When his fingertips circled my nipple, my pussy fluttered again. “Careful,” I warned, rising onto my elbow and smiling at him. “Unless you’re already prepared to go again?”
The whinny of horses in the distance signaled the return of Rasil and his crew.
Navin groaned at the sound. “They couldn’t give us one more hour?”
“I’mthe one who must return to the dungeon,” I pointed out. “Yet you’re the one moping.”
He sighed and stood. As his eyes trailed over me, his impressive length hardened yet again after another round of lovemaking. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned and I rolled my eyes. How very Wolf-like indeed.
“You’re insatiable,” I said as I quickly grabbed the ball of discarded fabric in the corner and pulled one of his tattered sandy shirts back on. It had a terrible smell to it now and I wrinkled my nose.
Navin grabbed the shackles off his dresser and stooped, binding my feet. His hand trailed up my legs as he stood, leaving a trail of gooseflesh in its wake. Everything in me told me to fight, to rebel, but I knew the only way out of this place was to submit and I could no longer deny the thrill that came with him overpowering me, either. One more night of this charade and then we’d be on the road again.
Navin pulled my hands behind my back and bound them as he dropped his mouth to my ear. “I’m coming for you tonight.”
I shuddered as he pulled on my bindings to check them, then his hand snaked around my front and he cupped my sex through his shirt. My head dropped back against his chest, and I took a shaky breath. How badly I wanted those fingers to push in, to begin circling me again. I’d be burning up the rest ofthe day with desire, thinking about when he’d come collect me that night. This feeling built in me wave after wave, completely inextinguishable.
I stepped out of his touch, practically stumbling forward with my bound feet. I turned to him and took a deep breath as my shoulders tensed. “Make it look good.”
When I peeked my eyes open, Navin gaped at me. “What?”
“I can’t go back to that cell looking all well-washed and well-fucked. You’re supposed to betamingme, remember?” He smiled at me for a second, pure smug pride. I looked at him like he’d sprouted horns. Surely he knew this was coming. “You said we needed to play his game.”
“Well, then you’re going to have to hit me.”
Navin’s eyes and nostrils flared like I’d just told him to slit my throat. “I’m not going to do that.”
“A black eye at least,” I insisted, tilting my face and offering out my cheek.
“Come on, show me that right hook,” I goaded, dancing around in front of him. “Let’s see how you stack up to the Wolves I’ve sparred with.”
“Absolutely not.”
“You’re going to ruin this plan for both of us,” I growled. “How will your husband believe you otherwise?”
“Husband in name only,” he spat back. Good, maybe I could rile him up enough to relent. “And I never agreed I would hurt you.”
“How did you think this was going to go? We need to show him you mean to deliver me to Rikesh as yourprisoner,” I said. “The only way we’re getting out of here is if he thinks you can control me.”
“I can’t do that—”
“I will shift as soon as we’re out of this shithole and thewounds will heal and I’ll be fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Come on, you weak little bleeding-hearted musician, don’t be pathetic. I’m a soldier, not a puppy, just fucking hit me!”
I knew the blooming bruise along my eye was impressive. Navin wasn’t the only one who knew all the right buttons to push. I smirked and my split lip stung, making me smile even more like a sadist. At least toying with the wound with my tongue gave me something to preoccupy my time.
It wasn’t anywhere near the worst beatings I’d taken in the sparring rings. Sweet Moon, it probably didn’t make the top one hundred, but I bet it looked magnificent still. Navin certainly knew how to use those big hands. My body still throbbed in the echoes of our passion, and despite being up all night, I wanted him more with every breath. Everything was suddenly driving me crazy with need. My toes wiggling in the sand of my cell, the brush of Navin’s shirt across my nipples, the tickle of my hair down my neck. My entire oversensitive body was perpetually teetering on the edge, begging for Navin’s body in a way that edged on madness. Our whole relationship felt like a fever dream—a foolish one.
I waited for hours, expecting Rasil to check on me right away, but the Songkeeper was clearly taking his time. One day, I’d find a way to return to this place just to punch him in his arrogant, beautiful face. The fact he thought I could be captured by any human was laughable let alone that I could be transported as a prisoner to Rikesh without a million opportunities to escape. I hated this ruse, hated how weak it made me look, but at least I was getting myself the fuck out of there.
When two sets of footsteps finally sounded on the stairs, the afternoon sun was low in the sky judging by the orange glow that filtered down behind them. I let out a long-suffering sigh and switched my position to cower in the corner, letting my mask of fear slip into place.
“Oh ho ho, Navin!” Rasil exclaimed delightedly as he sauntered over to the bars. I peeked up at him so he could get a good look at my face and then straight back down. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Rasil clapped Navin on the back with pride and Navin immediately stepped away.