“I spent a few weeks with my brother, but his behavior was out of control. There was no mercy or self-control, only destruction and hate. I went back to the Moonstones, a man with no purpose. I was a shell of myself. After rejecting you, I knew there was no way you would take me back, so I stuck with Jasper—the only person aside from you who has never turned their back on me.”

“He’s been a good friend to you,” I agreed.

I didn’t know Jasper well, but from what I could tell, he had always supported Killian and had been able to turn his life around better than most men ever had the opportunity to do.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without him,” Killian acknowledged. “He was the one who made me alpha and gave me the opportunity to marry you.”

I reached out to grab his hand, holding it tightly in mine. “I’m glad he did.”

“Leah,” he said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

We fell asleep in each other’s arms that night with no barriers left between us. But as the dawn rose, I felt in my heart that our peaceful bubble was about to burst.

Sure enough, only moments after getting up for the day, a loud rap came from the front door. Killian and I looked at each other, nodding in understanding that whatever came next, we were in it together.

He opened the front door, and Alpha Lex strode into the room, flanked by four of his warriors. In the front yard, I spotted a few more scouting the perimeter of the house.

“Leah?” he called loudly.

“I’m right here,” I said from the kitchen.

“We weren’t expecting you,” Killian said. His tone was moderated, but I could see his hand shaking imperceptibly.

“I’m here to investigate a very concerning complaint from Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Lex said to Killian. “They arrived in Sparkle Hollow late last night, saying that you had physically attacked them when they tried to protect their daughter.”

“I assure you, that is not what happened,” Killian replied through gritted teeth.

“Really?” Lex said doubtfully. “Because, according to them, you have been keeping Leah hostage ever since your marriage. They stated that they were concerned for her physical safety due to your cruel and aggressive abuse against her.”

Killian growled, and the alpha’s guards began to close in ranks.

“Stop,” I said, walking toward them and waving the guards away. “Everything they said to you is utter bullshit.”

Both Killian and Lex looked shocked by my language, but I had lived with my parents’ lies long enough. It was time to expose them for what they truly were and stop enabling them and their bids for power and popularity.

“My parents are not good people,” I told Lex. “They never have been. I have waited for my entire life to get away from the constant terror of being their daughter.”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“All they have ever wanted is power. But since they didn’t have any in the pack, they chose to exercise what little they did have over me—by any means necessary. I have been starved, beaten, and ostracized from the pack. They have been spreading rumors about me since I was a child to ensure I never made any friends, and they forced me to marry against my wishes. I am happy for that, now,” I added, turning to Killian.

“But what were they doing here, then, if not trying to bring you home?” Lex asked.

“They wanted me to force Killian to give them money, property, and a spot on his alpha council,” I explained. “My father said they wanted to leave Sparkle Hollow and join our pack. We rejected their requests.”

Lex placed a hand to his forehead and began massaging his temples as he processed my explanation.

“Leah,” he began. “I swear to you, your parents will be punished for the lies they have told and for how they treated their daughter.”

I nodded at him, thankful that he had accepted the truth of my words and not been blinded by prejudice against me.

“They have been warned not to set foot in Pinedale,” I added.

“But that decree doesn’t extend to anyone else from Sparkle Hollow,” Killian clarified. “Only them. I will not allow anyone who has hurt Leah before to do so again.”

“I understand,” Lex said. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t aware of this situation years ago, Leah. I wish I had been, so I could have prevented you from suffering as much as you did. I failed you as your alpha. I should have been more observant.”