Page 26 of Angels of the Night


In the quietness of his room, Rowan sat at the desk, preparing the presentation for the treatment against the effects of the substance his brother Phillip created. He was helped by Riley, who looked for inconsistencies and holes in the blond, long-haired boy's theory, intervening from time to time in a whispered, sweet voice.

Although he tried to tell himself everything was going to be alright, Rowan couldn't stop thinking that the day would end in a disastrous manner. He couldn't explain why, but that nagging feeling weighed on his heart all morning long. Besides, Riley's presence so close to him, only a couple of feet away, didn't make things easier for the blond.

Searching for the presentation paper, Rowan patted the desk, accidentally touching Riley's fingers. Although the other boy didn't seem to notice it, the short, barely there contact threw Rowan in a whirlwind of emotions, making his breath go shallow and his heart beat faster. He raised his head from the pile of papers scattered on the desk and swallowed hard, staring ahead.

“Come on, don't panic. Everything will be just fine. They will love you and will be impressed by your solution. I've heard Uncle Ardan and my dads talking about Doctor Stark, the one who runs the Institute. He's a really cool guy.” Riley's sweet voice was a balm on Rowan's aching soul, and it brought a smile to his lips but only for a brief moment.

“The thing with the Institute is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't know if you are familiar with the story, but Doctor Stark was legally married to my wretched father, who treated him like he did my poor mom, but he doesn't know that. The man hates everything and everyone related with Conroy Winters, yours truly included.” Rowan fell silent for a moment, then inhaled sharply. “And there is, of course, the problem of my feelings for this boy.”

“Uh-oh, things get complicated. I like complicated, so spill the beans, brother.” Riley tried a joke, but his heart was bleeding. “How about I start first? There is this super-sweet, super-funny, extremely intelligent, drop dead gorgeous boy I fell for, and I persuaded my dads to let me live here, at Uncle Ardan's. The guy's name is Rowan. Just that.”

“I love this sweet, delicate, brilliant boy with the most fascinating blue eyes ever. But I'm a cocksucker who worked the street corner for three years, and he's pure, untouched. There's no way for the two of us to be together, no matter how much I love him, and I do. Lance told me the subject of my affection has feelings for me too, but...” Rowan stopped, looking at Riley, who was staring at him, amused. “What’s so funny?”

“You. I just told you the name of the boy I fell for, but you ignored me, babbling nonsense. Let's try again: I love a guy named Rowan. That's you, fool. And, by the way, I like your new look. A lot.”

The blond, long-haired boy slowly shook his head, an incredulous, almost painful look in the ocean-blue eyes. Slowly, the teenager's mind started to process Riley's words, a warmth he missed since the death of his mother wrapping around his heart like a comfy blanket. Rowan relaxed into the chair, closed his eyes and let out a low, happy sigh.

The next thing his hazed mind registered was the softness of Riley's lips moving over his own, and the boy's hands delicately cupping his face. The tips of the black-haired boy's fingers gently touched Rowan's cheeks, making him squirm a little, wanting more. The kiss was sweet, innocent, tongues tentatively touching and exploring, lips brushing over one another.

Hours later, as Lance was driving him to the Van der Meerwe Institute, Rowan still felt Riley's taste in his mouth, a mix of mint and strawberries, fresh like the boy himself. From the corner of his eye, the chauffeur was examining the teen, a small smile of satisfaction appearing at the corner of his lips.

“Don't worry, kid. You are going to take this place by storm. The boss believes in you, and so do I.” Lance's voice was sincere, his eyes shining with affection.

“Thank you, Grandpa, your words mean a lot to me. I'll call you as soon as I have their answer. Now go home and keep Daddy entertained.” Rowan winked, heading to the Institute's main entrance, when he felt the weight of a man's hand on his shoulder.

“Long time no talk.” His older half-brother's voice made the boy's blood freeze. “Move, cocksucker. It's time to put that lewd body of yours to good use.”


“I have a huge favor to ask you, the only thing I ever asked from you since the two of us reunited.” Ardan fell silent, waiting for his father to allow him to continue.

“Yes, of course, son. I never denied or will deny anything to any of my sons, especially you. Let's hear what your wish is.” Godfrey MacNamara studied his older son with a critical eye, surprised to discover how tired he was looking again.

“Someone told me Connelly is after Blair Greenwood's husband, one Fergus Trevellyan, who is supposedly unaware of the bastard's machinations. I want you to leave the guy alone. Please.” There was a sort of despair in Ardan's voice and eyes, but his father was too angry to notice it.

“Listen, boy, you don't know what you are asking of me. Fergus Trevellyan is very important to me. I don't give a dime about his lousy husband. It's him who I want, and no one is going to stop me when I'm finally so close to getting to him.” Godfrey's voice was harsh, the expression in his eyes stone-cold.

“Well, I guess I'll have to find another way of keeping my promise. I’ve overstayed my welcome. I deeply apologize for wasting your time.” Bowing a little, the younger man headed to the office's door when his father's voice stopped him.

“Ardan, wait! It will be done as you wish, but the bastard who interfered between a father and his son is going to suffer the consequences. He will pay dearly when he least expects.” Godfrey's eyes narrowed, his voice becoming stone cold. “I'm going to find out who that sorry loser is, and I'm going to bring him down.”

In his office at The Base, Ardan ran a hand over his tired eyes, the harsh sound of his father's voice fresh in his memory. After a devastated Fabian called two days earlier, informing him that Conroy Winters's youngest son, Rowan, had been kidnapped in broad daylight, he started to wonder if it wasn't his father's hand.

Godfrey MacNamara went to Scotland the day following the incident, accompanied by Connelly and the family lawyer, which made Ardan suspect him even more. However, The Base's boss couldn't look deeper into things because Caleb still suffered a lot after Zachary broke up with him and Saint.

The young man, although he didn't admit it openly, needed someone who would listen to him, on whose shoulder he could cry. With Brennan in charge of Godfrey's organization, Caleb turned to Ardan, who, in spite of his busy schedule, always made time for his younger brother, giving him courage and reasons to hope that, one day, things will be better.

“Hello there, how are you this morning?” Caleb tentatively smiled as he peeked inside Ardan's office. “Can I come in for a few minutes? I have to talk to you about something really important. Something I've thought a lot about over the last two days.”

“Sure, come inside, tell me what's on your mind.” Ardan looked at his younger brother in silence, studying him carefully. “It must have been very hard for you growing up in the shadow of a ghost, and I think it's much more difficult now, as an adult, especially since the context is also different. I understand you, but there's nothing I can do about it, I'm afraid.”

“Are you talking about Father being obsessed with finding you and your twin? It doesn’t bother me. I practically grew up jumping from one plane, train or bus into another. However, the thought of Zachary preferring that Phillip Winters bastard over Saint...” Caleb stopped, his voice heavy with sadness. “He's...all the life in him is gone, Ardan.”

“I know, little brother. It's hard for you to witness that change, but you don't have to be very hard on Zachary, either. I was once in the same position he is. I almost couldn't believe the betrayal of my so-called friend. If it wasn't for Alasdair's courage and determination...”

“I know the story, that's why I have a solution to this. None of us can go to Zachary and tell him about the kidnapping, it would only make things worse. However, there is this person he would listen to, and hopefully believe. I talked to them, and they agreed to go to Zachary's and try to convince him of Phillip Winters's true nature.” Caleb stopped talking, waiting for his older brother's approval.