Brushing himself off with as much dignity as he could muster, Stewart made his way to Ethan’s room. He pushed open the door to find his nephew sitting up in bed, his hair sticking up in all directions, his eyes wide as he stared at Stewart.
“Hey, buddy,” Stewart said, his voice softening as he walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, and then smoothed down Ethan’s hair. “How’d you sleep?”
The toddler stared at him then smiled, his little teeth peeking out. “Good,” he said, his voice still thick with sleep.
Stewart’s chest ached as he looked at his nephew. He had to protect this little guy, had to make sure he was safe and happy. And that meant being careful about who he let into their lives. But... he was drawn to Killian—to his kindness, his gentleness with Ethan, for staying just because Stewart had asked.
And the amazing way he kisses.
“You know,” Stewart said, his voice barely a whisper, “I really like Killian. But my insides are all jumbled. What do you think I should do?”
A sleepy smile spread across Ethan’s face, his tiny hand reaching out to pat Stewart’s cheek. “Uncuh Stewalulu,” he said, his voice bright and cheerful.
Stewart softly chuckled. God, he loved this kid. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.”
“Where Uncuh Kill?”
It was clear Stewart wasn’t the only one becoming attached to Killian. “Let’s go see what he’s up to.”
They paused at the top of the stairs, his nephew glancing up at him. This time Stewart decided to tackle the gate properly, so he looked closely at the latch. After a minute of fiddling, he finally managed to get it open, and he let out a triumphant huff.
“Victory!” No damn thick piece of plastic was going to defeat him.
“Vip-oh-me!” Ethan giggled.
Stewart carried the toddler down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, the most incredible aromas hit Stewart’s nose—bacon, eggs, and... was that pancakes? He walked into the kitchen to find Killian at the stove, a spatula in hand as he flipped a pancake with practiced ease.
The sight of Killian seeming so at home made Stewart’s heart do a little flip of its own.
“Uncuh Kill!” Ethan called out, his voice filled with excitement.
Killian turned, a smile spreading across his face. “Well, good morning, cub,” he said, his gaze sliding to Stewart, lingering for a moment.
Yes, I’m a coward. I’m also going to pretend the whole kissing then running thing never happened. “Smells delicious in here.”
Killian nodded toward the table. “Why don’t you guys have a seat? Breakfast is almost ready.”
This was a scenario Stewart could get used to. It felt so domestic, and he loved watching a hunky male cooking at the stove.
Oh, shut up. You ran from the hunky male, remember?
Ignoring his nagging inner voice, Stewart placed Ethan in the booster seat they’d picked up at the store the day before. Then he pulled out a chair and sat, resting his chin on his hand while he watched Killian cook. The muscles in his back and arms shifted with everything he did, muscles Stewart remembered being smashed against on the couch.
There was an ease to the way Killian moved, a confidence that made Stewart’s chest tighten, worried he’d fucked things up between them.
As Killian set a plate of pancakes on the table, his hand brushed against Stewart’s. It was a light touch, barely there, but it sent a shiver through him. He glanced up, meeting Killian’s gaze. There was something in his eyes, something that made Stewart’s breath hitch.
“Thanks,” he said.
Killian smiled, his fingers lingering before he pulled them away. “Anytime.”
The tension between them was almost palpable as they stared at one another, a current that seemed to hum in the air. Stewart’s heart pounded, his body aching to close the distance between them, to feel Killian’s warmth again. But he stayed where he was, his hands resting on the table, his gaze flicking away.
“Eat up, cub.” Killian turned his attention to Ethan, who was already reaching for a pancake with eager fingers. “Got to make sure you grow up big and strong.”
Ethan giggled, his eyes bright as he looked at Killian. “Like Uncuh Kill?”
Killian laughed, ruffling Ethan’s hair. “Exactly like Uncle Kill,” he said, winking at Stewart.