Page 26 of River Wild

“It was a ruse. All the horses were fine,” Bailey said. “It was him. He was waiting for me by the stable. All of the ranch hands were helping with the barbecue, so there was no one around.”

“Any rancher would have known that,” Stuart said. “He must have also known about that old cabin a good distance from the stable. He had already hidden the cord, knife and branding iron, which means that he’d been on the property prior to the barbecue—either hours or days.”

“I’ve thought of that. I’ve asked myself who he could be. A close friend of my father’s who often came over to the ranch to ride or pay for stud? Or someone who came to the ranch to see one of the ranch hands? Or a neighbor? That’s just it. He could be anyone.”

“It doesn’t mean he’s a friend of your father’s,” Stuart said as the coffee finished brewing and he poured them each a cup. “Even if he is, your father isn’t to blame.”

She took a sip of the coffee, saying nothing. He figured she knew she shouldn’t have blamed her father all these years. But he could see that for so long, she’d told herself it wouldn’t have happened if Holden McKenna hadn’t held the barbecue and invited the man.

“Don’t you think the man who attacked you would have figured out another way to get to you other than the day of the barbecue if he was that set on it?” Stuart asked. “Also, it would appear, given all the planning he did, that it was you he wanted. He didn’t go after Willow until she changed her hair color.”

“What are you getting at?”

“He must know you, have been interested in you for some time,” Stuart said. “So, while there were people all over the ranch that day—”

“The actual barbecue of the pork and beef was prepared by the ranch hands and Deacon, but the sides were catered,” she said, frowning. “There were strangers in and out all morning before the barbecue.”

“But he wasn’t a stranger, and if he wasn’t...why are you so sure the man who attacked you was one of the ranchers your father had invited? There must have been something about him making you think that.”

Bailey seemed to think for a moment, then shook her head. “Other than the way he was dressed, I don’t know.”

“What about his voice?”

“He only spoke in a hoarse whisper behind the mask—except when he cried out in pain.”

“But you saw his body, all except his head covered in the mask, right?”

“He was big, over six feet, husky and very strong as if he worked the ranch himself, but there are a lot of ranchers like that.”

He was still questioning why she was so sure he was a rancher. “He was dressed in Western attire,” Stuart said.

“But that isn’t the only reason I’m sure he’s a rancher, someone from around here. He was so...confident. He didn’t have any doubt that he could pull this off.”

“Which leads me back to believing that he knew you. If he was a friend of your father’s, he would have seen you at the ranch—and you him.”

She shook her head. “I understand what you’re getting at. If I’m right, why didn’t I recognize him? I don’t know.”

He let it drop. “How old was he?”

“About my father’s age at the time—early forties, maybe younger.”

“So he might be a contemporary of your father’s. Was there anything else about him?” She shook her head. “This barbecue, was there a guest list?”

OAKLEYSTAFFORDHANSONknew when she was beat. With a sigh, she pulled out her phone and called her sister. “I need your help.”

Tilly chuckled as if she’d been expecting this call and wondering why it had taken so long. “For what?”

“Don’t play dumb.”

“I have pregnancy brain.”

“Pffft!” Oakley was already wishing she hadn’t made the call. No matter what she said to her sister, Tilly always had to remind her that she was pregnant. Like her expanding belly wasn’t enough, or that glow in her cheeks or all the baby clothes and paraphernalia all over the house weren’t enough. “Are you going to help me with your shower or not?” she snapped.

“I thought you’d never ask. Where are you?”

Oakley looked around. “At the general store. There’s nothing here to decorate with. Nothing.”

“Don’t be silly,” her sister said cheerily. “It’s fall, and we live on a ranch. There’s something to decorate witheverywhereif you know what to look for.”