“Water,” I replied.
He poured a glass and handed it to me. As I took it from him, our fingers brushed, and I felt a tingle run down my spine at the unexpected contact. My heart skipped slightly, and I looked into his eyes, trying to gauge whether he realized how unsettled he was making me feel.
“Are you doing okay?” he asked.
“I think so,” I responded hesitantly.
I didn’t want him to know that I was reacting to his touch like this. It was clear to me that I was meant to be a luna for display purposes only. He held no attraction towards me, and I couldn’t let him know that I still had feelings for him. There was no way I could allow him to have that kind of power over me or give him the ability to hurt me any more than he already had.
“Do you mind if I go talk to Jasper and Nile really quickly?” he asked. “If you’d rather I stay here, it can wait.”
“No, that’s fine,” I assured him. “Everyone here has been very kind. I’ll be okay by myself for a while.”
Killian looked at me uncertainly for a moment before kissing my forehead. His scent stayed in my nose as he walked away abruptly, and I quickly closed my mouth and arranged my face into one of passivity instead of the shock I was feeling.
“You’re the new luna, right?” a woman asked from behind me.
I turned to see two women standing next to the refreshment table, both pouring themselves glasses of lemonade. They had identical long, blond hair and brown eyes. They were a few inches taller than me and, although skinny, had breasts that would make any red-blooded man stare. My first impression was that these were the kind of girls who had made my life in high school a living hell, but I immediately shook off that notion. I had never met them before and owed them the benefit of the doubt.
“Yes, hi,” I said, smiling at them. “I’m Leah.”
“I’m Nia, and this is my twin sister, Miranda,” one of the women said.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” I said. “Which pack are you members of?”
“Pinedale,” Nia responded. “Although if your pack is ever looking for new members to join, we’ll follow Killian in a heartbeat.”
Something about the way she said my mate’s name made me feel uncomfortable, although I couldn’t put my finger on it. I thought perhaps it was from a lack of loyalty to her own alpha,but I decided to hold off any judgment. After all, I didn’t know how any of these packs were run.
“I’m happy to hear that you hold Alpha Killian in such high regard,” I said diplomatically.
“He’s got a really nice cock, that’s for sure,” Miranda stated.
“Excuse me?” I said, shocked at her brazenness.
“You heard me,” Miranda said with a smile.
“Didn’t you know?” Nia interjected. “K has fucked more women than you can count. Honestly, he probably doesn’t even remember all of us.”
I felt the color drain from my face, and my hands and feet went cold as my fight or flight response was activated. Both of these women had slept with Killian. My mate.
Mine, my wolf growled.
Take it easy, Destiny. We’re in the middle of three strange wolf packs,I reminded her.
“Is that so?” I said, doing my best to remain unbothered on the surface.
Nia and Miranda giggled at my response.
“Didn’t you wonder why the sex with him was so good when he fucked you last night?” Nia asked. “He’s had plenty of practice.”
“I’m just looking forward to when he gets tired of you,” Miranda said, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers. “I bet he’ll be back in my bed within the month.”
Internally, I was screaming as I listened to their hurtful words. I wanted to call them every dirty name I could think of, but we were surrounded by a crowd of people. I was a luna now.There was no way I could allow myself to fall to their level of spite.
“I doubt it,” I replied confidently. “Killian has more honor than you give him credit for. And much more loyalty than you, obviously, since you’re both ready to leave your pack to chase after a man who has already taken his vows.”
They scoffed but had nothing else to say before slinking away into the crowd. I took a deep breath as they departed and glanced around. Killian was nowhere to be seen, but I needed to get out of the crowd.