It was amazing. All the Vampires looked to be in the prime of life. If I hadn't known that Roshan and Brenna were Rafe's grandparents, I would have thought that everyone in the room was the same age, for none of them looked older than thirty, and yet I knew Roshan had been a Vampire for hundreds of years.

My nervousness ratcheted up another notch. What if his parents didn't like me? What if they hated mortals? That seemed unlikely, since his grandfather and his father had married mortal women. Still, I couldn't help feeling out of place.

All my worrisome thoughts vanished when Rafe took my hand in his. His voice whispered through my mind. I love you now, forever and for always. For a single crystal moment in time, I saw only Rafe, his eyes dark with love and desire, his lips curved in a smile that was for me alone. His hand held mine, warm and firm and reassuring. He loved me and nothing else mattered.

“Shall we begin?” Father Lanzoni asked. His gaze moved over those sitting in the pews and then rested briefly on my face and then Rafe's. “My children,” he said, his voice low and yet filled with authority. “You have come here this night seeking a blessing on your marriage, and I commend you for it. The secret of a long and happy marriage rests with the two of you. Always remember to put your loved one first and your own wants second. Treat your spouse as you would be treated. Remember how you feel this night, and I promise you that the love you have for one another will grow stronger with each passing day.

“I will pronounce the words that bind you together legally, but the true joining must take place in your own hearts, your own souls.

“Katherine McKenna, do you promise to love and cherish Raphael Cordova, here present, for as long as you shall live?”

For as long as you live. A few short years, I thought, when he might live for thousands. With a sigh, I murmured, “I do.”

“Raphael Cordova, do you promise to love and cherish Katherine McKenna, here present, for as long as you shall live?”

Rafe gazed deep into my eyes, and I saw forever waiting for me there. “I do.”

“Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Slowly, deliberately, Rafe drew me into his arms. My heart raced with anticipation as he lowered his head and claimed my lips with his. Sensual pleasure washed through me as he deepened the kiss, his tongue dueling with mine in a heady foretaste of what was to come when we were alone.

I was breathless when we parted, and a little embarrassed when we turned to face his parents and grandparents, all of whom were beaming at us. Susie was grinning. Cagin gave Rafe a thumbs-up.

Father Lanzoni cleared his throat. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Cordova,” he said, a smile in his voice. “I suggest congratulations be swift so that the newlyweds can find a room.”

My cheeks grew hot as laughter erupted through the chapel, and then we were surrounded by Rafe's family.

The blond woman drew me into her arms and kissed me on both cheeks. “Welcome, daughter. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet earlier.”

“Yes, me, too.”

“My turn,” said a deep male voice, and the next thing I knew, Rafe's father was giving me a bear hug that threatened to crack my ribs. “If he doesn't treat you right, darlin', you come and see me.”

Roshan and Brenna hugged me in turn, and then Rafe's mother took me aside. “Don't be intimidated by us,” she said with a kindly smile. “And don't let Rafe force you into anything you aren't ready for, if you know what I mean.”

“He already knows I don't want to be a Vampire.”

Cara nodded. “It should be your decision, of course.”

“Are you ever sorry that you asked Mr. Cordova to bring you across?”

“No. Oh, there were times, in the beginning, when I missed being able to enjoy a summer day or a good meal, but they were small sacrifices to make when compared to what I gained.” She took both of my hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. “I wish you every happiness. If you ever have any questions you don't want to ask Rafe, please call me. I hope we can be good friends.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Cordova, I'd like that.”

“Please, call me Cara.”

“Thank you, Cara.”

“Okay, that's enough,” Rafe said, coming up behind us. Slipping his arm around my waist, he kissed me soundly. “From now on, she's all mine.”

“Raphael, aren't you going to introduce me?”

The question came from the black-haired woman who had been sitting beside Rafe's father.

“Of course,” Rafe said, smiling. “Mara, this is Kathy. Kathy, this is Mara. You've heard me speak of her.”

I could only stare at the creature before me. This, then, was the queen of the Vampires, the woman who had bestowed the Dark Gift on Rafe's father.

“I'm pleased to meet you at last,” Mara said.

I nodded, still too stunned to speak. She hardly looked a day over twenty-five, yet she had lived for thousands of years. It was mind-boggling to think of all she must have seen in her lifetime. What had it been like for her to watch the whole world change, to see everyone she had ever known pass away while she remained forever the same? I had a million questions I would have liked to ask her, but of course, this wasn't the time or the place.

A faint smile curved her lips, and then I heard her voice in my mind, soft and low, like a welcome breeze on a summer day. When you tire of being a mortal, call me and I will bring you across. It will be quick and painless.

Startled, I blurted, “Why would you want to do that?”

Rafe frowned at me. “Do what?”

Mara turned her gaze on Rafe. “I was merely telling her that if she decided to join us, I would bring her across.” Looking at me again, she answered my question. “As for why I would do it, you might say I have a certain fondness for my godson and his father. As my fledgling, you will not be bound by the Dark Sleep.” Her gaze burned into mine. “Think about it.”

She bid Rafe's family good night, kissed Father Lanzoni on the cheek, squeezed my hand, and vanished from our sight. The priest wished us well, and then he, too, simply disappeared.

Cagin swore softly, then muttered, “I don't think I'll ever get used to that.”

Susie laughed, and after giving me a hug and promising to call soon, she and Cagin left to pick up Susie's kids.

With their parting, I was the only human left in the group. Of course, technically, Cagin wasn't human, either. I wondered if Rafe's family looked at me and, subconsciously, thought of me as prey. Were they all as happy to be creatures of the night as they appeared to be? Except for the blood thing, their lives didn't seem much different than anyone else's.