black, bulletproof vans used for intercepting the child trafficking ring's transports. One of them was reserved for Rowan and the two rescuers who would get him to the safety, the rest of the crew taking the other.

All the way to the destination, the men prayed for the success of their mission. That night, another innocent kid would be saved from the predatory claws of the monsters, Ardan thought, and the evil instruments of the darkness will be defeated once more.


“You pathetic forms of life, brainless, useless heaps of muscles!” Phillip's voice thundered, while he cast a poisonous look in the guards' direction. “What a fucking great image! Five idiotic hunks who can't guard a scrawny snot weighing a hundred pounds, soaking wet! Do you have any idea how he escaped, this time?”

“It’s not our fault, Boss. We secured him tightly and checked everything before leaving the room, but the goddamn little devil has his own escaping methods, and, with his talent of hiding in the most unexpected places...” One of the guards made a feeble attempt to lessen his and the others' responsibility for the incident, without success.

“No. More. Excuses. I want you to find the little bastard and get him back into the lab. I'm expecting a visitor by the name of Zev Abramsky. Accompany him here and make sure no one interrupts us. What are you waiting for? Go!” Phillip turned his back on the guards, letting out a very long, complex curse.

“Sorry to interrupt, is this the way to Doctor Winters's lab? The good men outside guided me here, but I don't know if I should...I mean, with the tense situation from earlier...” Zachary peeked inside, blinking innocently. “Phillip, my man, by Poseidon's beard, it is you! How happy I am to meet you again, after all these years!”

“Zev, my friend, come in! The right man at the right time and place! I need someone like you to run this place, teach these useless cockroaches what discipline is and how the things are done!” A large smile stretched across his face, Phillip greeted the visitor, genuine enthusiasm in his voice.

“What happened? I heard you screaming and yelling the moment I stepped into the building. And, of course, I'll help you with everything I can, but first I have to know a few things about this place and the magic you work here. I’ve got an idea, but I guess I want to find out from the magician himself.” Zachary returned the smile, hoping his flattering wasn't too exaggerated.

“Magic indeed, my friend. Thanks to the newest techniques I've developed, male pregnancy will become as common as the female one. Unfortunately, my little lab rat is a little reluctant at the idea of being the first it is tested on, so he escaped. These useless gorillas can't do a proper job.” Phillip let out a frustrated sigh, followed by another curse.

“Well, maybe they are too gentle. A message delivered with a little bit of harshness could be better understood. Let me talk to him next time. I have my ways of making myself clear.” The dark expression on Zachary's face was so credible, Phillip took two steps back.

“I can't harm the brat in any way, and he knows it, shamelessly taking advantage of the fact that he carries my father's precious genes. A lot of men are interested in...becoming one with him, so I've put the snot to action.”

Thinking he was in the company of a friend, someone with a mind as sick and twisted as his own, Phillip revealed to Zachary his plan in all its ugliness. He decided to select the boys with the finest physical traits and best genes and put them to action, just like he was intending to do to Rowan.

The others, he continued, were going to be forced into prostitution, the 'products' being sold to barren couples who didn't care very much about the genetic heritage of their future child. As he listened to the sick, perverted beast talking so proudly about his twisted plans, Zachary made huge efforts to fight off the wave of nausea that threatened to take over him.

Clenching and unclenching his fists, the man brought his temper under control, continuing to listen to how the monster bragged about his evil deeds and the role he played in Cedric's death. Zachary was holding his breath, so every word of that pitch-dark confession could be clearly recorded, an essential condition for being admitted as evidence in court.

It was time for the intervention team to get inside and do their part of the job. Knowing that Rowan was somewhere in the building, hiding, Lance had to come up with a plan which would allow them to search for the kid without being intercepted by Phillip's guards. For anyone else, it would have been nearly impossible, but Zachary admired his father's professional abilities and was counting on him to find a way out.

Checking out his watch, the man pretended to remember he had an urgent matter to attend, promising Phillip to come back the next day, for a more in-depth conversation about their collaboration. Getting outside of the building, Zachary stood next to one of the black vans, strategically placed near a bush that masked it. From there, he could see Lance and the others talking to a group of guards but couldn't hear what they were saying.

“Hey, guys, what's up? Did the snotty kid escape again? Well, today is your lucky day, the cavalry is here to save your sorry asses. We will discuss the payment method later.” Sporting a wide, mischievous grin, Lance headed to the group of guards.

“Who the bloody hell are you and from what hole did you crawl? I'm going to the boss and...” One of the guards started to talk, only to be cut short by Fabian's chauffeur.

“Only if you want to be skinned alive, smartass. Right now, the professor is in a meeting with one of his most valuable collaborators and ordered to not be interrupted. See, I'm here to make things run smoothly, so he could spend some quality time in the company of his guest.” Lance's attitude became even more confident, visibly impressing all those surrounding him.

“He's right, guys. The boss gave express orders not to be disturbed. He asked us to make sure he’s not interrupted.” One of the guards responsible for Rowan's escape turned to the group, his words making the men murmur in approval.

“That's more like it. That's the attitude I want to see!” Lance shook his head, disappointment mixed with irony in his voice. “Well, I guess it's hard to find professional henchmen these days, they all act like wannabe gangsters. Come on, guys, let's help these losers do their job the right way.”