An attraction that was becoming harder and harder to fight.
“Safety rails.” Stewart flapped a hand toward the top of the stairs, refusing to meet Killian’s smoldering gray eyes. “I wanted to go downstairs, but if Ethan wakes up, he might fall down the steps.”
Placing his hands on his hips, Killian looked deep in thought. Then he pulled out his phone and made a call while Stewart tried his damnedest not to openly eye-fuck the guy.
And was failing miserably at the attempt. No matter how hard he tried to keep his gaze on something else, his eyes kept sweeping over Killian’s mouth-watering body.
“Hey, Kalen, it’s Killian. You wouldn’t happen to have an extra baby gate, would you?” He waited then a smile spread across his face. “Do you mind if my ma— if Stewart borrows it? He’s afraid the cub is gonna fall down the stairs.” He paused again before giving Kalen Stewart’s address. “That would be fantastic,” he replied to whatever Kalen had said. “I’ll see you in a few.”
“I can’t keep taking his grandson’s things,” Stewart protested. He could just imagine what the guy thought of him. The blanket had been a sweet gesture, but kindness only went so far before annoyance set in.
“Three grandkids in the house.” Killian tucked his phone away as Stewart remembered Kalen using the plural form for his grandkids. “And trust me, grandpa overbuys for those pups. Their parents keep telling him to stop, but their pleas fall on deaf ears.”
It would’ve been so nice if Ethan had grandparents to dote on him like that, but it wasn’t meant to be, with Stewart and his sister growing up in foster care and Ethan’s father unknown.
Killian tugged on Stewart’s hand and then sat on the floor, his back to the wall. “We’ll guard the steps until Kalen gets here.”
Wrinkling his nose, Stewart yanked his hand free. He really wished Ryker would stop touching him. He’d been deprived of a soft touch for so long, his resistance was weakening.
“I’m willing to bet that floor hasn’t seen a mop anytime this year, or maybe even last year.”
“Unfortunately, I’m all out of jackets, but you could always sit on my lap.” Killian wiggled his brows with a sexy smirk.
That was exactly why it was getting harder to resist the guy. Killian was too damn charming without even trying. As tempting as the offer was—and it was incredibly tempting—Stewart opted for the floor then leaned his back against the faded and peeling wallpaper. Now that he had a moment to himself, his exhaustion caught up to him.
“Long day, hmm?” Killian brushed an invisible speck of lint off Stewart’s sleeve.
It was such a small gesture, but it sent a strange warmth spreading through Stewart’s stomach.
He nodded, fighting a smile. “You could say that. I didn’t anticipate this much excitement when I arrived in Midnight Falls.” He hadn’t known what to expect when he’d spoken to his supervisor about his situation with Clive and Ethan. Dr. Bellerose had been the one who’d suggested transferring to a different hospital and had even been the one to recommend Midnight Falls General.
After the transfer had gone through, it had felt like life pressed hard on the gas pedal. Stewart frantically packed his and Ethan’s bags while Clive was out shopping—no surprise there. And then they’d hit the road, Stewart fighting anxiety attacks the entire drive, until he’d broken down and met Killian.
Finally, Stewart could take a deep breath. Ethan was safe. The car would be repaired—hopefully the repair bill wouldn’t bankrupt him—and Stewart no longer had to worry about Clive’s explosive tantrums.
Killian’s arm bumped his as the guy shifted his weight, his touch lingering longer than necessary. But the contact comforted Stewart instead of scaring him. He fought against the urge to rest his head on the man’s upper arm.
“Well, if it helps, I’m usually not this exciting. Just your average guy.” Killian’s grin was disarming, and Stewart found himself relaxing even more, the stress of the day slowly dissipating.
“Average?” Stewart raised an eyebrow, eyeing the man’s large frame. “You look like you could wrestle a bear.”
The sound of Killian’s deep and smooth laughter sent ripples through Stewart’s body, causing his cock to twitch. “Maybe a small one.” He lifted his hand, his index finger and thumb inches apart. “Like, really small. The kind that eats berries and runs away from loud noises.”
With a disbelieving shake of his head, Stewart snorted. “Right. I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Don’t believe me?” Killian raised his arm and flexed.
There wasn’t any doubt in Stewart’s mind that Killian was preening, and damn, now his brain was stuck as he openly ogled the huge bicep. Unable to resist, Stewart poked a finger against the rock-hard muscle, catching the moan before it had a chance to escape.
Then he glanced up at Killian’s heavy-lidded eyes, which were filled with so much need it was glaringly obvious the guy wanted to kiss him.
Stewart wanted the same thing. He craved those lips desperately.
The doorbell shook Stewart out of his lust-filled daze. He was stunned the damn thing actually worked. He cleared his throat and looked away, forcing his raging body to calm the hell down.
“That’ll be Kalen unless you have a party planned.” Killian pushed off the floor, his gaze lingering briefly on Stewart as if disappointed they’d been interrupted, before he turned and headed downstairs.
Sweet Jesus. Stewart took a deep breath. If Killian kept giving him those “kiss me” looks, Stewart might… Might what? Nothing. That’s what. Pull your shit together. You haven’t even known him twelve hours, for Christ’s sake.