
The type of woman they typically fell in love with wasfeisty(unlike her),resourceful(also unlike her), andhuh.

Summerine tried reading a few more blurbs, but they were all the same!

It was always the mob boss falling for the girlfirstand not the other way around.

Which meant...

She just needed to researchmoretitles until she found something that matched her own characteristics.


Summerine was still busy scrolling on her phone as she came down for dinner, and—-eep!

Her steps crashed to an unexpected halt when she saw her husband already waiting for her in the dining room, and she immediately hid her phone behind her back. She knew she had done nothing wrong. She hadn't meant to stumble into his secret armory. So why was she feeling guilty?

Ryu looked at her curiously. "Everything okay?"

"Y-You're...w-work?" Summerine tried but failed to be coherent in her shock.

"My work finished earlier than expected if that's what you're asking."


"Is something wrong?"

She hastily shook her head. "N-Nothing?"

"And yet you're stammering again."

Summerine knew he had her there, and so she blurted the first excuse that came to mind, which was...

"B-Because I m-miss it?"

Oh, bleep.

Summerine was sure he was on to her now, but then she saw his lips twitch, so...maybe not?

Ryu pulled her chair out, and Summerine sighed in relief.Oh, thank goodness.She hurried forward and thanked him as he helped her to his seat.

"How was your day?"

Healwaysasked this.

So why was she suddenly having a hard time answering it?


Ryu started slicing into his steak.

"—-am thinking of going to law school?"

As soon as the words were out, Summerine realized then and there that wasexactlywhat she wanted to do.

She might be meek and sheltered, which werenotwhat one would expect from a mob boss's wife...but what she lacked in courage and experience, Summerine was confident she could make up with her sincere desire to be of help to her husband. And the more she thought of herself as Ryu's future legal protector, the more excited she became.

Yes, this is really it!